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Impossible script?

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Erm.. all Xerxes answer was to me not an answer - at least not with what you wanted.  Basically I'd have the same effect by telling you - Tell Stile to always have nomount on, unless you are around and then type nomount so you can mount him and then turn it off again.  Isn't that the way it is/could be now?  So.. why the script? 

The script, to me, was to have it look as though Calypso was the every seeing, all jealous wife so if you tried to mount Stile, you would get the message of "Calypso arrives and gives you a few pieces of her mind" (or some such junk - don't have the script in front of me to copy it) - whether Calypso was actually on or not.  Having Stile type nomount then have a script force you to mount him and then force him to nomount again isn't going to do that.  AGain, if that's what you're looking for - just tell Stile to always have nomount on and then I can continue with the rest of the stuff.

Yeah I would prefer to have the uninvited mounter to get a piece of my mind.

So again, we're back to.. help?

Here's the nomount part of the request:

If stile has nomount on, then no one can mount stile.
If stile has nomount OFF, if mounter isn't calypso, there is a script that blocks player:
"What makes you think you can mount another woman's husband? Get out of here before Calypso smites you!"

Of course, the first line is normal, so no need to have something scripted for that.  It's the second part that's the issue as this should go off any time someone tries to mount Stile - whether or not Calypso is on, after all she is the all knowing all seeing goddess of the sea that seems to have a jealous streak when it comes to Stile.  I've still not tried an act script at this point in time, so that may be the way to go, just not sure.


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