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Messages - Tocharaeh

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 19
I would gladly sift through every friggin item if this were implemented.

Now if only we could get other replies :P

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Locate Newbie ability on Helper whistle
« on: August 08, 2013, 04:07:17 pm »
Good idea. It would be a huge help to us.

Suggestions & Ideas / Object OLC for WEAPONS - Weapon standardization
« on: August 08, 2013, 10:35:37 am »
The idea is to get rid of people having to guesstimate weapon lengths as well as damage types.

The OLC option in question would be under "C) Values" and I think it should
flow like to following:

Choose option C >> Weapon Type >> Weapon Length >> Damage Dice >> Size of Dice

Here is the break down as I would like to see it in each sub-option:


1) Dagger           2) Mace
3) Whip              4) Glove
5) Sword            6) Axe
7) Staff              8 ) Polearm
9) Lightsaber    10) Exotic

Each type has the length options already built into it as well as the type
of damage which is normally chosen in OLC (smash, bit, gore, etc,.)


Dagger >> Small (15cm) >> Medium (27cm) >> Long (30cm) >> Extra Long (45cm)
Mace   >> Small (30cm) >> Medium (45cm) >> Long (60cm) >> Great (97cm) (two-handed)
Whip   >> Small (97cm) >> Medium (152cm) >> Long (198cm) >> Extra Long (243cm)
Glove* No length
Sword  >> Short (76cm) >> Medium (103cm) >> Long (119cm) >> Great (125cm) (two-handed)
Axe    >> Small (48cm) >> Medium (73cm)  >> Long (115cm) (two-handed) >> Great (129cm) (two-handed)
Staff  >> Short (213cm) (two-handed) >> Long (365cm) (two-handed)
Polearm >> Medium (145cm) (two-handed) >> Long (182cm) (two-handed)
Lightsaber >> Short (88cm) >> Medium (106cm) >> Long (121cm) >> Double-blade (198) (two-handed)
Exotic >> Short (30cm) >> Medium (76cm) >> Long (118cm) >> Great (149) (two-handed)

The above gets rid of any guess work. You choose the weapon length, and bam. All done.

The weapon dmg type needs to be redone as well. There will be weapons that do in fact
share in types. Many of the types will no longer be available to choose from
if one were to choose "exotic". Assuming one chose to go with "exotic", right after choosing
the weapons length they would then get the following menu:

Enter choice :
 1) None.
 2) None.

Enter option to modify (0 to quit) :

 0) blast                    1) bite                
 2) pound                  3) sting                
 4) crush                   5) kick            
 6) claw                     7) maul                
 8 ) thrash                 9) gore

As you can see the other types normally listed in the old OLC have been cut down
to the truly "exotic". The reason for this is because the types will already
be built into each WEAPON as a standard. This is how I see the standard:

Dagger:      pierce/slash/stab
Mace:         pound/bludgeon/crush
Whip:         sting/bite
Glove:        punch
Sword:       pierce/slash/stab
Axe:          slash
Staff:         hit/bludgeon
Polearm:    stab/slash
Lightsaber: stab/slash/pierce
Exotic:     All other types, up to two can be chosen.

With the exception of EXOTIC, you would no longer have to choose ny of the above damage types.
Just choose the weapon. The types are all built in.

The reason for all of this is to 1) create uniformity, and 2) cut down on building time.
This system would streamline the whole thing. It has never made sense with the current way
things are set up. Especially in relation to skill usage.

The weapons that have multiple dmg types (slash, stab, etc,.) will be able to
put out the messages at random in battle. (...with his stab) (...with his pierce)

These are just some things I have been thinking about while on BP making things.


News & Announcements / Re: Building Contest
« on: August 05, 2013, 01:50:45 pm »
Just a quick update. Thanks to the service of GRAMMARLY, I'm currently weeding through this second zone room by room to do quality control. Some of these descs are like 10 years old so who knows what I did then :P

I have a system outlined for myself do finish this zone. Hopefully it will keep things smooth and orderly for me. :) I wanna be able to release it no later than xmas.

News & Announcements / Re: Building Contest
« on: August 02, 2013, 05:52:24 pm »
- Tocharaeh's massive project, (Several zones, not sure of the numbers and which of them it will be first.
  Toch needs to provide more info on this)

So the first one is being screened as we speak. This is called, "The Mountain Village of Gelindril" & "The Flying Fortress". They are 100 rooms each.

The second set is truly the massive one at roughly 900 rooms. I'm currently revamping my forest area as well as one other spot for several reasons. I expect this all to be done by Christmas. Luckily all of the triggers I need I've written. So the hard part is done. I'm just writing, and moving pieces around to make the zone more fluid.

I'll keep you posted as I progress.

Roleplay / Re: "Time slips by..." A chapter from Yvei's Journal
« on: May 25, 2013, 02:27:32 pm »
It is a great story ^^

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Pre title and log messages
« on: December 23, 2012, 02:04:35 am »
Sorry guys, I'd be on more but lately I have been immersed in Army Leadership assignments, language studies, and caring for our brand new little Tochie. My work schedule just changed to Mon-Fri 5am-1pm.. Once I can figure out a proper schedule to finally re-allot time to 4d, I'll be back on and help get them award points going again.

Sorry for the absence on my part ^^

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: one time quests....
« on: August 28, 2012, 03:45:09 pm »
yep. Absolutely. One timers are a complete imbalance of the game. If it's just token quests that is one thing, and a good builder uses proper code to scale down rewards for each repetition. But as for items, they should be available however many times we need them.

General Discussions / Re: Me
« on: August 28, 2012, 03:43:51 pm »
Once knows all about that *grin*

General Discussions / Re: Me
« on: August 07, 2012, 10:27:59 pm »
feh, I was purely paraphrasing :P

General Discussions / Re: Me
« on: July 31, 2012, 03:40:47 pm »
4D is like Hotel California. You can check in, but never check out. ^^

General Discussions / Re: Me
« on: July 30, 2012, 02:28:34 pm »

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: backstab
« on: June 12, 2012, 12:34:56 pm »
You can't vs. a player last time I tried......or was it sweet dreams? Anyway, I remember complaining about it a long time ago. All I got was an "Oh well, find another way."

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: backstab
« on: June 05, 2012, 05:02:47 pm »
should also fix the problem with not being able to backstab blackjacked/sleeping pc/mob. Unless that was corrected already. I remember it being a problem in the past.

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