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Topics - Virisin

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Suggestions & Ideas / Stats
« on: November 10, 2009, 12:43:55 am »
It annoys me that damroll has no cap, whereas speed and especially charisma do. Even the normal stats are to a lesser extent annoying in that everyone has full stats easily. Speed should be taken care of with skill trees, but I'd like to see the cap completely removed from charisma, and possibly just caps raised for the other stats.

Suggestions & Ideas / Trainer System
« on: November 09, 2009, 09:10:35 pm »
Ok, I have come to the conclusion that the trainer system currently doesn't fit with our system. Partly because there are a few skills and spells in quest areas and it's encouraging people to show other people the way into quest areas, but mainly because in the current system there are literally only like 10 or so skills or spells that are worth getting, and trainers just mean people use even less spells because they know they're just going to remort again soon anyway.

I propose that Mike should once again teach every skill and spell, and once the new skill tree system comes in, we re-implement the trainers except slightly reposition some of the skills or spells that were put in bad places originally, such as quest zones.

Costs stay the same though.

Suggestions & Ideas / Player Wipe (PWipe)
« on: November 09, 2009, 04:39:26 pm »
Pretty basic, would you support a PWipe, yes or no. If you're a current player would it cause you to leave, if you're an oldbie that doesn't really actually play anymore, would it cause you to come back and do stuff again?

If you chose depends, explain what it depends on, say, if you'd support a pwipe if it were coupled with some big system change or whatever.

Suggestions & Ideas / Some Suggestions To Coders
« on: November 07, 2009, 04:26:45 pm »
1. The skill trainer system never seems to have been completely finished, I think once someone has practiced a skill with the trainer and has used the practice session, they should then be allowed to train it further with Mike the guildmaster. The aim is to get people to explore a bit and give zones something else to add to them for depth, but once someone has done all that, if they just want to practice it up a bit more after remorting or something, Mike should be sufficient.

2. Clan info needs to be upgraded, it's boring and shitty compared to who/score/worth/gold/clan info <blah>. I don't know what clan ID's are but they don't need to be displayed, whereas clan treasuries should be displayed. It just needs to be laid out nicer with some colour as well as adding treasuries to the info basically. Also, power should count up player remorts/tiers/levels so it's a real indication of power, not just levels because that's completely irrelevant to the game currently. (treasury also needs comma's so it's easier to read in clan info <blah> as well as clan info if it's added.

More to come

General Discussions / Hey
« on: April 12, 2009, 06:47:01 pm »
Uhh, hi. :)

Suggestions & Ideas / Innates and Immunities
« on: July 06, 2008, 04:59:16 am »
Hi guys, my name is Virisin. You may remember me from such shows as, '<meh think up a lame name for here>' and '<again..>'.

I think we should modify innates, and add immunities. Innates and immunities are only allowed on items with under 4 total stat points currently on the item. So players vary the eq they wear. They can go for all stats, or lots of innates, or lots of immunities. Or they can swap as the time suits them: when all their spellbuffs wear off, they chuck on an innate sanc and an innate strength for example to last them for a bit longer while levelling. Before their heals run out. If they come up against a set of mobs with poisoned daggers, they wear a cloak with immunity to poison (high tech woolen cloak.. I know)...

Rah.. Etc.

Suggestions & Ideas / Grouping
« on: June 13, 2008, 02:36:39 am »
Normal grouping: the grouping style of the old code. Experience is split evenly, there is a 'tank' that takes all the damage. Tank = most recent group member.

Pros: cool
Cons: encourages powerlevelling (this is kinda small though, as the playerbase is so small that powerlevelling isn't really such a big issue..)

Complex grouping: two people are leveling, the highest total tnl group member gets half of the total exp he would get if leveling by himself. Whatever percentage of his total experience to next level this is, is knocked off other group members total experience to next level.

Example: group member with the highest tnl gets half the exp he'd usually get solo. If this is 2% of his tnl, then all his group members get 2% off their tnl.

Pros: kinda cool
Cons: Erwin might reply with some cons...

General Discussions / I'll Be The Judge
« on: June 06, 2008, 10:32:38 pm »
Ok, answer me a few questions so I can judge you. If I hate you, this may be your chance to redeem yourself...

1. Are you religious?

2. Do you believe in Global Warming?

3. <-- Listen to the audio. Tell me what you think of it.

That is all. :D

General Discussions / An Interesting Read
« on: May 24, 2008, 11:50:50 pm »
Just read this article by a pretty intelligent dude. I'd like to claim it for my own, but Erwin or Fiz would call me out. :( Anyhow, right from the start I agreed with what it had to say, regarding levels pulling people apart. Which seems even more pronounced on 4d with tiers and remorts.

Also, here's an article by the same guy on a quest he made which is rather in depth..

Have a read, and voice your own oppinions.

Suggestions & Ideas / Recall - Controversial Idea!
« on: May 23, 2008, 06:20:28 pm »
I know I've written an idea like this somewhere before, must have been on the old forum. But I can't remember the answer I got to it, and I think I've improved on the idea again.

This might be kinda confusing to follow, because it's a kinda strange idea, but bear (bear or bare?) with me.

I want to remove the whole recall area from the mud setting itself. I want player characters to ALWAYS be either in one of the dimensions, in their house set in one of the dimensions, or in their clans set in one of the dimensions.

I know recall is the sweetest socialising point, so here's the compromise:

If you type 'recall', you leave your body where it is, and become a spirit or something in the recall area, so you can sit at recall if you want, or you can look at all the important information around recall.. But your body is still out in the game, so you'd want to leave it in a !peaceful room if you were a PKer. I think it'd make the game more IC sort of, and it'd work well for when clans are set into the game. And it'd encourage less sitting at recall. People could go out, explore, then just 'recall' to take a break for a bit, before typing something like, 'return' and taking over their body again.

I also think, seeing as this would make it harder to move from dimension to dimension, it'd be awesome to add in more unique time traps. Every crash/reboot/copyover a hundred or so time traps are randomly generated and scattered around the mud, with exits to other dimensions.

I'm going to keep editting this as I think more about the idea, but give me your thoughts on it as well. I really think the idea could give the game a lot more atmosphere.

Suggestions & Ideas / Skills & Spells Training Costs
« on: April 14, 2008, 01:44:47 am »
Let the games begin!

Suggestions & Ideas / Bugs.
« on: April 12, 2008, 07:20:24 pm »
Bugs that need fixing:

- staves
- elementals
- poison doesn't work when cast on a player
- magic bubble can't be cast on self
- segmented mobs
- ice shield

I shall keep this list updated.  ;D

Suggestions & Ideas / Some Skills
« on: April 11, 2008, 07:07:32 pm »
I reckon brace + parry should be moved to tier 3 or 4 skills. They're both uber, at least as powerful as phase + dodge which are already tier 3 skills.. And it means a GM fighter gets parry + brace.. And a GM rogue gets parry + brace + dodge + phase. It's kinda an unfair advantage to one GM over another..

I know most GM's these days are stupid and don't take advantage of these things, but yeah.. I think it should be changed.

Suggestions & Ideas / Trample
« on: March 08, 2008, 07:35:59 pm »
The delay on trample seems overly long.. Could it please be looked at?

Suggestions & Ideas / Spells
« on: March 02, 2008, 12:35:28 am »
I'm just making a thread about spells because they seem badly organised.. And I was wondering what other people thought:

Currently there are spells like demonshreak that arn't much better than spells like fireball.. Even though demonshreak is a tier 4 spell that requires -1000 align, and fireball is a tier 1 spell.. And with 'mind fire' fireball gets better anyway.. Some spells cost far too much mana for the damage they do, and some spells have timers so you can't cast them more than like once a day.  :-\ Some caster classes don't get spells that compliment their elemental strengths - or if they do, they're the crap spells that either cost too much mana, or have timer delays on casting multiple times..

Basically it seems a shambles, either spell strength should depend on what tier you get it, and should have mana cost and timers to match, or they should be strategically placed so each caster class gets some good spells that work with their elemental strengths aswel as getting the 'mind' spell to match them..

Or even a new spell system that just let's us research our own spells, name them, give them their elemental strengths, and have their strength depend on how strong the caster is, aswel as when we researched them.. Researching could cost cash, more cash = stronger spell.. (up to a limit of course).. It'd also mean we wouldn't need so many spells that just don't seem to make sense..


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