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Messages - Tocharaeh

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Suggestions & Ideas / Re: A few Pvp Ideas
« on: April 12, 2012, 12:04:20 am »
Sorry, vampy is a fairly known term for vampiric (lifesteal) effects on items, so I tend to default to that.

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Invoking the god of deeds
« on: April 11, 2012, 01:33:48 pm »
Just a couple of questions:

1: Can we invoke this any number of times, or one zone at a time?
2: Can you invoke any number of effects, or one at a time?

Looking at the time you've offered, I was thinking that this may not promote deeding. Furthermore, I think the duration's need to be carefully looked at because this really does imbalance the system significantly.

I would propose the following stipulations:

      a) Clans must have a minimum of 25 deeds, or 1/4, of the total deeds in the system. This would suggest that the clan has gained strong influence.
      b) For every 25 deeds, your invocations get 2.30 minutes of control time, with a maximum of 10 minutes having collected 100 deeds.
          The maximum should not go above 10 minutes. This is already 1/3 of the standard zone reset time.
      c) When invoking "guardians", mobs summoned to patrol would not give out XP, or gold. I just see abuse when I see things like this.
      d) By changing zone flags from normal to suddenly space, or what have you, should deal appropriate damage to normal area mobs.
          The appropriate zone echoes should also appears such as for water, "A giant tsunami barrels through Little Italy, oh the horror!". And so on.
      c) Some kind of descriptor in the given zone could exist like say, pertaining to the tsunami, "A large body of choppy sea water covers every inch
          here." in blue, and so on.

I think this could be a potentially interesting system, but it is really my belief that it should be a one zone at a time thing because of the severe imbalance that this honestly causes.

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: A few Pvp Ideas
« on: April 11, 2012, 12:48:15 pm »
Vampy = vampiric, the flag on weapons that heals its user based on a certain percentage of damage dealt with said item vs. mod/player.

As for deeds, multiple deeds can pop in any given zone so as soon as one person puts it in, the next guy does the same and they have already lost yet. We really need a kind of ownership lag thing going :D

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: A few Pvp Ideas
« on: April 10, 2012, 05:29:27 am »
3) The PK system is hugely out of balance. You are dealing Player to MOB damage. Not Player to Player.

This statement was a little off. Supposedly things like magic damage, and other special skills have been scaled back a bit, but I'm still not sold. PK dmg here is still a far cry from PK muds imho.

1) Healing potions got nerfed hardcore to put emphasis on priests. Nobody groups. And most CERTAINLY nobody really PKs much. And who the hell plays a priest anymore? You need to bring heals back to their old ways.

This is not referring to the new junk I haven't even touched yet. Case in point: TP potions. There was some silly confusion over this, not sure why. TP stuff just got in before I got really busy IRL. I'm clearly talking about the heavy as hell potions that weighed us down like no other, same with wands. I'm not sure how this was missed, but ok. I've corrected it.

PS: If you see some information I may talk about as being a little off. Be an adult, and not a 12 year old. Inform and correct maturely. I love having misinformation corrected if it exists. Don't flame be it here or on the MUD. I have zero patience for it. The big 3-0 is catching up to me in November, and I'm already a tired individual who as my family and friends know, has no patience for this kind of behavior. I wont engage in it, and neither should you.

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Dynamic Descriptions
« on: April 10, 2012, 04:48:40 am »
This dynamic desc sounds fun :D

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Poll for a Toggle on Deed Capture
« on: April 10, 2012, 04:47:58 am »
I completely agree.

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: The Gross Imbalance That Is Race
« on: April 10, 2012, 04:44:25 am »
Also, need to get rid of !race flags on items. Friggin stupid, and also creates an imbalance up until someone finally adds a new zone and makes something new.

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: A few Pvp Ideas
« on: April 10, 2012, 04:38:18 am »
Btw- You can beat world of recall, you just need to be a better PKer and re-initiate combat. Cant cast it while in combat!
That's a ridiculous statement. I can flee while snared and without trap aware almost every time. You won't see which direction I go in. Recall is a two-letter alias.  There is no way you can follow me and attack before I cast it if that's what I want to do.

I don't care about wimpy but I'd like to see ways of actually making it hard for people to escape.

Jaros> So you're saying, without trap aware you can STILL flee? Sounds like a a bug problem to me. Furthermore, if you play on real PK muds, you would know how to follow rather quickly. I'm a bit concerned why such a big was not reported (hand in the cookie jar huh?) Anytime I find a bug, it is reported, AND noted. I don't play around (oxymoron, I know haha) and neither should you (well you should play, just not with bugs. System can't improve without OUR help)

Now, Bane asked how it could be abuseable to !recall once you've been in a PK battle and flee out. Guess he forgot about ranged combat. That would initiate the stupid !recall anytime.

As for it being a clan deed idea...... Neato idea, but there problem is is the fact that deeds can change hands roughly 80 times within 10 minutes.

Now I wouldn't mind "invoking the Gods", or "Calling the Army" kinda deal at all to !recall specific owned zones, but it should come with a heavy price. Time to start rolling out those clan tokens. What? No tokens? Suddenly we see people questing again. Just saying, let's get the 4D economy rolling for once.

I want people to understand that I speak with veteran PVP mud experience here. The issue is not with fighting, and recalling. It is as much a part of strategy as anything else, but I want to point some things out to you.

1) Healing potions got nerfed hardcore to put emphasis on priests. Nobody groups. And most CERTAINLY nobody really PKs much. And who the hell plays a priest anymore? You need to bring heals back to their old ways.
2) Healing WANDS got nerfed hardcore. See above. The same applies.
3) The PK system is hugely out of balance. You are dealing Player to MOB damage. Not Player to Player. PVP dmg on real PVP muds is scaled differently. It is a totally different system. We are NOT a PVP centered MUD. That is why we have the problems that we have.
4) To bring in deeds for PK (which was the original intent by Sonya as this was her brain child), deed gathering requires an "ownership lag". Each clan should own the deed for a minimum of 24-48 hours. Furthermore, the proposed "area bonus system" of which I am not against mind you, can and must ONLY be available to PVP. This means the following:
      a) System of be enacted by PVP player ONLY
      b) PVP Player must be a CL or CCL of said clan.
         2b) Or, Any PVP clannie can enact system, but it only effects his/her status vs. other PVPer
      c) System must cost at least a silver. You are being given a GREAT advantage that outright imbalances the system entirely.
5) We need a complete skill/spell overhaul. Balancing needs to happen, and real player strategy needs to occur for once in my long run here. Just sayin'
6) Calling in the Gods thingy, or whatever must have a reasonable time limit. Expensive, but short. There is a price for everything, and if YOU want that advantage over people you better be willing to cough it up.
7) Fix vampy already. This is stupid that it doesn't work anymore and hasn't for a very long time. Really. It needs to get fixed, and put back into full working order. There is no excuse for this.

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: A few Pvp Ideas
« on: April 10, 2012, 12:39:32 am »
Didnt the mages have an anti-magic spot?

Btw- You can beat world of recall, you just need to be a better PKer and re-initiate combat. Cant cast it while in combat!

You are wrong about the whole point of pk being to junk/loot. Ive always believed junking is an absolute evil of it. Mobs dont do it. They can loot (if we script them to) but junking? No. It is dirty and Ive never believed in the practice, and I have been PK since I first STARTED back in 1997.

Pk is about out skillig the other guy. Period. That is how it has always been. Though our system is vastly imbalanced concerning PK. But that is whT pk is about. Out skilling(typing) thr next guy. Plain and simple.

You are right about trap aware jaros, but it does not work all of the time. I DO think we need an interrupt skill like say "sucker punch" (haha subskill idea, mine, you cant have it) that could stop something like that. Why not? Ill see about balancing it out and submit as a subskill and see where it takes us.

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: A few Pvp Ideas
« on: April 09, 2012, 03:48:33 pm »
Absolutely not. Dont want them running? Snare them. Bash them. Furthermore, the lag idea for flee spells is completely deconstructive. Highly abusable. This does not add to anything bu removing this stuff. It just makes people going PK just THAT much more unwilling to ben consider joining our world because by implementing the above, the risk of looting/junking has become too great.

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: The Gross Imbalance That Is Race
« on: April 07, 2012, 03:19:41 pm »
The honestly worst part about the race natural bonus system is that it was brought into 4D. We don't have a set class/remort system where you choose your path and stick with it for nearly forever. Instead, we are constantly changing, and remorting (true 4d style) endlessly.

I'm fine with just removing them entirely, and keeping the unique wear_loc we have for each race.

Scripting Board / Re: Tocharaeh's Script Excursions
« on: April 05, 2012, 01:17:21 am »
This is a multi-step quest script I finally figured out. This is coming from the perspective that you have already started the quest. This is built to prevent "step jumping", so that other players cannot just be run through the quest with their buddy by hitting all of the keywords.

Scripting Board / Tocharaeh's Script Excursions
« on: April 05, 2012, 01:15:23 am »
I just wanted to start this topic, and gradually add scripts as I figure them out, and share. I do get a lot of help from Thotter, Prometheus, and Molly while I learn by trial and error. I just what to share what I have written, and figured out for others like me who aren't scripting geniuses. ^^

I honestly hope everyone can learn from this. Scripting has been my absolute kryptonite and has been the deciding reason why it has taken me so long to finish projects. Quality zones, mobs, quest stories, and items I can write. Scripts? A totally different monster entirely, lol!

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Races
« on: March 31, 2012, 04:06:09 pm »
my thing is we have to really think about skills that get USED. Like seriously, who uses bow? No much nerfing has gone on in the past against ranged attacks, that it is pointless.

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: DT modification / one-time quests
« on: March 31, 2012, 04:05:15 pm »
One-time quests I think should apply to tokens only, though in the past we have had quests (that still exist I think) that are repeatable for tokens, but the token value goes down. I've never agreed with one-timer items though, just because it greatly unbalances the player vs. mob, and player vs. player system at times.

As for removal of DTs, I cannot disagree more. It is the very risk of Dting that makes exploring very "real" so to speak. You're in an unknown land and anything can happen. This is a 4D original. If you're running into Dts it is because you're not cautious enough, and are not paying attention to details. We all DT. Every single one of us. But we grow from it. It is why we experienced veteran players have generally made a second set of "exploring" sets for just in case shit happens.

We have DT insurance, and PERZ for a reason. Just because you can't afford it doesn't mean we couldn't either. Everyone starts out broke. We all work hard to get what tokens and coins we can to make the investments. It is a good system, and removal of DTs would destroy the economy that has been an integral part of our system. Same with houses. I didn't like the price increases, but maybe the IMMs could consider bringing the prices down a notch for PERZ.

We of 4D have something taht we can be truly proud of and that is a quality zones, quests, and a skilled playerbase. If we start changing the fundamentals, then we start losing integrity IMHO.

Anyway, that is just my 2 cents. Less coddling, more balls. ^^

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