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Topics - spelk

Pages: [1]
General Discussions / Shout out for 4D!
« on: January 08, 2010, 06:04:55 am »
On my gaming blog, I did a sort of mini-round up of some of the MUD's I've been looking at lately, and subsequently gave a shout out to 4D, since its one of the only MUD's thats kept my attention for very long, and has a unique approach to the questing side of things.

Thanks for being there, with intergrity, its just a shame more players haven't noticed you.

General Discussions / In-game Mapping/Automapping?
« on: January 05, 2010, 08:20:09 am »
What do the admins and players of 4D think about MUD's that visually represent the world in map format on a constant basis? I often get quite lost, in even the most simplest area/room designs, and I'm all for MUD's that have at least a basic visual display of the area around the player. Thats not to say it replaces the vivid descriptions of the rooms themselves, but it just aids the player in remembering key features of the area and navigation to those features.

I've tried to combat my mental block when it comes to visualising areas, by using pen and paper, or even tools like zMapper, but they always fall short, and often are more trouble than their worth. Scribbling it all out to pen and paper seems to slow the whole experience down to a crawl, and its infuriating when you scrawl out an area, and then find that another adjoining feature throws your layout into chaos. I know 4D has a basic visual map (sort of like a compass representation), I wondered if 4D has considered anything more detailed or elaborate?

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