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Messages - Virisin

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Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Race Balancing And Character Balancing
« on: February 24, 2008, 02:11:12 am »
But.. Centaurs ARE mounted. That's a bonus.. Not needing to buy a mount, not being joustable.. etc.

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Race Balancing And Character Balancing
« on: February 24, 2008, 12:04:09 am »
Also, I remember from the old forum we talked about equipment balancing. I'm not sure if that ever got fixed but yeah.. Some races were better off eqwise.

Suggestions & Ideas / Race Balancing And Character Balancing
« on: February 23, 2008, 11:57:13 pm »
Currently the race bonuses are slightly uneven I think. +10% damage is kinda better than +10 attack.. If we assume 10% damage = 10 points, 10 attack = 1 point (etc for evasion, and negatives) then here's how the races play out:

Centaur = 11 points + 100 speed
Dwarf = -5 points + 100 speed
Elf = -2.5 points + 150 speed
Faun = -16.5 points + 100 speed
Gringo = 0 points + 100 speed
Indian = 0 points + 100 speed
Martian = 0.5 points + 180 speed
Spacewolf = -15 points + 110 speed

Quite a difference you'll find..

Also, the character bonus subskills are kinda uneven aswel. +15% damage is by far the best, and you're only crippling your own character by choosing anything else..

That's all, let's hear what everyone has to say.

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