Author Topic: A general Hello and stuff  (Read 15869 times)

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Offline ramoth

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A general Hello and stuff
« on: January 29, 2014, 06:34:50 pm »

I am a new player here in 4D and I am enjoying my time so far quite a bit. I have jumped around from MUD to MUD for years now but in general I want to have a MUD where there is plenty to do. This definetely true of 4D and I may never do all of it.

I would also like to put my two cents in on something.

Seeing as I have played many a MUD in my years, there is no reason why 4D is so small in a playerbase because the game is amazing. I see some topics on here about "why". Well sometimes the answer doesn't need to be found. I don't think it is a matter of why. Sometimes a project needs to find its player.. and that takes time. i don't know exactly what I'm saying but basically ... don't focus on the "why" focus on the "when". Now is a great time to start getting 4D out there to others. Perhaps the past was not good for 4D but the now might be if we let it.

I plan to be on TMS forums a bit and see if I can give suggestions about 4D to people and see how that goes.

I'm basing this off of the topics I see here in General Discussions but I have no idea if it means anything! Just saying lol

Offline Sarias

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Re: A general Hello and stuff
« Reply #1 on: January 29, 2014, 11:23:25 pm »
I definitely agree! I hope you enjoy yourself here! :)

Offline Molly

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Re: A general Hello and stuff
« Reply #2 on: February 01, 2014, 03:27:28 am »
Thanks for the nice words, Ramoth, I'm glad you like it here.

A fact is that 4D always has had a rather small playerbase. We never had the money to advertise, and even in the good old days, we rarely peaked above 30 players. Perhaps that is why we never really grew. Someone once told me that the magic number was 40 players on line simultaneaously. Then the word-to-mouth effect would be strong enough to get more new players into the mud than the ones that quit, and then the Mud would start to grow exponentially. Well, we never reached that magic number, so we stayed small.

On the flip side, our regular players tend to stay very long, and we've survived the general decline of Text Muds better than most. There are advantages about being small too. You get to know everyone, and it is easier to make an impact yourself.

Anyhow, we've been on line for almost 20 years now, and we don't plan to disappear any time soon.

By the way, that nice review on TMC, was that you? If so, it was much appreciated. :)