At present there is an unusually large number of players working on zones in 6002, and some of you are new to 4D, or to building in general.
This is just a reminder that in 4D we have a lot of neat extra stuff in our OLC, that not all Muds can provide, which gives us the opportunity to build unusually challenging zones.
I am going to list a few of them below, might add more later;
- Listen/smell/taste/feel descs for rooms and objcets, that can be used to put Quest hints in
- Night descs, that can be used for mere atmosphere or hints
- Moon Phases and Seasons; Events can be set to occur only during a particular season or moon phase
- Room Sectors that hurt you, unless you use protection (f.i Sector DESERT, UNDERWATER, SPACE)
- Lately we also added the Room flag IRRADIATION, which has both negative and positive effects
- The mob flag SKINABLE (remember you have to also make a skin object, if an object doesn't already exist for it)
- Various types of portals that give different messages when entering them;
36) room portal
42) climbable
50) descendable
51) bush portal
52) water portal
53) hole portal
- You can also make a portal harder to detect, by using a teleport script instead
- The DG scripts are extremely versatile, a good scriptor can do almost anything with a trigger
That's all that comes to mind today.
Feel free to contribute, if you have more neat tips for Builders.