« on: August 08, 2013, 10:35:37 am »
The idea is to get rid of people having to guesstimate weapon lengths as well as damage types.
The OLC option in question would be under "C) Values" and I think it should
flow like to following:
Choose option C >> Weapon Type >> Weapon Length >> Damage Dice >> Size of Dice
Here is the break down as I would like to see it in each sub-option:
1) Dagger 2) Mace
3) Whip 4) Glove
5) Sword 6) Axe
7) Staff 8 ) Polearm
9) Lightsaber 10) Exotic
Each type has the length options already built into it as well as the type
of damage which is normally chosen in OLC (smash, bit, gore, etc,.)
Dagger >> Small (15cm) >> Medium (27cm) >> Long (30cm) >> Extra Long (45cm)
Mace >> Small (30cm) >> Medium (45cm) >> Long (60cm) >> Great (97cm) (two-handed)
Whip >> Small (97cm) >> Medium (152cm) >> Long (198cm) >> Extra Long (243cm)
Glove* No length
Sword >> Short (76cm) >> Medium (103cm) >> Long (119cm) >> Great (125cm) (two-handed)
Axe >> Small (48cm) >> Medium (73cm) >> Long (115cm) (two-handed) >> Great (129cm) (two-handed)
Staff >> Short (213cm) (two-handed) >> Long (365cm) (two-handed)
Polearm >> Medium (145cm) (two-handed) >> Long (182cm) (two-handed)
Lightsaber >> Short (88cm) >> Medium (106cm) >> Long (121cm) >> Double-blade (198) (two-handed)
Exotic >> Short (30cm) >> Medium (76cm) >> Long (118cm) >> Great (149) (two-handed)
The above gets rid of any guess work. You choose the weapon length, and bam. All done.
The weapon dmg type needs to be redone as well. There will be weapons that do in fact
share in types. Many of the types will no longer be available to choose from
if one were to choose "exotic". Assuming one chose to go with "exotic", right after choosing
the weapons length they would then get the following menu:
Enter choice :
1) None.
2) None.
Enter option to modify (0 to quit) :
0) blast 1) bite
2) pound 3) sting
4) crush 5) kick
6) claw 7) maul
8 ) thrash 9) gore
As you can see the other types normally listed in the old OLC have been cut down
to the truly "exotic". The reason for this is because the types will already
be built into each WEAPON as a standard. This is how I see the standard:
Dagger: pierce/slash/stab
Mace: pound/bludgeon/crush
Whip: sting/bite
Glove: punch
Sword: pierce/slash/stab
Axe: slash
Staff: hit/bludgeon
Polearm: stab/slash
Lightsaber: stab/slash/pierce
Exotic: All other types, up to two can be chosen.
With the exception of EXOTIC, you would no longer have to choose ny of the above damage types.
Just choose the weapon. The types are all built in.
The reason for all of this is to 1) create uniformity, and 2) cut down on building time.
This system would streamline the whole thing. It has never made sense with the current way
things are set up. Especially in relation to skill usage.
The weapons that have multiple dmg types (slash, stab, etc,.) will be able to
put out the messages at random in battle. (...with his stab) (...with his pierce)
These are just some things I have been thinking about while on BP making things.