4Dimensions Forum

General Category => Suggestions & Ideas => Topic started by: Virisin on November 07, 2009, 04:26:45 pm

Title: Some Suggestions To Coders
Post by: Virisin on November 07, 2009, 04:26:45 pm
1. The skill trainer system never seems to have been completely finished, I think once someone has practiced a skill with the trainer and has used the practice session, they should then be allowed to train it further with Mike the guildmaster. The aim is to get people to explore a bit and give zones something else to add to them for depth, but once someone has done all that, if they just want to practice it up a bit more after remorting or something, Mike should be sufficient.

2. Clan info needs to be upgraded, it's boring and shitty compared to who/score/worth/gold/clan info <blah>. I don't know what clan ID's are but they don't need to be displayed, whereas clan treasuries should be displayed. It just needs to be laid out nicer with some colour as well as adding treasuries to the info basically. Also, power should count up player remorts/tiers/levels so it's a real indication of power, not just levels because that's completely irrelevant to the game currently. (treasury also needs comma's so it's easier to read in clan info <blah> as well as clan info if it's added.

More to come
Title: Re: Some Suggestions To Coders
Post by: Virisin on November 08, 2009, 04:57:35 pm
3. PK points should just be removed until someone can make a better system.
Title: Re: Some Suggestions To Coders
Post by: Virisin on November 08, 2009, 07:00:57 pm
Ok, just had a mini-brainstorm session with Xeriuth. Some good ideas came about.

Clans are a big issue, and there are a couple of ways that clans could be made more interesting and competitive really easily:

1. Open clans to the world and set up some basic additions (defenses) clans can buy for tokens, they don't even have to be great defenses just like mobs that are scripted to hit anyone that doesn't have the clan's flag etc. Details can be worked out.

2. Give every clan a showcase with a clan banner inside, make the showcases like house boxes so whatever is inside lasts over crashes etc. Allow non-clan members to steal banners and put them inside their own showcases for prestige.

3. Create 'deeds', every zone has it's own deed which loads randomly on a mob in the zone every reboot, a player can grab a deed and put it in a deed box in their clan and it begins generating small wealth for the clan because that clan has 'claimed' the zone. The deed will still load next zone reboot randomly on a mob, and if someone else grabs the deed and 'claims' the zone for their own clan, wealth begins generating for their clan, and the first clan loses their claim on the zone.
Title: Re: Some Suggestions To Coders
Post by: Virisin on November 08, 2009, 07:04:02 pm
4. Random world quests would also be cool. Every tick there's a 5% chance of a world quest beginning say, which is gossiped to the world by some random mob or something. We had the invasion or yorke the other year if I remember correctly, something like that which lasts for about 5 minutes and once you kill all the mobs you get a little reward, double exp potion or something.

This would require more work from builders initially than any of the other changes, cause they'd have to make the mobs for some of the big 'cities' in the mud that could be invaded.
Title: Re: Some Suggestions To Coders
Post by: Tocharaeh on November 08, 2009, 09:15:12 pm
*thumbs up*
Title: Re: Some Suggestions To Coders
Post by: Molly on November 09, 2009, 02:48:25 am
I like. :)

The random invasions don't really need any builder work, we already have the mobs for it that we can use, and duplicating them so they'd look IC in different Dimensions, would be an easy job. It's just like the seaon zones, for instance Kvetch's haunted house.

There already is the Goblin castle, which was used for invasions years ago, and the witches with the moles that load at Valpurgis night.
Some Indians, for oldwest, Aliens for Future, and Pirates for Prehistoric would be easy to make.

The main problem would be to get our lazy players to fight off the invasions. Unless we made them invade Recall, I doubt they'd lift a finger. :P
Title: Re: Some Suggestions To Coders
Post by: Virisin on November 09, 2009, 03:14:24 am
If the invasions were coded in to occur by chance every tick with possibly a max number every so many ticks, it wouldn't really matter if people didn't take part every time. But they'd give the mud a little more atmosphere and if they had some kind of rewards that were good enough it'd entice players. Potions are a good reward, whether they give double exp for a time or something else.
Title: Re: Some Suggestions To Coders
Post by: horus on November 09, 2009, 05:02:31 pm
I have always liked clans to be raidable. I'mma hunting me some vampires!!!!

Deeds is good too, definitely will code it in and push those lazy builders errrr wait, stupid keyboard, I meant politely request the studious builders to incorporate the deeds into their zones. (Dont you hate when you mis-hit some of the keys and somehow a different word comes out)

Title: Re: Some Suggestions To Coders
Post by: Virisin on November 09, 2009, 05:07:50 pm
I don't think deeds should require any builder work at all really. They should load randomly on any mob in a zone every repop, not influenced by builders at all. The only hiccup I can see is zones that are more than 100 rooms and have multiple different repop rates and things, could screw up and code trying to change it.
Title: Re: Some Suggestions To Coders
Post by: Xeriuth on November 09, 2009, 06:50:53 pm
People do say tokens are hard to come by, perhaps on random quests reward a brass or bronze, something small. That way people would be much more encouraged to participate if the event comes about. Perhaps, most kills gets the token? 1st place bronze 2nd brass, everyone else some tp's. Something along those lines.
Title: Re: Some Suggestions To Coders
Post by: Virisin on November 09, 2009, 06:59:36 pm
I would be open to maybe a brass for the person with the most kills in one of the quests maybe, certainly not much, because I'd like to see these quests be reasonably common.
Title: Re: Some Suggestions To Coders
Post by: Molly on November 10, 2009, 04:56:33 pm
People keep saying tokens are hard to come by nowadays, and I keep responding that it's a myth, created by the Recall squatters that are too lazy to go out and try.

Look at the list of questcards, for Christ's sake, the number on the card indicates how old a quest is. In the old days, tokens were very hard to get. There weren't very many quests, simply because the world wasn't very big, and not even all zones had quests.
The quest heavy development started with Fenizia, Questcard number 23. Since then we have reached 100 Questcards, which in effect means several hundreds of token quests, since most zones have more than one quests, and not all quests have a questcard.

Sure, we did replace quests with Tradepoints for farming, gardening and lumberjacking, because that only involves repetitive actions, just like mob grinding. In return we now have several new and extremely quest heavy zones, like Alpha centauri Planets, Aegean Islands, Victorian England and Kush. In addition, every old zone that gets updated also gets a number of new token quests. Lately that happened to the Robber Baron Castle, Fenizia, the Viking ship and the Pirate Galley.

So don't tell me tokens are harder to get nowadays. I am the head Builder, so I actually KNOW that it's a false statement. Tokens are easier to get than ever, but of course you'd have to leave recall to find that out. :-P
Title: Re: Some Suggestions To Coders
Post by: Virisin on November 10, 2009, 05:12:35 pm
I have more posts than you.

(good post)
Title: Re: Some Suggestions To Coders
Post by: Xeriuth on November 11, 2009, 09:28:37 am
I know tokens are not hard to get. I was merely offering a way for people to get tokens that think they are tough to get. And a minor way to increase involvement in global quests. Oooo it's invasion time, time to go kill me some drakes and get me a token. Maybe even a board that keeps track of who won each competition, so peoples efforts are kept alive. Like a defense board in yorke. person writes down, invasion stopped on this date, so and so led the battle defeating such and such many ghouls. Just some ideas..
Title: Re: Some Suggestions To Coders
Post by: Virisin on November 11, 2009, 01:38:39 pm
Anubis would throw a fit :P

Really though, I wouldn't mind a brass maybe being handed out for quests but nothing more. We really don't want to devalue tokens and I'd like to see these quests as being quite common. I still think little double exp potions that give you double exp for like 5mins would be cool.
Title: Re: Some Suggestions To Coders
Post by: Xeriuth on November 11, 2009, 02:01:53 pm
award points for participating?
Title: Re: Some Suggestions To Coders
Post by: Virisin on November 11, 2009, 02:04:56 pm
Nah, if we keep award points they should be for RPing stuff.
Title: Re: Some Suggestions To Coders
Post by: Xeriuth on November 11, 2009, 02:37:07 pm
isnt global event RP related?
Title: Re: Some Suggestions To Coders
Post by: Virisin on November 11, 2009, 03:02:47 pm
Global RP events are, just normal global quests that come a couple times a day arn't really RP events.
Title: Re: Some Suggestions To Coders
Post by: Molly on November 12, 2009, 06:16:17 am
Basically the invasions are just hack'n'slash quests, where a lot of relatively easy mobs and a few 'boss mobs' load in a limited time and place.

But of course even that could be turned into a RP quest, if someone actually bothered to initiate the roleplay, when calling to arms and handing out defence tasks for everyone.
And of course if they did, they could always post a log of the action on the RP boards, and get awarded for it.

It's all up to the players, the mud becomes what they make it to. :)
Title: Re: Some Suggestions To Coders
Post by: Kvetch on November 12, 2009, 01:38:26 pm

There already is the Goblin castle, which was used for invasions years ago, and the witches with the moles that load at Valpurgis night.
Some Indians, for oldwest, Aliens for Future, and Pirates for Prehistoric would be easy to make.

I started making aliens for a future rp event - check out zone 144 - as that was one of the suggestions I'd gotten when I asked for ideas on events that could be held to make the evenings a bit more fun and not idleville.  Indians attacking Dodge was another idea as was a skinning contest.

As for the players not lifting a finger - maybe we need a script/code that would dump all players currently in Recall into the middle of things - without the ability to recall back to squat it out.  ;)
Title: Re: Some Suggestions To Coders
Post by: Xeriuth on November 14, 2009, 09:33:38 am
Let's get some of these events going why don't we. ;)