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Messages - Grish

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General Discussions / Re: Grouping and Clans
« on: August 27, 2008, 08:06:16 am »
- If a CL doesn't log on to the Mud for a month, they should be automatically moved to the Ancient Rank.

Agreed with everything except that, I for one would think 2 months, or even 3 would be more fair in guilds with multiple leaders. Sure, it could take a little bit of time to cycle out and get new leaders into position, but 1 RL month is not a long time at all and in the end its going to cause more demotions/promotions and jockeying the ranks. Take Xeriuth for example (yes I know he isnt a leader), quite active and has RL issues which are causing him to be away for 2 months. If he had been leader, when he returned he would be promoted again, and whoever took his place prolly re-demoted. This system should be used to eliminate the ones who are truly inactive, not the ones who just havent been able to log on for a month.

Also, wondering if the next player in line for a leadership spot will have his time since he last logged in taken into consideration? I mean, lets say someone is moved to ancient rank, and the next person in line hasnt been on for 28 days, will those 28 days go against the time remaining until that person is also demoted, or does the time start when the promotion to leader occurs? I personally think it should be counted against them, it would really speed the process up.

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Official Golem Discussions Thread
« on: August 22, 2008, 08:05:37 am »
In regards to the fire golem change:

As when I reported this issue to you, and you asked if this fix was fair I still say no in protest. My reported stated the golem should fall under pet catagory, or have a higher pet level. The issue was not that you could have them both, but that you could have 2 fire elemental AND a golem, thus making it vastley overpowered. My suggested fix would be to not make it so you cant have any elemental, but to make it so you cant have more than X levels with a golem in group, or you cant have more than X followers. IMO this is not a good fix to the problem of being able to have to many pets up with the golem.

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Official Golem Discussions Thread
« on: August 19, 2008, 12:38:38 pm »

Cause:I quit and quickly reentered the game, before leaving I saw the golem message, and when I returned I saw the golem leave due to loneliness.

Effect:Next golem purchased had no xp gain, after several mil worth of XP I still could not gstat my golem, yet I was not getting full XP. This golem died, I replaced it and about 60 mil worth of dock workers later, same issue. No yellow text or anything. Quit for an extended time and returned, golem still not gaining xp.

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Moving of skills/spells to cater to GM's
« on: August 18, 2008, 07:06:44 pm »
Wondering if when this change goes live some further balancing of classes will be done to allow a little better transition from T1-T2 to the upper tiers. For example its pretty clear advanced melee was a skill that you did not want GMs to have, will skills like that maybe come into play now in the upper tier 2, or do you just plan to replace the few skills which were recently ripped away. I know this tier 2 hunter remort has been lame, and if that skill became an option earlier it might make those last 10 levels or so a tad bit easier.

IMO this opens up a little bit of room to do a little more balancing like I suggested, and shuffle a few skills around to make midlife a little easier. At this point from my experiences with Grish as a pure melee character thus far, the middle tiers after a remort really leave a lot to desire.

While on the subject, I am curious why warriors dont get shortblade, yet rangers get both short and long. IMO warriors/hunters should be a master of melee combat, regardless of what the size of their weapon is.

One more thing, is parry fuggered? I never ever see mine trigger, regardless if short or long weapon in primary. I had this problem before, then it suddenly started to work, and then poof no parry messages anymore.

And one last thing, Kudos for hearing my cries for a fix, im sure it has been a big ol pain right square in your ass, but your effort really is appreciated, at least by me who has a long way to go before i see GM. So as the golen girls would say... thank you for being a friiiiend!

Ya know what might not be bad for realism, and good RP of the class values? Instead of giving all the classes that get certain skills and spells all at the exact same level, give them to each class in a unique, yet logical location. I will use advanced melee as an example, every class that can use it gets it at the exact same level. Where if classes were real professions certain classes would be capable of the skill or spell miles before others, my thoughts on that progression would be something like this: (just throwing a bit of randomness here)

Warrior T2-Level 25
Hunter -T2-Level 40
Thief T2-Level 50
Ranger T3-Level 10
Gypsy T3- level 25

This is an example of the possibilities which are being opened up, im not saying there is anything wrong with it, but it could make for stronger classes in certain times and points of their remorts. And in the end with a change like I made an example of, the only class which gets a push back is Gypsy, which 15 levels that early in a remort is not really that far at all.

/grain of salt.

General Discussions / Re: And you wonder why we don't get new players?
« on: August 17, 2008, 10:26:09 pm »
Dont get me wrong, I never said you specifically did anything for the mud, im saying in general in note of your title of the topic. We cant get, and then keep players if the active players dont do anything to get new players. Voting on mud sites etc etc, submitting reviews on the sites which we have our information posted etc etc. There are ways to get new players, even if its just to try, my point was we need to exploit some of these methods, then cry about not getting new members.

As far as my follow up comments that day, it was because I was irritated in the manner which you came at me, prior to even knowing the fact that I had what I called a friendship with Knecht long before he was even close to being clannable material. Thats no exscuse, but I was lashing at you more than him.

I still do like Knecht, and want to keep him around regardless of what clan he was in, but in my situation i had NO idea of what was going on elsewhere with him and the fact you jumped my ass pissed me right off.

I am sorry the way I reacted, and the shit I tried to sling at him was aimed at him to try to piss you off. Immature sure, pointless? sure, unnecessary? yup, would I do it again in the same situation... prolly not.

And lets not just focus on new players, we need some playerbase stimulation as I mentioned before, FUN things that can get old and new players alike working together or individualy but regardless for what reason, we need the players we have to log in. As you mentioned, the players create the environment, and without them we of course dont have it. We need to get the players who still log in and dont play motivation to get off their ass and socialize and have fun within the mud. Whats the solution? I have no idea, but I see far to many people "play" without ever leaving recall.

General Discussions / Re: And you wonder why we don't get new players?
« on: August 15, 2008, 05:19:18 pm »
Oh, and people can see how out line I was this is the comment I made to get her antsie in the pantsie, and you will understand why I said it on newbie after you read it.

"Knecht levels like old people screw, very slowly"

The reason I said it was because he remorted about a week ago, got about 17 levels in one day, then got to 35 in the next day or so then pretty much came to a halt. There is nothing wrong with it, but I felt like picking on him.

General Discussions / Re: And you wonder why we don't get new players?
« on: August 15, 2008, 05:15:49 pm »
Oh christ, if you would have shut the fuck up and minded your own business I was making a joke. You made it your personal business to be a condescending beotch to me when I was just joking at the rate in which he levels. Knecht is a big boy, maybe if you minded your own business he would have laughed as I intended.

As far as the clan thing goes sure, I was a little upset when he joined another clan, but after spending so much time with him trying to help him get gear, offering him group xp, showing him zones suggesting quests to attempt then having him join another which I guarantee offered a fraction of the help that TR did is sort of upsetting. The only beef I had was after he was asking me a bunch of questions one day, which I answered the most the best I could, finally I could not give him more time for answers so I said to ask his clannies. Im sure he got the hint  I was a little upset, and that was the first and only time I ever spoke a bad word to him, and have not done anything since. And In return I asked him a question a day or so later, and he didnt even give me a run around he told me to ask my clannies then didnt say anything else. So even if my joke was out of line, it wasnt like he didnt retaliate back at me.

So if you would have minded your own damn business my joke would have been a joke and as a matter of fact knecht and I might have laughed and bonded back a little bit. So before you get high and mighty quick to blame me for why the game doesnt have new players look at people like yourself who clearly dont ever get involved in the game, yet sit back with your feet up starting shit with players like me.

Whens the last time the game tried to get votes on mud sites, or offer rewards if people recruit new players? Whens the last time there was more than 10 people on and any of them did anything except sit at recall comparing the sizes of their penises?

Shrug, I guess if I was him I would be a little honored it caused so much friction and that he was so desired to be in the clan (and just to have to shoot the shit with for me anyway)

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Official Golem Discussions Thread
« on: August 15, 2008, 10:30:30 am »


Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Official Golem Discussions Thread
« on: August 14, 2008, 11:11:02 am »
True, but in the EQ/Gold farming game they would be insane. You add those with a couple fire elementals and you got yourself a pretty lethal trio.

I dunno about 30-40 tps per hour, thats getting kind of steep for a tight wad like me. Hell, if you said 30-40 just to purchase it, I would call you crazy.

But, another note you can lose them if you die (i think). I died today and my golem instantly quit following and then it said he uses the last of his energy and heals me. So either my golem died, or it was a result of my death. Given the circumstances, both are pretty likely. However, if it was a result of the golems death I have to wonder if the feature is working as intended, or if my life should have been saved.

The circumstances were:
a HUGE encircle from a warrior in RIP to the tune of 2500 damage just to me, which was a fatal blow.
Erwin said the damage could have been shared.
Now, if that damage was shared and applied to us both and killed us both (which would have been 9k damage)
My golem could/should have healed me on HIS death blow, thus saving my own life granting me a chance to flee.
However, the death blows were applied at the same time, resulting in his heal being wasted.

If this is working as intended, I would like to see the shared damage be applied to pets first, which actually could make golems save lives.

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Official Golem Discussions Thread
« on: August 14, 2008, 10:30:39 am »
Hehe, thanks for the compliment Iwku, and it takes more than you disagreeing with my assumption about tps to get my feathers ruffled. You werent exactly what I meant as active since I might see you once a week if im lucky. I was refering to players such as myself, Rynock, Knecht, Armand and the host of other people with less than 4 remorts under their belt. You do make your point though that TPs are obtainable with some work, so that point is well taken.

After reading your post and thinking about it for awhile I have a suggestion and a comment.

100 TPs sounds like a lot, but that wouldnt be enough to restore your golem 5 times. Hell, until I figure out a better spot it would prolly take me 2 weeks or better to get 100. But as a rookie in the field, that could be me just sucking as someone else could make 100 in 10 minutes, who knows ill figure it out eventually =).

If a system is put in place that gives some protection against crashes, or other non player flault, perhaps to take away some of the perk of being able to restore there is some negatives applied with it such as taking 50% TNL of the golems XP, or have the loss increase as the restores increase, for example on your 5th restore it could lose 100% TNL, or any T4 golem lose this much. This would prevent any t4 golem restores, but not make it impossible to get back.

You could also have the golems string start to indicate that its in poor shape from being reconstructed.

Hell, there are a lot of negatives you could put in place which would make the good still good, but not quiet as appealing. Ill list a few that just came to mind, keep in mind these could be serious and done at different intervals of golem replacements:

Loss of innate sanc.
Loss of some other abilities.
Double cost of TPs
3rd+ recover comes with a 10% chance for total failure (some or all TPs still consumed)
Loss of Golem XP
Loss of a Level, or -100% XP TNL

There are always options available to help negate the pure bonus of being able to restore your golem, and like removing the innate sanc, things like that will help the golems die faster to and then be unrestorable.

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Official Golem Discussions Thread
« on: August 12, 2008, 06:11:03 pm »
I agree that the golems should be able to be lost, but I am sure as well as everyone else from time to time has things outside of their control such as BAM your net goes down unexpectedly with no way to reconnect, so you lose your golem unfairly. I just would love for them to be crash proof somehow, any other style of loss outside of some unexpected bug it should be lost.

I concur with the fact they are very powerfull and leveling them should be a burden, but if its going to be a huge burden and they are going to be lost all the time it really loses the cool factor.

Also, the way you state it is that you just drop it and neglectfully quit and come back and buy it like its not a big deal. Im sorry, but your ACTIVE playerbase has little or no TPs to spend, so just pulling these TPs out of our butt isnt exactly easy at this point. If these end up costing 20 or more tps a pop, people will be careful with them.

OR, what about this.... assuming each golem is allowed to be unique, if it lost to any means other than death or mistreatment you will be allowed so many replacements before Ferdinand can no longer reconstruct the golem.  I would still love to see a way to make them crash proof, but having proverbial charges on them would be great. Lets say you could have up to 5 replacements, each one slightly more expensive than the previous. 10, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50. This would cost you 160 tps to purchase and replace your golem 5 times under this cost scheme.

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Official Golem Discussions Thread
« on: August 12, 2008, 12:47:55 pm »
Just had a thought, why not make the save file update to the last time the golem was Emet'd? Then have ferdinand have a script which can remake the golem and charge perhaps normal golem price + interest for losing it, or like I said a monthly fee to keep your golem.

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Official Golem Discussions Thread
« on: August 12, 2008, 11:31:24 am »
I can't predict crashes and make the golem save 5mins before crash that's insane :-)

What I meant was similiar to how player files are saved, if each player had a golem with a unique number that the mud could keep updating it would be easier to restore it with an automated system.

I am trying to get another one to keep testing, but am experiencing some unrealted issues that isnt allowing me.

General Discussions / Re: Golems - the Trainable pets
« on: August 12, 2008, 09:12:59 am »
I think as far as privacy goes from my point of view it would be fine, however I would like to see the only PK restriction not be there. There could be times when a player is lost, and another player tries to help by using the spy to help them, or maybe other situations where a player may just need to spy/be spied on.

And btw, I think there needs to be an official golem discussion thread, to discuss bugs, ideas and suggestions.

2 items from me:

1.)Golems seem to have issues with vanishing even from inventory. Both armand and myself experienced this, we both claim to have had golems in our inventory and quit out only to log in and have it be gone. Mine personally was T2 if that had anything to do with it.

2.)IMO I would like to see some sort of way to protect golems and restore previous versions of it when lost under these circumstances. At this point with no way to ensure golem security these are a waste of TPs. My thoughts would be to have a monthly fee similar to a locker (paid with tps) for golem care and upkeep. With these fees you are able to maintain your golem, and in essence give it a perze type effect. I personally find it to be a waste of time to even attempt to level a golem up, and then lose it to a crash, specially since the last few days the mud has been crashing pretty consistently.

3.)On a crash have the golem file restore to 5 minutes prior to the crash if possible.

4.)Downtune golem power. Currently they are VERY overpowered, my t2 golem put me to shame on a 2 mil mob I was lucky to get 500k of it. These should be utility to the player, not stronger than the player.

5.)Customizable names? If changes do go in to help protect golems longevity, how about we do something that lets players restring their pets within reason for RP and fun?

6.)O'Doyle Rules.

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Moving of skills/spells to cater to GM's
« on: August 05, 2008, 09:09:03 am »
So pretty much, GM would be worthless and unless a class had a specific bonus you wanted there would be no need to take it? For example, once I got all my -damage recieved and +magic damage outgoing I could just remort priest and not have to take thief ever because +100 attack points I wouldnt never need?

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