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Messages - Calypso

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Barrel of Laughs / Arthur Davidson
« on: September 23, 2011, 06:30:39 am »
The inventor of the Harley-Davidson motorcycle, Arthur Davidson , died
and went to heaven.
At the gates, St. Peter told Arthur. 'Since you've been such a good man
and your motorcycles have changed the world, your reward is, you can
hang out with anyone you want to in heaven.'
Arthur thought about it for a minute and then said, ' I want to hang out
with God.'
St. Peter took Arthur to the Throne Room, and introduced him to God.
God recognized Arthur and commented, 'Okay, so you were the one who
invented the Harley-Davidson motorcycle? '
Arthur said, 'Yeah, that's me...'
God commented: 'Well, what's the big deal in inventing something that's
pretty unstable, makes noise and pollution and can't run without a
Arthur was a bit embarrassed, but finally spoke, 'Excuse me, but aren't
you the inventor of woman?'
God said, 'Ah, yes.'
'Well,' said Arthur, 'professional to professional, you have some major
design flaws in your invention !
1. There's too much inconsistency in the front-end suspension
2. It chatters constantly at high speeds
3. Most rear ends are too soft and wobble about too much
4. The intake is placed way too close to the exhaust
5. The maintenance costs are outrageous!!!!
'Hmm... you may have some good points there,' replied God, 'hold on.'
God went to his Celestial supercomputer, typed in a few words and waited
for the results.
The computer printed out a slip of paper and God read it.
'Well, it may be true that my invention is flawed,' God said to Arthur,
'but according to these numbers, more men are riding my invention than

Once's Board / Re: What should be done about GM?
« on: September 19, 2011, 03:53:10 pm »
I voted for the last 8 remorts idea. (Mainly because it was my idea) However one thing that I think would need to happen in conjunction with this is the experience needed per remort no long increasing. Have it just be set.  Someone with T4 at 50 remorts shouldn't need anymore than someone T4 at 80. Unless of course there is some sort of minimal benefit of remorting more.

Good point. Currently, there is no benefit to remorting after 50, only drawbacks. Seems we should add one or get rid of the other.

How am I to get to my 500th remort if I have to level through 2875298743928743098740291384 xp per level? *sheesh* ::)

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: "Affectables"
« on: September 19, 2011, 03:12:09 pm »
Ability for a caster to steal another caster's focus multiplier (like life suck only with focus multiplier)

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: "Affectables"
« on: September 19, 2011, 02:17:25 pm »
It's all fun and games till someone complains to an imm that they walked into a DT.

*evil grin*

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: "Affectables"
« on: September 19, 2011, 02:04:39 pm »
Ability to make victim see random surrounding rooms rather than current room (like scan only forced and less temporary) (this could effectively make caster invisible to victim and would screw up victims sense of direction)

Ability to confuse the victim's directions (so player types south but goes north)

Ability to force victim to follow caster (great for many reasons, one of which is, when grouped, the leader can hit follower but not the other way around)

Ability to remove weapons/focus/etc from victims's body during battle and put it into victim's inventory (alot like removing limb)

Ability to make victim see casters' clones that aren't there (so they cannot be killed, although they also cannot attack)

Ability to turn victim's pets, clones, etc against them

Redirect victims attack to victim for a period of time.

Ability to remove vicitm's protect spells and take them for oneself.

Temporary ability to use all your available skills/spells without switching out focus items/weapons

Cause victim to flee

Ability to change element of caster (would disable certain spells on victims, would allow for caster to have different specialties... so could be a pro or con)

Ability to temporarily disable certain spells (if cast right, could cripple priests, for instance)

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Gypsys and Rangers getting a battle skill.
« on: September 19, 2011, 01:24:01 pm »
Both skills were disabled at some point, probably because they were said to be too powerful. Allegedly garotte was insta-kill sometimes.

oh, like the call lightning spell? Yeah that one sucks. It turns the arena into a contest of who can type cast 'call lightning' the fastest.

Once's Board / Re: Player Created Restrings
« on: September 16, 2011, 01:35:20 pm »
I'm sorry, Loria, you had restrings that I didn't do?  Sometimes you have to pester me.  Also note this though, if you need something by Y day, don't give it to me the day before or - horros - hours before because I do have a full time job.  Or maybe your name just has to be Riley to make me jump through hoops to get restrings done that fast.  Or Kitolani...  Now that my phone is set up to receive mail from my 4DCati account, emailing that account should work as well as noting me on the mud.

No not at all. You did great. Thank you! :)

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: A socials shop.
« on: September 16, 2011, 01:32:25 pm »

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Immortals, try not to take this personally :)
« on: September 15, 2011, 10:20:56 pm »
So if someone ran around with an object called 'Jaros' minute dick' around their neck, that wouldn't bother you at all?

Well, it would bother me. Because sooner or later someone would make an object with the name of someone who WOULD be bothered. And then that other person would run to me to whine about it.

Believe me, that's how it works.

Just deal with it the same way you deal with player names. Those don't have to wait for Imm approval.

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Immortals, try not to take this personally :)
« on: September 15, 2011, 10:18:20 pm »
On another note, I like the restring machine.  Then i won't have to change my shoelaces myself...


Suggestions & Ideas / Re: A socials shop.
« on: September 15, 2011, 03:21:13 pm »
I found what Horus was trying to say in the form of a cartoon for those who tl:dr 'd it.

Once's Board / Re: Player Created Restrings
« on: September 15, 2011, 02:47:52 pm »

Once's Board / Re: Player Created Restrings
« on: September 15, 2011, 02:33:10 pm »
After reading Horus's exhausting post about how player induced changes can truly affect the mud negatively, I would like to know if this idea would end up creating the same problems he spoke of concerning  social shops. Barring that, the idea sounds really cool! I would love to be able to restring my own equipment and not have to wait on an imm. Everyone is busy and restrings kind of fall on the bottom of priority lists, if it makes the list at all; understandably. Would be nice to be able to do it on my own time table.

Though I don't think it worth slowing the mud down or causing a ton of bugs.

Waiting on response before voting.

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: A socials shop.
« on: September 15, 2011, 02:10:16 pm »
Keep it coming, Horus. Jaros loves it when you talk dirty.

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Immortals, try not to take this personally :)
« on: September 15, 2011, 01:29:03 pm »
This would give the players the ability to restring any item, even non perzables, and have a completely unique set of eq to fit their RP. Don't have to see every melee person out there with an Achilles' Heel anymore because it's non perzable. You see them with socks, or shoes, or boots, or mittens on their feet.

aww.. I kind of like seeing male casters out there wearing dresses and belly chains and false eyelashes. Kind of adds a sense of diversity to the game. ;-)

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