Error: :: osend called without a message
This error comes about because there is nothing to be sent, so here are two examples of where this error comes about:
First example:
This usually occurs when copying and pasting scripts in the client where there is a colour code. Eg, suppose you wanted a line break, and you actually had:
%echo% {cx
%send% %actor% {cx
%echoaround% %actor% {cx
However, copying and pasting this in a client would lead to copying and pasting just
%send% %actor%
%echoaround% %actor%
Hence an error.
Second example:
When a variable hasn't been defined yet, and you want to send / echo it. Suppose you had a quest with dynamically generated passwords, and the variable %password% could be something random, eg
set password %random.5%
and later
%send% %actor% The password is:
%send% %actor% ...
%send% %actor% %password%
If the second snippet is run first, and %password% hasn't been defined, then the error will occur.
Consequences of this error in syslog: For the first example, not really game-breaking, since it's more of a cosmetic issue (do line breaks look nice?) But for the second example, it might break a quest or two..
How to spot this error: Just search for lines that are of the form:
%send% %actor%
%echoaround% %actor%
%echo% %blahblah%
%send% %actor% %blahblah%