I like the idea, but given the number of rooms we already have in the mud, it would be a next to impossible task to add it to all those.
Also the script would be so long and hard to overlook that it really isn't feasible.
Now if the script was set on an object, let's say a Room Counter Gadget, we could make a gadget like that for each zone that we want to add the room counter feature to. (Or maybe we could set the script to the zone's Questcard, almost every zone has that).
Once we have a working script, it could easily be copied to new vnums.
This would be a feasible way to add it to one zone at the time.
It would be up to the Builder to provide a list of which rooms in their zone that are:
1. accessible
2. unaccessible for mortals
3. unused.
One problem, that Erwin pointed out, is that at present there is no ENTER flag for objects. We need one to be added to the DG-script code, which means a Coder effort.
Also we need to make sure that this ENTER flag works both if the player walks into the room or is teleported there.
That said, I really like the idea, it could be very useful, especially for zones with mazes and hidden parts. Not all zones would need a room counter.