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Suggestions & Ideas / DT modification / one-time quests
« on: March 04, 2012, 05:04:35 pm »
There was some gossip at recall about DTs / one-time quests, so I would like to propose the following suggestions.

One time quests
should only be one-time for tokens, and infinitely many times if the quest gives equipment.

could either:
a) Take one piece of equip only (like VE's death trap), or
b) Just kill the player like the Midland's one - and make corpse (plus items) recoverable via automeld / recover command
c) Just kill the player like the Midland's one, and make corpse (plus items) recoverable only via automeld. So a more advanced player would have to sit and wait out (or get a second set of equip if he/she wants to explore before being automelded)

I'd prefer something like b) or c).

The reason why I suggest this is because one of 4D's strength is in its unique quests and areas, and we players love to show off. But how do people know you've done one of the hardest quests, get the equip, and then walk into a DT (in a new area while exploring?) Then there's no bragging rights at all....

Suggestions & Ideas / 4D Wiki entry
« on: February 24, 2012, 08:51:51 pm »
I was talking to Once, and came up with an idea of a 4D wikipedia entry.

This entry should have lots of references so it won't be deleted by Wikipedia volunteers.

Idea: Players / Imms to post paragraphs of 4D history / references / etc, and then after a week or so, consolidate to Wikipedia. Good to give as many references as possible.

Possible references so far: Molly's articles on twinks / etc, awards won, zones which are historically accurate (Egypt, Greece), zones which are modelled after books (eg Keith Laumer's Retief), classics (Jekyll & Hyde / Sherlock Holmes), maybe if players are already on Wiki for another entry or famous can also put them in as famous people playing 4D. Etc etc etc.

To do: Players / Imms (particularly the old ones) to write history of 4D and/or provide references to cite!

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