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Messages - Ruby

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News & Announcements / Re: The mighty Golems and their future...
« on: August 17, 2009, 06:35:36 am »
For the problem with the 5 second lag, can it be put after the information is displayed?

Edit (added on later):
One more thing.. it's not really a bug, but there is a line on the gstat that says:
"| | 5) Tier: - None "
The golem can also continue to earn exp at tier 4, but when it reaches 100% exp, it just continues to build up to 101% etc.  Maybe instead of removing either, you can think about a "special" mastery bonus for reaching the end of tier 4.  For example, for thief, maybe it can begin to steal things by entering the room with you, instead of depending on the mob to enter the room first, or a general stats buff for the bodyguard.

Atm, I think it might be too easy to level the golems.  I don't really notice a big difference in the G-exp requirement at tier 3 and tier 4, but it should be more difficult to level the last tiers.  But maybe it's because I have the play-testing thief golem.

News & Announcements / Re: The mighty Golems and their future...
« on: August 17, 2009, 04:06:14 am »
I never tried golems, so I decide to give them a go today.  I'm still playing with them now while I'm typing this post.

Some things I liked:
I liked the extra things each golem are supposed to do.  I haven't unlocked anything interesting on mine yet, but reading about their abilities was interesting.

Some things I didn't like:
I didn't like that they don't autoassist.  I suppose that's because they're not a charmed mob like regular pets are but a lot of times, I'm halfway through a fight before I realize my golem is not gaining any exp.
I didn't like that the gstat command took a long time to display the information.  I'm not sure the reasoning behind making us wait for the information.

The reason I tried golems now, and never before was because there wasn't a lot of information available for it.  There is no golem helpfile, which would be the first place I would look if I wanted information.  Plus it's not a very well advertised feature.

I'm not sure about what improvements I could suggest, other than fixing the two things I didn't like, but I'm really looking forward to the spy and healer golem types.

Finally, there was one bug, but I think it's just a display bug.  When I summoned my tier 2 golem, I typed gstat, but before the golem transformed, it displayed an amount of G-Exp double what it really had (184% as opposed to 92%)

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