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Messages - Xeriuth

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Suggestions & Ideas / Re: The CRAFT System
« on: November 14, 2009, 09:37:43 am »
Hmm scripting, I need to start re-dabbling again. Maybe I can actually be helpful for once. ;)

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Award Points
« on: November 14, 2009, 09:34:34 am »
Of course yes, all logs need all the spam cut out, and only the stuff relevant to the rp session is left.

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Some Suggestions To Coders
« on: November 14, 2009, 09:33:38 am »
Let's get some of these events going why don't we. ;)

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: The Art of Punishment
« on: November 14, 2009, 09:33:09 am »
There would be a list say:
1. Xeriuth
2. Hidalgo
3. Available
4. Available
5. Available

If say I delete hidalgo, that space becomes available to create another. Can perhaps tie a guest account to yours, that can use the same IP address, this would generate a request to the immortals being like, hey I'm showing a friend the game he is here for now, just wanted to let you know. Then the player plays on their account as a guest to the main player.  Or if it's two players in the same house, of course someone could make it up like Virisin could have said Jaros was his brother but it really was him, and that way he could have had two accounts going in the same house at once. If people really want to be deceitful like that, we can't stop them, but if something ever comes up and it's discovered it was a lie... the art of punishment is inflicted severely...

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Clans
« on: November 14, 2009, 09:26:54 am »
Clan will be becoming much more involved it seems, which will mean clan leaders will really need to step it up. We were discussing it the other night and it was brought up as to the fact of immortals having their mortals as clan leaders. Maybe this should be a different thread with a poll. But does it divide an imms duties, having to do their work as an imm, and at the same time have to juggle a mortal to run a clan. Is that fair the members? Also would that atypically be an imm interfering with clans? I think the plan is to get completely rid of need imm interference in clans, excluding of course building tasks.. So that's a question, figured I'd bring it..  Of course imms having mortals isn't an issue, but to have an important leadership role that requires a lot of time to do it right while having an immortal.. so they could easily be clan members.
Just want to hear what ya'll think. Be honest.
I'm not trying to stir anything up, just want to hear a general concensus. Thanks!

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Clans
« on: November 14, 2009, 09:16:38 am »
I agree, non pk's shouldnt be lootable, but at least be attackable with clan wars.

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Player Wipe (PWipe)
« on: November 14, 2009, 09:15:17 am »
I like a lot of your suggestions Diandra, there are a few things I see that should be changed somehow. If someone has all their equipment, they are wielding, wearing, holding, etc, do they have all the flags to appropriately wearing them, or are we not doing away with the flags? And if we are not doing away with the flags and we have gotten rid of all of everyones tokens then how will they buy back the extra houses, perzes, etc they have with no quests left to earn tokens. Or if flags are removed wouldn't most of the equipment poof anyways? And then what was the point in keeping it? You'll have to redo those quests all over again anyhows.

Again what constitutes a house? One crashproof room and only 3 rooms? What if that person builds a 50 rooms mansion, that they put all that time into and slaved away, etc, I'm sure you get the picture. Do they keep all the rooms, or just a select 3? Also do you keep the current level the house is so all of the servants, and pets, and furntiture, and scripts, and mounts one has also spent a lot of time on can stay? Afterall, all are part of the house and add to the house.. the house wouldn't be the same without them. ..... To fix that do we just give them 3 rooms and cp room and they have to buy back everything else? Slowly tack on each room by room, each script by script, servant by servant, etc?

If people don't mind and everyone can keep their houses how they are minus the contents of the CP room, except for bought furniture.. even though some will have a much more stately house than others. Then we can just do that.

Now we could keep your idea just everyone is placed in a safezone they can stay at forever until they get bored or suceded and walk into the DT at the end, and re-incarnate persay and start a new life. Just a thought.

In all it's hard to meet everyones needs. There does need to be compromises. But how can you actually divide anything?

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Avatars
« on: November 14, 2009, 08:54:50 am »
All combined. Say when you type challenge player, it offers an actual challenge that they can decline or accept, perhaps an accept 5 which would give 5 min of prepartion. Both players are transported to the arena where they fight to the death, or multiple players. Now an idea for how people can actually safely view the fight would be such as a limited snoop ability for only those that are in arena. Say Virisin and I are fighting, they can see the fight through my eyes destroying Virisin, not seeing the commands and such I type, but the actual output of typing them, only the combat ones as to decrease spam for them. I'm sure it'd be possible to do something like that, not sure how difficult though.  If the system could keep track of how many times they've challenged, been challenged, challenges to them accepted or rejected, challenges won and lost. Of course you could also only challenge those close to your level.

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Clans
« on: November 13, 2009, 09:09:09 pm »
i think it'll be two seperate things, clans can choose to war each other, lets say one clan is griefing another majorly, then the griefed clan will probably war the other, to get back at them.

Suggestions & Ideas / Stats
« on: November 13, 2009, 07:33:37 pm »
Does anyone think our stats should be different, and if so how should they work? Like int and wis, should they work in terms of one gives you more gains, like mana, or have a direct affect, like 1 wis =20 mana.
The good thing about direct affect stats is you can focus on health, physical damage, mana, magic damage, speed, ability to use skills more accurately, all based on how much of a stat you have. This would of course probably end up having equipment with much higher stats like 30con do give it a more sizeable health boost. I really like direct affect but it could depend. Not sure really now heh. Discuss.

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Alignment
« on: November 13, 2009, 07:29:11 pm »
One thing that would probably be best for another thread though. Actually I'll make a new thread..

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Avatars
« on: November 13, 2009, 07:28:01 pm »
I like those challenge systems, with little mini zones for each. One could be just one room, no fleeing or retreating just pure fight to the death. Could get all interesting.

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Clans
« on: November 13, 2009, 07:25:54 pm »
clan wars, I take them as that it makes everyone in the opposing clan you are warring with pk'able whether they are or not.. just my take

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Clans
« on: November 13, 2009, 02:45:34 pm »
But clan bosses does have merit.

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Clans
« on: November 13, 2009, 02:43:24 pm »
Could get messy though if Arthur was part of the clan, he can't be in the clanhall, unless it's a special part. Because he is an important mob in the game that everyone may need for at some point in time. Sooo not sure how to go about that. Could be awkward unless there are two Arthurs in the game...

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