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Messages - isis

Pages: 1 [2]
General Discussions / Re: New zone: prank shop ideas...
« on: November 20, 2009, 12:02:02 pm »
other then the dumb normal stuff.
pie launcher.
shoots pies at people
(maybe across the mud?)

animal balloons
can use as mounts
(maybe they can name animal type?
ie name the type of animal you want will make one..
i would want a jason mount or maybe once...

mood rings?
you know like you would type feel happy and the mood ring wold show Isis looks happy...

dolls that you can buy and make follow people and annoy em with various twink sayings like gimmie money gimmie gear and such

buttons you can put on people that beep at them you know (page)
other buttons can do different socials and emotes..for a short time

matches to give hot feet

i got more but kinda wanted to save them for jester areas...

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