Author Topic: Role Play Games/Mini-Session Ideas  (Read 41458 times)

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Offline Turin Orsini

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Re: Role Play Games/Mini-Session Ideas
« Reply #15 on: February 25, 2014, 07:40:46 am »
Molly sounds like an awesome idea, and until we get a theater, we perform on the streets. Much like real life there, make it a hit on the streets then we can take it to Broadway. :)

Offline Calypso

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Re: Role Play Games/Mini-Session Ideas
« Reply #16 on: February 25, 2014, 02:22:01 pm »
I don't have a problem with players without an RP flag performing role play. But of course, they cannot get award points for it until they have that flag.

I think we should have an official beginning of our role play push. Perhaps we can advertise it on kvetchs blog and have someone (Once?) send out mass emails about it, and offer double award points to kick start it. You know, really make a big deal out of it.
« Last Edit: February 25, 2014, 02:26:29 pm by Calypso »
I get my energy from my Inner G.

Offline Kvetch

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Re: Role Play Games/Mini-Session Ideas
« Reply #17 on: February 25, 2014, 08:51:51 pm »
ERm... I'd like to have more rpls on more of the day before we have a really big push for it.  And getting more RPL's is kind of troubling. I think RPL's should do more things like what Turin does - the gathering of the people, telling a story getting the players to tell their own, but I also know that roleplaying games usually require "something to do other than talk".  Which was why I'd been trying to come up with the loaders that RPL's could use to load things (like Captain Jack for the Talk Like A Pirate Day, the aliens for the Alien Invasion and the Holiday things (though I think those were used for lots more than roleplaying).  Yes, RPL's have recho which can make it look like something enters, moves around (but once I type look, unless you're using mobs in the room, the fact there's no one there by that name breaks the realm of illusion) - but the players don't have the same option (and I"m not saying to give it to them).

One of the reasons I love 4D is because of the quests - because, even when no-one else is on, you can still feel like you are part of a roleplaying story.  And if there was a way to do it, sending someone on a mission - like one of the quests - would be interesting, but there would be no way for the RPL to know how the player was doing without tagging along - and that could raise some questions in our "silence on the quests" line.

Maybe I'm thinking too deep on this.

As for Molly's post I have only this to say "Dang it, You want to use a place I already have designs for!"  Gilgamesh and I have built something in the build port to replace the current unicorn inn, but at the time she was doing that, you reminded her of Killer Klowns and I've not see her since.  But.. that's ok.. I'll just rename it and shove it somewhere else.

Offline Turin Orsini

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Re: Role Play Games/Mini-Session Ideas
« Reply #18 on: February 25, 2014, 10:12:46 pm »
And just think I do not even have an RPL flag  :P
What ever gets decided I am happy to do what ever is required and to work with other or by myself, I love roleplaying and would just like to see others have the chance to experience it and interact and make their own decisions on it.

Offline Kvetch

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Re: Role Play Games/Mini-Session Ideas
« Reply #19 on: February 26, 2014, 04:57:43 pm »
I had a crazy idea last night for roleplayers and RPL's.  We've created loaders for various things, but what if we do something like create things that can be used (renamed quickly for roleplaying) time after time.  I'm thinking back to something Riley wanted to run and she needed containers and various level mobs and then she needed these things loaded in particular rooms - it all took quite some time and then when no-one showed up to play, it just didn't seem worth it.

So, the thought behind my crazy idea is to create about 10 different sizes of containers, 10 different levels of mobs and if players could tell me what else is needed quickly, we could do various of that - these are generic things that can be renamed and used time after time after time.  The containers would be !take (it'd be something to hide things in/under/behind).  If we did objects to reward players - or they could pick up - they would have to have timers on them (because I want to be able to reuse the numbers at a later date).

I do want to make things easier for RPL's to quickly run a session that they think of (if they think of quests to run) because sometime you get a group and you need something to do.    Of course, unless we can think of generic container names that can be used for anything - like maybe a rock, basket, something... and generic mob names that can be reused - an IMM would have to rename the things, but it would be much quicker than the current system.


Offline Turin Orsini

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Re: Role Play Games/Mini-Session Ideas
« Reply #20 on: February 26, 2014, 05:13:54 pm »
Having a standard set of tools that could be made and sat waiting to be modified to suit the occasion would be a good idea.
would put the resources in one place and allow for faster access as well, and if the RPL's knew what resources they had to work with then any planned event would simply be I need a few of these and these and these and someone would just change a description to suit.