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Messages - Xeriuth

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Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Future Clan Contests
« on: June 07, 2011, 01:45:57 am »
Settle down guys... This is meant to be a clan competition, at what point does it need to become belligerent? Use some constructive criticism, Asmodeus at least used some... I agree the drop rate should be increased, after all the benefit of deeds is very minimal. A 1% gold gain, is VERY small, and with it only being attainable by clan members of the clan that owns the zone, it's not like it's a huge influx of gold. The 10% experience is something, but still rather minimal... Essentially one free kill every 10. For the effort involved in getting the deeds currently, the bonuses don't come close to the efforts.

As for me getting a lot of deeds, it's only because I kill VERY fast. Go to a zone with 10 mobs in one room and use earthquake. That just increased my chance ten fold theoretically to get a deed. Then do that every room you move, and wipe a whole zone in 20 min, if you have no luck move to the next newbie zone, it is all chance, my first deed after the recent change took me around 1000 kills, after that I was getting them every 20 to couple hundred. It is completely random due to the chance.  There is no secret behind getting deeds, it is just simply luck. Considering how long it takes me though to get the deeds in comparison to how fast I kill, newbies might as well not even try. Since kills can take a significantly longer time, in which a 1% chance to load would be much more appropriate.

Also, I don't know if elementals/clones would work, it's worth a shot, and if it does work should definitely be fixed.

Whoever coded the deeds would be the best one to answer us on the actual percent to load. I think 1% is certainly sufficient, especially considering the benefits.  So please change it, it will appease a lot of people and maybe make the the work put into this new feature appreciated and many more people will enjoy it. Thank you!

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Future Clan Contests
« on: June 06, 2011, 06:08:34 am »
Quick correction, it's only a 1% gold gain per kill. Not 10%.

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Should timers on artifacts be removed?
« on: June 06, 2011, 03:30:07 am »
So far 6 votes cast, 4 from players in favor of timers being removed, and 2 from immortals who say it could lead to many of the old problems..
If implemented how I have mentioned, by making Offline_Timers refresh upon log in and have them poof after a certain amount of time offline. Also make all artifacts melt on drop and unable to be put into containers. This will prevent them from becoming non accessible due to inactivity as well as discourage hoarding. Hoarding of course can still happen but if that player ever goes inactive, all their hoarded belongings head back to the pool and can be reloaded again, the hoarder loses his/her/its stock pile with nothing to show for it.

Once again the perks are that it re-open that aspect of the economy and also will fix the problem of the fairness factor from long ago that oldbies still have perzed artifacts while new players have no way of getting them.

While at this, I also think artifacts stats need an overhaul. Considering how difficult some of them can be to get, their stats are majorly lacking. For instance, a jade carving of a man, that loads on a fairly strong mob, that is fairly hard and can be dangerous to get to, has the Stats: +2 to Damroll, +30 to Maxhit, -10 to Spell Defence. Considering the difficulty of one getting this item to load and two that there are many many other way easier hold items to obtain that are better, I'd say this would be one of many to get a bit of a boost. Just a thought. What does everyone else think?

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Future Clan Contests
« on: June 06, 2011, 03:15:01 am »
Deeds are in! As many of your probably have noticed... and although they are new, here is a gist of my take on them.

From what I've noticed, the deeds have a very small chance of loading as loot upon the death of any mob. So theoretically you could get a deed two times in a row, if you are lucky enough. It is possible that there isn't mob in a zone that has a deed because it is based on chance to load only.

It took me around 1-2k kills the before the tweak to get my first two deeds, after the tweak to drop rate, it took probably roughly the same to get one. That is a lot of kills... for a newbie that can take a very long time. For this to be more of a competition...I recommend that the drop rate be increased again because what came out for me to be a less than 0.1% to load is very small.. at least be 1% so out of every 100 kills you should theoretically get one.

When a clan claims a deed they receive two benefits. A 10% increase in gold and experience from kills in the zone, and only for clan members of the clan that claimed it. This 10% gold increase goes into the clan treasury. Currently this only happens from kills by clan members within the zone, but I think that since the clan 'owns' the zone they should be receiving coins from anyone, regardless of the player that kills the mob. This will in turn reward the clan while people are trying to steal it from them, almost a downside to trying to steal it, but when the clan successfully steals it, they'll get the same benefit when someone tries to steal from them. What this does is give some repercussion in stealing a zone deed.. instead of now where a clan has nothing negative out of trying to reclaim a deed.
At the same time this will always help to refuel a treasury for future upgrades with clan raids?
Thoughts? Agree? Disagree?

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Future Clan Contests
« on: May 28, 2011, 09:41:49 pm »
I'm just thinking since it obviously isn't an easy task to collect all of the deeds out there, would it not be an achievement to have done so?

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Future Clan Contests
« on: May 28, 2011, 04:20:30 am »
If deeds are all brought into game at one time, will it be a competition of which clan can recover all deeds first? Perhaps when all are claimed they all reset. Does the clan gain something from finding all the deeds? Thoughts?

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Should timers on artifacts be removed?
« on: May 26, 2011, 08:30:29 pm »
So then, all OFFLINE_TIMERS need to simply be modified to refresh whenever they are logged in with. Also, flags to prevent storing in crash proof rooms and melt on drop. This will prevent any hoarding also that could bring items out of use because they are in someones house that stopped playing also prevent them from never being loaded from being offline. Simple fix? Lets get a coders input?

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Future Clan Contests
« on: May 26, 2011, 08:15:14 pm »
Loner isn't a clan, it's what you are when you are clanless. You can use the wolf whistle to go the the hideout, only when you have no clanflags in your title? With that, my prior idea still applies.

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Should timers on artifacts be removed?
« on: May 26, 2011, 01:05:47 am »
Simply, if they go inactive it all poofs. Nothing will stop hoarding in itself. If the person stays active no harm. It ends up making artifacts a commodity, if there are people who actively get the artifacts because then people who dont have the time to look for them and try to load them, simply buys them. This is how the economy worked in old port I thought it worked great. Yet there was no safeguards then, safeguards of which I already proposed. If anything the safeguards will improve them overall due to there being limitations.

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Should timers on artifacts be removed?
« on: May 25, 2011, 09:54:19 pm »
Perhaps there could be an alternative type of timer. A coder would have to chime in on this.. Simply have timers only activate when artifacts are offline. Such as 1 month of straight logged of time, if logged back in timer resets. Once timer hits 0, one more arti of that kind can then be loaded. To prevent hoarding in crash proof rooms, just add the flag to all artifacts that prevent them from being put into bags and melt on drop. The only exception to the offline timer and artifacts counting towards the maxload are if they are perzed.

With an artifact overhaul, again, do you also think the stats should be reassessed. Many of them were changed and made absolutely horrible for how difficult they are to attain.. Thoughts?

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Future Clan Contests
« on: May 25, 2011, 09:38:48 pm »
Perhaps loners can claim the deed in the single loner recall room. And they gain the benefit until another clan claims the deed from the zone after the allotted time frame. Best idea so far was by moon phase.

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Should timers on artifacts be removed?
« on: May 25, 2011, 08:00:00 am »
I vote yes for these reasons.

Artifacts did not have timers when I first started playing and this had many benefits.
Artifacts were perzable, and old players were allowed to keep their old perzed artifacts which was an unfair advantage for a time. However that was fixed with new code that made all perzes like what they were perzed from, giving all perzed artifacts timers, causing them to poof too.
Artifacts were also a commodity. They fetched high prices, tokens or coins and gave a market to the mud. There was actually something to buy and sell amongst the players. If tradepoints could be traded too that would be a good thing because it'd allow there to be something else for a player based market.
Arti's can be hard enough to load as is. If implemented I suggest all artis would be removed that are currently out, and let the hunt be on for people to load them. And get the market started. Any other thoughts?

Suggestions & Ideas / Should timers on artifacts be removed?
« on: May 25, 2011, 07:30:30 am »
Simple question: Should timers on artifacts be removed?
Please reply with your justification to your answer.
Thank you!

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Clan Ideas - The Complete Edition
« on: May 21, 2011, 01:13:50 am »
Some good ideas for traps horus, but I think the prices might be a little extreme. Maybe 1 silver per 10 levels per mob, so then can upgrade the mob 10 levels for 1 silver each the level of the mob max of level 150 (same as Gojira?) for 1.5gold total. Of course when upgraded the upkeep cost from treasury goes up. If you run out of treasury to pay for the mobs then the mobs will refuse to fight for you and do nothing.
Traps I think should be purchasable with coins. No upkeep, but once set off, are gone forever, one time uses. can always pay in increasing amount of gold to upgrade the traps too, like practicing.

I'm thinking blocker mobs can work just like the script, will attack if an intruder tries to pass, if killed can be passed. Defenders if bought can always assist blocker mobs. Traps can do maybe more functions.. snare, poison, instant damage, teleport, imprison, stun, sleep, perhaps all of these things randomly, never know which trap you'll get when you buy a trap..

Just some quick thoughts will chime in later with more

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Clan Ideas - The Complete Edition
« on: May 20, 2011, 08:25:58 am »
I'll chime in on a few things in no specific order..
KOC great idea to implement to start off. Deed would be a good secondary thing to follow. Opening clans after that and will ofter another way to steal the KOC and Deeds when implemented.

The deeds do not have to be all at once. Ideally they would be, but I think my explanation on the other forum post in regards to batches and first clan to fully claim that batch wins that batch, and so on, a new deed batch is released when the previous has finished, giving shorter amount of time in the beginning to release the batches but as it progresses and the batches become harder and harder to win due to the sheer amount of zones and hopefully growing competitions, there will be a lot more time between releases and time to stage them even, ready to be released with the next winner. Can also do a plaque for deeds for the winners of each batch... just like Zone Flags.

Would be good to also have the old time function of having clan tokens. Just like the clan treasury where members can donate tokens just the same. And with these clan contests the tokens added to the clan token treasury which can make it unable to be withdrawn from for leaders to use for personal use, making minor clan competitions able to reward tokens only usable for the clan and not for leader or whomever perzes or other stuff.

Also, no need to make flags steal-able, simply giving anyone the ability to use the function would be sufficient. Making it a bonus use-able by everyone, just more convenient for the clan. So still a nice feature for the clan, but still can be tough for other clans to try and use, since they have to raid the clan to begin with.

Also I love the idea of possibly taking over clans. Perhaps this can be by several means. If a clan loses a clan war in a landslide because it has no members it can be taken over. Or perhaps a current leader or member can sell their clan to the highest bidder. Or if they can just submit and give the clan over. These clans wouldnt be gone forever as the pbase grows the clans can be occupied again. When a clan is owned by another clan, the clan can still exist, but the clan that owns it is forced to defend it. Perhaps ability for new owner to use the clans old recall item, giving access to two clanhalls if both owned. Just double the effort to defend. Also, another clan can raid the clan owned by another to steal it from them. There could be perhaps a bonus if a clan owns more than one. Not sure what would be good but, it's an idea, since this could almost be a competition of its own.

Regardless of what features there are, any clanhall should be accessible by anyone, with the ability for the clan to purchase defenses of some kind. There should at least be some rooms that are a safehaven from attack, but otherwise accessible by all.

Lots of options, those are just some disjointed thoughts of mine ;)

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