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Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Making it easier for new players how to advance
« on: September 06, 2011, 01:49:36 pm »
I think "Speed Management" (aka dropping heals, empty inventory, etc) should be a 1st Remort on effect. You should probably be immune from it as a newbie and slowly introduced to things like that. Dropping all your stuff and picking it up after every fight is kind of odious and takes a while to get used to (especially if you're learning commands at the same time).

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Cybernetics
« on: September 06, 2011, 01:47:40 pm »
To everybody reading this thread but not commenting: You're all completely useless ;). If we have a culture which ignores ideas like this instead of jumping in and commenting we're going to develop a culture where nobody posts ideas. Get your asses in gear with commenting and making ideas posts. Who knows, you might actually see one of your ideas come live and get credit for it in the helpfile.

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Dialect variation
« on: August 25, 2011, 02:57:18 am »

Do people still feel strongly about this?

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Subraces
« on: August 21, 2011, 04:22:36 am »
What if it's not a sub-race, but instead some sort of remort race? Something that you advance or evolve into after you reach a certain level of power. It'd need to be somewhat more unique, and the bonuses should be something more horizontal (meaning different, not just better stats).

That said:  Is everyone actually happy with races the way they are? They seem a mite unbalanced.

General Discussions / Re: What makes you play 4D mud?
« on: July 01, 2011, 06:09:06 pm »
I love tormenting people.

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Future Clan Contests
« on: June 11, 2011, 07:11:24 pm »
Hey guys,

Sorry to be late to the party as Asmo says. I've finally gotten a chance to dig into what we're doing here, and I've got to say I think it meets several shortcomings that I've always had with the way 4Dimension features tend to launch. There's no sense of real strategy behind why a feature should exist, what it should do, how you want users to interact with it, and no sense of testing as to whether or not it meets those goals.

I think you guys put a lot of work on it, which is great, but if we take a step back and look at what the actual solution achieves we'll find that:

1) It does create a competitive environment between clans, which is great for keeping some element of interest.
1.B) It does not, to my knowledge, actually publicly incite clans when someone just stole their deed. That might get a little public banter and competitiveness going. Stealing someone's deed could become a nice public rivalry.

2) The helpfile of the system is a lot better than the actual system itself. As you'll see here:

>help deeds
Clan deeds are prestigious bragging rights. It
indicates that clan members have spent a large amount
of time getting to know the ins and outs of a
particular zone. This intimate knowledge of a zone is
then passed onto all members of the clan, bestowing
experience bonuses to the individuals and bonus gold
coins to the clan treasury.

The secrets to attain these deeds are a mystery but
at the very least, one needs to spend some time in the


That sounds, in a word, badass. What we have instead is a grind fest. A complete and utter grind fest. Tell me, why would a MUD which is remarkable for the intelligence and wit of its zones, focus on one of its worst features. Grinding is basically the worst thing about 4d currently. This just emphasizes it further, and that's where I feel there's no sense of strategy here. All you're really doing is catering to people who like to see text shoot by everytime they type k mob. If that's the player you want to cater to, then I'm wrong and this is the perfect system. My guess though is that this is not the case.

3) It's really just one more way for high level oldbies to show off. There's not a whole lot that intelligent up and coming players can do to really collect a lot of deeds. You need the best gear, GM, and a whole lot of time to grind to really get anywhere with it.
3.b) There's also no real personal call outs as to who achieved a deed that I can see. Maybe this is in a clan that actually has achieved deeds? If so, forgive me, but I think there should be a way of recognizing the person in addition to the clan.

4) With the grindfest as it is, we'll eventually reach a point where there's little point in joining any clan other than X or Y because they get the biggest benefits and the amount of time to get new deeds for another clan is just painful. If this was intentional, great. I'm willing to bet it was actually completely unintentional and is a result of the system, its goals, and its affects failing to have been thought through.

Rather than just be negative though, I thought I'd also break down a few solutions for you all to think through.

1) On the topic of the grind fest, deeds should be tracked to something interesting in the zone itself. Maybe deeds are still grindish, but they're at a much lower rate % rate than they are now. However, in order to even load a deed in a zone you have to have captured the zone's Zone Flag. Then you don't have near as much grinding because it's maybe 1 in 20 kills, and you also have it be a reward for people who have explored and thoroughly understood an area. Then you can also have clan dynamics in going after a zone flag because if it's gonna take me 100+ kills to get a flag back I'm frankly not gonna be bothered.

2) Show the name of the person in the deed box. Let them get a little glory. Give all the benefits to the clan still, but why not allow a person to shine through this deed's system?

3) Reset deeds monthly/quarterly. When the period is over, suddenly all deeds are wiped. There's a mad rush to be the first to collect deeds which is both going to be thrilling and also very very fun. Especially if deeds are quicker to acquire. I envision a lot of bragging and taunting over gossip the first day after the reset. However, if the kill percentage is low enough because of the zone flags tweak mentioned above this is sort of made irrelevant.

4) Publicly announce similar to a mob "brag" when someone steals a deed from someone else. Let's make it truly competitive. Let's get people actually arguing about it and pushing eachother to new feats. If Jason just stole my clan's deed to Fenizia, and I didn't have the Fenizia zone flag, I'd probably bust ass to find it and then get the deed back if I were an active player.  This would probably do a lot to make it a fun and engaging system, rather than a relatively ignored system.


That's the start of how I think deeds should be structured, how I think they should be changed, and where I think the problem with the current system is. Let me know if I missed anything, or if I'm wrong in any way.


Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Future Clan Contests
« on: May 25, 2011, 04:28:17 pm »
Who makes the list of deeds? Did you want to start by posting a couple samples Virisin, so others can join in and we can maybe get some of the content out of the way for the rest of the team to implement?

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Clan Ideas - The Complete Edition
« on: May 18, 2011, 03:30:33 am »
Not a bad idea, but it requires a critical mass across different clans to successfully implement. A critical mass that's currently pretty much missing. Until there's enough mass to sustain it, I think it'll just piss people off without much recourse. 

As much as I hate to say it, I think Virisin's clan idea fits better with the current environment.

General Discussions / Re: The greatest and the dirtiest deeds
« on: May 16, 2011, 12:40:10 pm »
I once screwed someone over and made them cry. It was pretty great. It got me hard too, which makes it kind of dirty I think.

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Future Clan Contests
« on: May 16, 2011, 02:26:50 am »
In order to allow scripting of Virisin's idea you'll need to code:

1) "Clan_owner" as a variable for a zone. Zones need to store which clan owns them based on the deeds. This variable may need to be reset regularly to prevent stagnation. I'd recommend once per "mud year", just to keep things active.

2) A method in dg_scripts.cpp or whatever the hell it's called in your codebase that allows you to read, print, and modify clan_owner for a zone. The easiest way would probably be to have it based off of the world/room functions and just have the %self.clan_owner% call the room's zone rather than creating a zone.clan_owner function to iterate through. Not the cleanest method, but quick, easy, and with very little downsides.

From there it's mostly just a rote task of creating the actual deeds. Time consuming, but better as a scripted activity rather than a coded activity so that people can regularly tweak them without needing to recompile or involve someone with programming knowledge. If clan_owner is done right, scripters could even reset the clan that "owns" the zone without any coding knowledge which would make it easier to refresh for mud wide updates.


Consider that my good deed for the month.

General Discussions / Re: 4dimensions
« on: February 25, 2011, 09:14:17 pm »
This idea does not suck, which is surprising considering its source. I'm going to steal parts of it quite liberally.


General Discussions / Re: The greatest and the dirtiest deeds
« on: February 23, 2011, 09:14:47 pm »
lol, as if I'd be the right hand man of an idiot. One of my dirty deeds (but certainly not my dirtiest) was constantly fucking with Jason when he was younger. I used to send vaguely threatening sounding tells like "I know what you did" and log off. Then I'd log onto an alt and watch him freak. This went on for a number of years and only really stopped after he built up confidence from becoming CL of the Sicilians (which is a sad shadow of what it was), and remorted 50 times.

Maybe I'll make a more elaborate post later.

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Player Wipe (PWipe)
« on: November 16, 2009, 03:16:45 am »
If you ask me, most of you are being about as logical and well reasoned as Vivek here.

Read up on Opportunity Cost and Macroeconomic theories.

HINT: Knowing which quests to solve has nothing whatsoever to do with inflation. That's like claiming that since you know carpentry and can earn a wage the USD will just get inflated again.

A pwipe coupled with proper rebalancing can lead to a well structured economy with reasonable inputs and reasonable sinks for each of the currencies to ensure things are both fun and that a vibrant economy can be established.

If you're still feeling apprehensive about the pwipe after reading this, ask yourself:

Are you actually playing rather than socializing now anyway?

Do you think having a reason to actively play would make the game more enjoyable and less of a chatroom?

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Player Wipe (PWipe)
« on: November 11, 2009, 04:28:06 am »
A question for you guys, how many of you would agree to a pwipe if you were allowed to keep 1 house and a limited number of perzes?

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Player Wipe (PWipe)
« on: November 09, 2009, 10:09:53 pm »
So what is this proposal now that it's got feedback?

Pwipe, no house, no perzes, no tokens, clan leaders voted back into power? Retain their old power?

What's going to change the game such to be worthy of a pwipe? Can the pwipe be avoided through smart planning in the rebalancing? Will the pwipe serve as a source of rejuvenation for getting old players active again?

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