Building & Scripting > Scripting Board
Impossible script?
Caly has decided to try and make me do an impossible script, so I need help.
Basically, a ring that Stile will be wearing will make it impossible for anyone but Caly to mount him. What I've tried to do doesn't seem to work as Stile doesn't have a command for the ring to block anyone, the ring just does it. So.. help?
Hmm, it should be an act or command trigger, with a name check. Could you post what you have on some closed imm board, that would make it easier to contemplate?
I assume Caly doesn't want everyone to view her ring script. If she agrees, you could of course post it here, more chance for help from other scriptors then. (Or maybe you could just strip what you are posting down to the bare essentials)
I don't think I have any sensitive information in my ring script. But yeah ease just post the script in question.
I basically posted what the bare essentials of the problem was.
I need a script that makes it so no one can mount stile other than Calypso. I'm not worried about when Stile has nomount on as no one can mount him then anyways. It's when he has nomount off (when normally anyone would be able to mount him because he is a centaur) that I need an object he is wearing to stop anyone other than Caly to be able to mount him. The rest of the script is just %send%'s and stuff like that.
A command script doesn't seem to work as Stile (who will be wearing the ring) will not be issuing the command to mount himself. I can't put the script on an object that Caly wears because it's not supposed to stop her, just anyone else - whether or not Caly is there or not - thus it has to be something Stile has/is wearing.
I had not thought of trying an act script as I don't usually work with those and only recently saw something on TBA that I posted here with hopes that would help me figure out how to actually use them.
For more details, all imm's got a forward of Caly's note to me on the game port when I was trying to pass it off to someone else to do.
Xerxes figured it out. Way to go, Xer! Making the rest of us look bad! Lol!
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