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Messages - Jaros

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Suggestions & Ideas / Re: MACRO: Alignment!
« on: January 17, 2012, 10:50:21 pm »
What are you trying to achieve here?

Are you after something else to do with your time?  Because this basically sounds like a few new quests with slightly different rewards.  Which would be great but why not concentrate on designing the quests rather than these vague global mechanics.

Or are you really hung up on getting more out of alignment?  If so, why?  Good-evil alignment seems to me like a shallow concept that should be gotten rid of, not built on.

Or do you just like the idea of joining a religion?  In which case, RP.

(Regarding the list of mobs for evil eye, the two in the Queltorian Sector are literally only a couple of steps from each other.  Seems redundant.)

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Races
« on: January 17, 2012, 10:21:48 pm »
I would like to be a swordfish.

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: MACRO: Alignment!
« on: December 31, 2011, 05:32:13 pm »
What's the point of all this?  Alignment is a ridiculous concept to begin with and does not deserve a 19 task list.  Just make it less fluctuating and put a mob in palpatine's bar that casts evil eye like the cardinal does absolve.

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: TASKS: Crafting
« on: December 31, 2011, 05:00:12 pm »
9) Decide whether crafting the item itself should be a mini-game, or a single, straight-forward command.


Once's Board / Re: What should be done about GM?
« on: December 31, 2011, 12:06:25 am »
Bane, we have eight classes.  That means something like 29 possible combinations if you're only talking about double classing and exponentially more if you want to think about triple or quadruple classing. That means that coming up with "one special mastery and special skill/spell" for each class combo and ensuring that each one is unique and balanced enough to make each class combo worthy in its own right and not just a waste of time and effort, that's quite a task.

Prometheus, I can see a perk system being great if all skills/spells were available to every class and then put a lot of time into constructing perk trees for each class that make the different types of skill/spell more or less valuable to them, but I don't think that will happen.  I think stacking more perks on things at this stage would be a waste of time when the real problem lies with the eight classes and their skills/spells.

Classes are too similar, GM doesn't help.  The easiest way to make classes unique is to place it somewhere on a scale of aggressive -> defensive and adjust their skills/spells accordingly, then balance it.  Then get rid of GM.

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Skyrim
« on: December 13, 2011, 09:05:25 pm »
also i like that these are really just perk trees. anyone can learn any skill but its value depends on what perks you have.  in terms of 4D, it would be good to open up more skills to more people but create proficiency that reduces stamina cost for certain classes of skill.  so anyone could learn heal but its effectiveness would depend on how much they invested in priest perks / proficiency at the expense of everything else, proficiency being as simple as a sliding scale adjusted according to how often you use an element or weapon type.  perks could be anything.  just fantasizing here.

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Skyrim
« on: December 13, 2011, 06:06:41 pm »
i like the sneak tree. the left side makes you more evasive and the right side gives you sneak attack bonuses.

i like the idea of using a pickpocket perk to slip poisons into people somehow.  and the idea of pickpocketing equipped items.

Once's Board / Re: Combat Skills Thread Dump
« on: November 24, 2011, 08:56:35 pm »
I think that skill proficiency should affect stamina cost rather than chance of success and practice points rationed such that no one can just max all of their skills.  Then we have a choice between concentrating on a narrow range of efficient skills or a broader range of more expensive ones.  Efficiency vs range.  It could also mean that even skills at 0 can be used but at a prohibitive cost: something like 2-10x more stamina than a 100% skill.

Once's Board / Re: Stamina
« on: November 23, 2011, 03:39:38 pm »
The cost formula according to skill level/tier is a good idea. Next most important thing would be something similar for damage / effect duration. Will be on to test at some point.

Yeah, I think it's worth accepting that this isn't going to happen so we can all save our breaths.  Nothing personal about it, it's just too big of a task.  :)

What would that accomplish? We have three classes worth playing now; 8remorts would narrow that even further to priest+hunter/thief.  Heal is ridiculously useful so everyone would have it, but then why stay as priest and not just carry on into hunter and have twice the HP and behead?  Players would be uber so mob strength would have to be adjusted.  End result: gameplay is even more one-dimensional.  I think it would be a total waste of time unless the effort was actually put into balancing classes along with it, which I originally thought was a given but clearly isn't.

Roughly when did these changes come in? Do you feel like it was better balanced before?

No idea.  Partly from the beginning, partly at any point over the past 8 or so years.  It's never been balanced.

but if you make one class defensive, and one offensive.
it in turn will unfold as one of those being the better one don't you think?

Yes.  That's why the challenge has always been in testing/balancing, even if all you do is shift some skills around.

Priests are the only worthy casters because they have heal and can do pretty much equivalent damage to the others, if not more.  Heal is huge, casters are rubbish without it because of the low HP.

Espers have magic bubble, which is useless for a class that relies on magic damage, and no heal, much like mage.

Earthquake is pretty much an experience fountain and I think priests are the only class that get it so they're also the easiest to remort.

No one goes warrior because it's essentially the same as hunter but lacks utility skills and if I'm not mistaken brace only works while not typing anything or some other similarly crippling compromise.

Gypsy is useful against casters thanks to magic bubble but very average against mobs or anyone else because they can't spam anything.  Also woodsing is rubbish and tinker doesn't compete with spam-skills.

Thief is strong and ranger is now all but identical. both are played in exactly the same way, which is also pretty much the same as fighter but with less HP, less base damage and similar spam-skill damage.

At tier 4: 100sta corresponds to a skill multiplier of x5, or five extra hits.

It's not airtight.  The balance varies depending on context, so:

Bladedance is more powerful than agility if your speed gives you more than 1hit per second, which it probably does.  I don't know the conversion rate for speed to hit frequency so just used a 1hit/sec assumption.

Bladedance vs brace looks ridiculous, I know.  Head to head they cancel each other out even though brace is half the cost.  But then, bladedance over 10secs costs 200sta and doubles your total damage so assuming 1hit/sec and 2000damage/hit, that's 20k extra damage over 10s.  Brace for the same duration costs 100sta and saves 10k damage.  I don't really know how to reconcile that except by seeing how they both pan out in action.

Dodge and agility are basically similar to ^^^ but again, speed is unaccounted for.

Encircle I did some numbers and estimated that it would fall in a similar bracket depending on how long the fight went on.

The debuffs are straight guesses because their value is so hard to pin down.

My main problem is that there are too many factors for me to account for on paper even though this is the simplest system I can come up with for skills that are actually useful in different ways.  Like I said, it can't be done without commitment and I can't see much point in trying to take it any further without coding.

Blunt alternative:
Take evasive skills off thief and give them to ranger, so thief is aggressive with encircle and ranger is evasive with dodge/phase, and then make warrior's brace more potent while blunting cleave to make a similar difference within fighters.  That is a viable option I think, making thief and hunter purely aggressive; ranger and warrior purely defensive; gypsy in between.  Then spells are still ridiculous but you could take mind electricity/ice off priest and that would halve their damage and leave heal as their primary strength, which is enough; then confiscate high level aggressive spells from priest, give them all to mage and remove the delays, thus granting mages huge damage; then esper would go somewhere in between I guess.

All of that would make a difference but likewise you obviously know that every step there throws something else up in the air and all of it would need so much testing and balancing to actually make it worthwhile that I don't even know if it would be worth it.  I think it would more likely wind up just as half-assed and unbalanced as it is now.

The OTHER possible way forward is uncapping str, con, dex, int, wis and cha.  tie str firmly to melee damage, con to damage taken, dex to chance of skill success, int & cha to magic damage and wis to magic damage taken.  Skill success rate would then depend on dex vs opponent dex or something, and practicing it to increase proficiency could instead reduce cost.  in my world it would reduce stamina cost such that a high tier allows you to use skills much more cheaply.  AGAIN the factors involved scare the shit out of me but this would allow different players to specialize in damage as opposed to defense, etc.

I really can't see a way to get anything worthwhile out of gameplay one way or another without committing to it as a long-term project and investing hours on end in the balancing, and I can't see that happening.  I see half-finished efforts and a bunch of people annoyed with a new set of imbalances that haven't fundamentally changed anything.  I honestly think the maps are a better option.

lastly yea, the detector could still be fun. there are about 15 new artifacts sitting on the buildport that are ready whenever the pricing is, bar a couple that i think still need locations.  i haven't looked at them in a few weeks.

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