Building & Scripting > Scripting Board

Why isn't this working?


I have a script where I"m trying to let the mob have a variety of things they can answer.  Now, I've seen this done and I've done tsearch on scripts to make sure I have the right structure.  My question is this:  Why is it when I use any word that is not checked in the script, it does a syslog error?

Trigger Type: Speech, Numeric Arg: 1, Arg list: *
wait 1s
If %speech.contains(doing?)%

I have a whole list of words it's checking for, and each of them hit fine and work without the syslog error, but once I say anything other than what's listed instead of getting nothing, I get: [ Trigger: Angel Speech, VNum 28093, type: 0. unknown room field: 'contains ' ]

Looking at the way the scripts on the game port end, I don't see why this is happening.

The answer to the problem seems to be this:

Elseif does not equal elseif

I changed the first to the second and it works fine now without the syslog error.

So, special note to you scriptors.. yes, the scripting IS that particular about things.  :P

That's crazy, haha! Way to be vigilant, Vetchy.


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