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Messages - Xeriuth

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Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Some Suggestions To Coders
« on: November 11, 2009, 02:01:53 pm »
award points for participating?

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Award Points
« on: November 11, 2009, 10:13:47 am »
But then again, what should awards be?

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Clans
« on: November 11, 2009, 10:08:50 am »
I like the upkeep idea. for hired things, but there should be also buyable things for money in excess.

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Award Points
« on: November 11, 2009, 10:07:39 am »
Perhaps max of 10 points per RP session. Per person involved, lets say it was the three and viri farted once during it, he'd get 1 point. While the other two were quite awesome they could each get a full 10. Something like that?

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Award Points
« on: November 11, 2009, 09:38:09 am »
Also, perhaps, develop or more in place set of guidelines on how many to give out. Say 5 AP for RP sessions per 100 lines (edited)? Could always not make it RP only and give AP for global evenys as spoken about in another thread. Change up the awards from AP's and instead of gettings stuff at certain markers, it'll be a currency. A currency for cosmetic type upgrades. Maybe at first not allow people to put color in title, but you can buy that privilege. And if pretitles would be an achievement type based thing that would need to be gotten rid of in the fact you can put anything you want there.  Also, maybe buy the ability to change the way your race looks in who, or your class, even though by default you will be what you are, that way if Toch really RP's he could make his race be Drw, for Drow like he really wants. Like?

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Award Points
« on: November 11, 2009, 09:33:21 am »
As to not award the same person for the same thing twice. We should note hero, rpl, and imm every time we give out any award points, and the reason why. If one gives them out, they best have a reason, and if they get caught, shame shame. Fair?

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Trainer System
« on: November 11, 2009, 09:29:39 am »
Why did we make this change to begin with :/ ... to promote exploration? I never really liked the idea before but went along with it. But completely reverting it back would kill all that work, no?

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Some Suggestions To Coders
« on: November 11, 2009, 09:28:37 am »
I know tokens are not hard to get. I was merely offering a way for people to get tokens that think they are tough to get. And a minor way to increase involvement in global quests. Oooo it's invasion time, time to go kill me some drakes and get me a token. Maybe even a board that keeps track of who won each competition, so peoples efforts are kept alive. Like a defense board in yorke. person writes down, invasion stopped on this date, so and so led the battle defeating such and such many ghouls. Just some ideas..

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Stats
« on: November 11, 2009, 09:23:17 am »
I second that, I've always wanted charisma's max removed. Only makes it more fair for casters, but will the way stats affect us be changed, weaked, modified?  If so and dependent on how, we could potentially remove all caps. Say have wearing more con eq give you more health gains per level. Of course this would then encourage one levelling set of eq, and one fighting set of eq. But what's the harm in that? In essence you'd have to be dedicated in levelling, because who'd want to lug a whole bunch of gain equipment around the whole time weighing them down making them fight much much slower? Give and take.

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: The Art of Punishment
« on: November 11, 2009, 09:19:02 am »
Could possibly just say utilized player accounts to an advantage with multiplaying and sharing etc. We have accounts in place but it's only for convenience atm. The first mud I played had you log into the account, then log into the character you wanted, and you could only have a max of 5 characters. And you could not make another account. Currencies such as gold and tokens would be on the account and shared between the players, however, flags could be too. That way one cannot repeat token quests on their alts to give to the main. Solution there, could always adapt it to make it better.  Sure your alt could get gear more easily due to flags, but that's the case anyways, you are the player of the character, you'll be getting the eq easy regardless. Also it'd prevent actual multiplaying because you could never log in both chars on same acct at the same time. What do you think?

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Clans
« on: November 11, 2009, 09:09:34 am »
I support these changes. Perhaps even buy scripts, to make it almost questish to get in like, to open the gate you have to find a feather to tickle the guard, the guard drops a key and you get in. Just an example, but may have merit.
Also need either a wealth replacement for these in the meantime for gold, or it'd have to wait for new system, but I don't think we should wait that long. Enjoy it in the meantime as opposed to get everything at once. People can't wait forever

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Perzing EQ
« on: November 11, 2009, 07:21:08 am »
I can only see the reason for mining gear and Orcrist, but artifacts is a whole other issue. But will probably be changed again anyways, there is another thread on that.. somewhere

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Award Points
« on: November 11, 2009, 07:19:02 am »
What of LH's idea a few threads ago on getting rid of pretitles and making pretitles awards for doing certain achievements. Like for killing 1 earning 1 billion gold you get Greedy title, or Becoming a Knight you get Sir, or doing something is star wars, Sith, Padawan. The list can go on forever. You know you'd want to try and get all the titles ;)

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Player Wipe (PWipe)
« on: November 11, 2009, 07:10:20 am »
But let's say my only house has 50 rooms, and is tier 3to support my spaceship and mount which are all part of my house. And do all my servants and pets come with too? All part of my house? Containers? Furniture?

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Player Wipe (PWipe)
« on: November 10, 2009, 10:54:09 pm »

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