I'm going to try to answer Xeri's questions the best I can.
1) I've forgotten the "do not perz" list already and the reason behind not perzing them, but I think any item that depends on the s-desc or such for a script, really shouldn't be perzed. I mean, really, how many players are going to say "Hey, I shouldn't be able to do this because of a script..." Ok, they'd probably think it along with "but since it's not working right.. mwaahahahahaha..."
2) I have a hard enough time keeping up with my items in the game and was never good at knowing the good items anyway so, I have no say on what should be on there that isn't.
3) Shoot.. the way people were asking me for statless rp items, I was starting to think it was too cheap. Right now gold means nothing (unless you're a newbie then it's the world).
4) I've always liked the idea of people being able to restring anything, but... and I have to look at this in two different ways.. as a builder, I have a problem with it because now 1) I don't know who, if anyone, is using my stuff just by looking at them and 2) I spent quite a while trying to come up with that spiffy name and backstory for that Battleax of the Dragon Spine Mountains, and you're going to change it because "sorry, it just don't go with my outfit" - well, leave my battleax alone and go find something that does - if you want the ax, you can take the name.

Now, as the RPL overlord, I have to look at it like this: so, isn't it more of an RP thing to have people work on their outfits so it goes together. In most games you get what you find, you don't get to rename it.
5) I do think it would devalue perz's, I also think it would make people be a bit more conscious on where they walk/flee to (I'm sorry, can you still flee into a DT?). What cost would make it worth while in my mind and not devalue the perz's so much? More than 1 silver. After all if it costs only 1 silver, then I can hit a dt/accidentally junk my restrung item 7 times before the cost of it becomes more than a perz - so.. why would I perz anything again? I really don't see any incentives to perzing an item instead of restringing it at the cost of 1 silver.
6) 15 perz limit? Most of the time I was making them I forgot to check.. and then when I did, I was trying to figure out... ok, that's a key, does it *really* count as a perz? I never counted them... or bags/containers for that matter, it may have the players name on it, but it was more rp to me than perz. I never understood the 15 limit.
7) Duplicates: The problem with this is the "got them legitimately" part. How would anyone ever know? Cati ends up with 15 copies of one perz who is to say how she got them? Right now we know she's got 14x the trouble when she's found holding them. With whatever hiccup caused the current mess of duplicate perz's being so recent, I'd be hesitant to let duplicates go in any time soon.

I've always let people buy perz's for other people - so long as the other person wasn't at their 15 max (when I thought to look for it). But yes, buy it for them, they get to do what they want with it. The purchaser in this case would no longer have access to that item (unless the person it was bought for put a script on it). And even with that, I would say it would be up to the receiver if they wanted a script on it, not have the purchaser put a script on it that let him/her use it (who knows, maybe the recipient really doesn't want them to use it.
As for having plenty of vnums - make sure I know what zones you're using for this. I would hate to overlap with building zones. And I also find that 100 objects doesn't last nearly as long as you'd think it would.