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Suggestions & Ideas / Esper
« on: December 16, 2011, 01:48:15 am »
I propose a very minor fix for a very major problem ive encountered for too long.
I have been every class more times than most, ive played for a long time and one frustrating thing i keep finding is our espers.
I love my spellcasting classes but everyone has a there elemental strength and weakness and has damage and buff spells to match.

Mage -> fire -> fire elemental -> burning hands -> fireball -> mind fire -> flame arrow -> flame arrow

these are manipulatable through control weather which is great!

Priest -> lightning -> call lightning -> shocking grasp -> lightning bolt -> chain lightning ->
Again manipulatable by control weather and the results are seemingly far better than mage. Great again, i like these elemental systems.

but then you stumble into esper.. Spirit and Mind.. here i am an esper again for the billianth time, as i like a bit of variance
but what i re-discover, to my dismay, is esper still does not have an elemental use.. control weather is pointless for an esper to even have,
minus the fact that i will use control weather and then couple it with using another classes traits eg when in battle ill use control weather better and use fireball/flame arrow
or control weather worse and use acid arrow (when raining) or shocking grasp/call lightning (when stormy)

But wheres the bonus to being an esper? i can put things to sleep and give them a nightmare with sever timers in place and only before a fight?
this seems hardly a reason to being an esper? there is actually only one attack spell that can be used during combat that is intune with an espers elemental strengths..
and thats mana blast.. and well thats great, i notice prom bumped up the strength on it abit quite a while back, which is great as its meant to be the end all of all spells.
But whats the point in an esper waiting to lvl 50 to use a spell that only people with "alphas" kind of mana points will make use of ? not to mention this is near pointless
if your trying to remort or level in general?

I propose we create 2-3 new spells for esper just to give the class some sort of style and usefullness..

not that i have these spells set in stone or i have even thought about them properly but something along the lines of..

Spirit Mind (mind fire/mind water equivilant)
Mental blast -> area attack using either spirit or mind as elemental strength
Thought Lash -> singular attack that can do decent damage such as fireball that could be coupled with Spirit mind.

This also brings into context the fact that esper has no great use for control weather, unless of course you were to couple better or worse weather as giving a + bonus to spirit and mind
which seems to be the easiest solution to that if you were to implement these new additions to esper.

I hope youll consider this as right now as far as combat and clan leadership go if you want to be a spellcaster you either have to be mage or priest or be deemed useless and defenseless.

just remember Esper has the lowest HP of any class.. and what reward do you get for this?

(also please forgive structuring and gramma in this post i have a guy fixing my dishwasher to my left and 3 kids on my right focus is not huge right now)


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