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Messages - virinis

Pages: 1 [2]
Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Future Clan Contests
« on: May 24, 2011, 08:04:38 am »
Ideally deeds are an interesting thing that anyone can get up and have a hunt for at any time, or they should be. Clannies should be able to go on a weekend mission and capture 40-50 deeds and create a large revenue source for themselves in a few hunting missions. But you want it to be hunting missions, randomload on any mob in the zone, if it's a shop-keeper it's just gonna be hard to get that deed until a reboot or repop or someone manages to steal it somehow. A list of deeds would be ideal as well as which clan owns them.

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Clan Ideas - The Complete Edition
« on: May 19, 2011, 03:15:02 am »
Stealing zone-flags is a terrible idea. That's like stealing hall of fame statues, obviously there's a sense of entitlement but so it should.

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Clan Ideas - The Complete Edition
« on: May 18, 2011, 09:43:33 pm »
Molly is dead-on as usual. I agree about the zone-flags too.

General Discussions / Re: The greatest and the dirtiest deeds
« on: May 17, 2011, 07:13:04 am »
I can't remember if I've already said this but one of my personal favorites was when I managed to somehow get an (IMM) flag on my character (no one ever figured out why, myself included) and then tried to use the revert command, or whatever the command is that imms use to set themselves as normal characters that show with (IMM) flags, but all it did when I used it was remove the flag, set me at level 1, but not alter my stats at all.. So when I relevelled up to level 50, with full con equipment on and high charisma, I got up to 12k HP and was pretty much unbeatable in PK for about a year before I let people know.. heh

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Future Clan Contests
« on: May 10, 2011, 08:06:00 pm »
Mmmm, ok.

First of all I think a few people have gotten the wrong idea about what deeds are and how they would work ideally.

Deeds are similar to zone-flags, but also quite different.

  • Every zone should have a deed, and they should all be out at once, not released as batches.
  • Deeds should randomly load on any mob within the zone, not a selection. Players should have to get lucky or thoroughly destroy a zone to uncover the deed, not just go around killing the top 3 mobs from every zone when they want to find a deed.
  • Deeds can be claimed by either getting the deed from the corpse of a mob, or stealing the deed off a mob. Once a deed is placed in a container in a clanhall, that clan 'claims' the deed.
  • Once a zone re-pops, the zone deed is reset on a new random mob in the zone, and is ready to be claimed again (regardless of the fact the deed is still officially claimed by a clan at this stage).
  • It would be cool if once a clan owns a zone, they get a percentage of all the shop transactions that occur within the zone, put into their treasury. It would also be cool if clan mobs started roaming zones if they had owned the zone for a certain amount of time. Or if zone mobs became aggro to non-clannies, or became non-aggro to clannies that owned a zone.
  • It would be cool if clannies gained slightly increased experience in a zone they owned

These ideas mostly all come from this thread:,399.30.html where they are talked about alongside other substantial clan changes that would also be cool.

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