Building & Scripting > Building Board

Something New In Building Mobs!!


Thotter has graced us with his skills and has created custom walkin/walkout for mobs. This means you can create a walkin and walkout for any of your mobs in the game - no more needing to script it on every room for every mob.  Of course, if you don't want to use it, you just leave the choices blank and the default will still be used.

The variables are $n for the mobs name and $n and $d for the direction.  For example:

P) Arrive    : $n has arrived from the $d, hopping like a rabbit.
Z) Leave     : $n marches $d, muttering something about demonstrating custom moves.

Put on a cityguard looks like this:

A cityguard marches north, muttering something about demonstrating custom moves.
A cityguard has arrived from the north, hopping like a rabbit.

I like this - particularly useful for animals like snakes, slugs, insects and weird aliens like the Xetans on pleasure Planet.

Not for everyday use, but definiely a cool thing for special mobs.

According to Thotter, $n also shows up as Someone, if the mob is invisible to you.

What?  Not every day use???  *hehe*  All of my zones tended to have scripts for most of the mob movements because I hated the defaults.  The problem I had was that I couldn't put in directions because when I tried it always messed up.  Now I can do directions too.  *yayness*

Kvetch <3 Thotter


That's because all your mobs are special. :)

(creepy crawly things...  eeeew...)


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