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Messages - Asmoday

Pages: [1]
Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Clan Wars
« on: December 12, 2011, 10:50:02 am »
maybe get pk flag automaticly when u ding ur 30 remort,of course you can get the flag when u desire too

oh yea , another one!
if you want to bring back the joy of getting gear, pk and such, remove the damn timers from the artifacts and set a certain max number.
oh and of course make some way to prevent stacking of arti's in house/chest's

new idea : junks should be alowed , by this i mean that imms should stay out of it , and not restore the gear (except perzes for the right price)
you remember how things use to be, and how each day 4d had over 20 people playerbase
drama must be created and kept this way in order to achive whats needed.
quests are boring if there is no reason to do them except to showoff at recall, but theres an issue
none really cares about gear anymore , why ? cause they are not vulnerable

we should really focus on clans, how clans helps new people , how clans are ranked , how clans can provide new spells/skills for the people , maybe even more with ranks in clans
also maybe the titles coresponding to the ranks in the clan can be shown in the /who list
more to be added

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Creating a Fighting league.
« on: January 18, 2011, 02:43:13 pm »
i'm in

General Discussions / Re: The greatest and the dirtiest deeds
« on: January 12, 2011, 03:00:13 am »
I remember when Alayna had a personal problem with the Dark Jedi's , well mostly with me and Dragonass so she payed Tocharaeh some tokens to junk me
Of course Toch told me so i made the PR gear just like my perzes (apparently she wanted my perzes badly) and i let Toch junk me and get the perzes
When Alayna dropped the stuff into Dragons trophy room , the description was something like "Dark Jedi's rule" can't really remember exactly , but what i do remember is getting a whisper from Molly congratulating me about the awesome plot


     I read what was written before, I would not want to answer all questions, but I think the answer may be quite simple: Clans
     I remember what attracted me most to 4d was that it was a fight between clans ,also whenever someone came into play, all the talk, all that was heard ,was about the importance of the clan, about how important it is to do part of a clan and everyone wanted to be part of a clan -> drama -> interest -> lots of people playing
I think some changes should be made also in this side of the game
Also the first remort should require less experience , so people would be "lost" without a clan

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Player Wipe (PWipe)
« on: November 14, 2009, 08:43:13 pm »
Ok , first i didn't agree with this whole pwipe thing , but after reading and reading pro's and against ideas i think i'v changed my mind into yes , do it . What the hell , i have i don't know , 4-5 chests full with sets of gear.. for what? i can retake it ( if i remember how ) but yeah , i'd do some amazing quests again , if i have the time , and id try to have it . Anyway the thing that bothers me is one single one
perzes . Meaning lets say i have 5 perzes , then before the pwipe , someone should write em down , and whenever i wanna perz something , get it for free , just because i allready had some
so if i have 5 perzes before pwipe , i sould get 5 perzes back , whenever i want on whatever i want
fair neh ?

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Clans
« on: November 14, 2009, 08:33:39 pm »
Clan war , yeah its nice , also at this point its useless i mean , for example Chaos is in war with DJ's ok you have to kill us all , or viceversa , none really plays none really quests none really moves out his clan/recall so this war can take forever ..

General Discussions / Re: HEY! How did you find us? People wanna know!
« on: November 14, 2009, 08:29:30 pm »
Was going in a net caffe where Thelamb , Reyko , Gartax and Lionheart used to play , got they where so obsessed so i started playing with them too

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Player Wipe (PWipe)
« on: November 10, 2009, 05:14:56 am »
my vote regarding pwipe is NO for sure
i mean seriously , i worked my ass , havent slept in nights to get that gm and now you wanna erase it for?
we have this player issue anyway and now you wanna make all to lvl 1 , id say more will quit then imagined
at least i would for sure
and regarding clan pwipe , no again , all clans have their history , why would you do that?

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Skill Tree System
« on: February 23, 2009, 07:30:26 am »
got an ideea
on the priest side , why not priests can be holy and shadow/dark
holy talents would focus in healing and so while shadow could be focused on doing damage

oh yeah , and i also think gypsie class should be looked carefully , its most useless class in game
not pointing out anyone just saying , soon ill try to come with some ideeas

lol what's the connection betwean you insulting iwku and my father or my life ?

and your fearless warriors insult ladyes calling them bitches?

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