5725H 110023M 14768V (100) Can Now RemortTNL 50L Ouch:14 Boom:1,659
Stile says, '*s* I'm the russian roulette champion *S*'
5725H 110023M 14771V (100) Can Now RemortTNL 50L Ouch:14 Boom:1,659
Stile puts the gun against his head...
5725H 110023M 14771V (100) Can Now RemortTNL 50L Ouch:14 Boom:1,659
Stile swallows hard *GULP*
Stile pulls the trigger!
______ _ _______ _______ _
(____ \(_) (_______|_______) |
____) )_ _______ _ _ _| |
| __ (| | | ___ | ||_|| |_|
| |__) ) |_____| | | | | | |_
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Your blood freezes as you hear Stile's death cry.