4Dimensions Forum

General Category => General Discussions => Topic started by: Kvetch on September 05, 2022, 02:27:56 pm

Title: Heya All
Post by: Kvetch on September 05, 2022, 02:27:56 pm
Actually, this is 4D related.  I am just wondering who still pops there heads in now and again.  I have slowly started to pop on again after a few years of being away and noticed there is never anyone on.  I am wondering if there is enough interest for me to start building again (after I remind myself how to do it).  Mobs, objects and rooms won't be hard (never were), but those scripts.. it's always been those D**N scripts.  Even now as I look over the typo file and try to fix some of the scripts I try to remember how things went.  Yet, I have been able to fix a couple of easy ones (yay?).  I may be on and off the next couple of days, but in about a week I will be gone for 2 weeks.  So, if you do pop in, and I happen to be on, feel free to poke me and say Hello.  :)
Title: Re: Heya All
Post by: Molly on June 15, 2024, 02:53:19 am
Hello Kvetch!
I am afraid that 4D is definitely dead, even though it's not officially buried yet.
I pop in myself, about once a year, and there is never anyone on line. So starting to build here, would be an enormous waste of your time.

Too bad, since it was a wonderful Mud, but I don't see any chance of reviving it at this time, when Text Muds mostly seem to be a matter of the past.
But lovely to see an old player log on anyhow!
love, Molly