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Topics - Once

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Once's Board / Dimensional Citizens
« on: November 15, 2015, 03:48:21 pm »

Citizenship Synopsis:  Users declare a citizenship in different dimensions and by solving quests and paying coins and tradepoints (and having sufficient amounts of solved quests in that dimension as well as having solved specific ones including citizenship tests) users can earn ranks in a particular "Citizenship Path" for the dimension.  Paths are broken down into 4 distinct categories (Selfish, Selfless, Tricky, and Remote) across 2 distinct areas (Damage and Support).

Users may only have a total of 6 ranks across all citizenships and must slowly work their way up the ranks with progressively harder quests, quest requirements, gold requirements, and more.  All abilities require users to be at 95% mana and move before using and all abilities will drain mana and move upon usage. This means that to regularly use citizenship abilities users will want to stock up on the tradepoint based restore potions and crafted regeneration gear.

Citizenship Synergies:  Due to the 6 rank limitation users can only be at most a Citizen (rank 4) in one path and an Immigrant (Rank 2) in another or a Resident (rank 3) in two paths.

This ensures that there is balance between the powerful abilities as Rank 3 and Rank 4 abilities are far more powerful than the average skill. All have cool downs and took considerable effort to attain, and just about every ability synergizes with several of the other abilities to allow for a far more dynamic group play.  This is valuable against PvE mobs, boss mobs, and in PvP Arenas.  Note: Some boss mobs will be programmatically granted certain Citizenship abilities.

Citizenship Paths:

Greek Hero:
Greek Hero - Selfish Support - While capable of acts of heroism benefiting and saving the lives of others, most Greek Heroes are loners. Many who started out with others lost them along the way whether due to fate, tragedy, or self absorbed ignorance. The Path of the Greek Hero is one of great power but the Heroism from these powers is up to the bearer.

Rank 2 - Stone of Sisyphus (Greek Hero) - User drops a stone in the room, he and his groupmates can leave and enter at will but anyone not grouped with user will be unable to leave or enter room and will lose moves and mana each time they try. Lasts 20 seconds.
Rank 3 - Mirror of Medusa (Greek Hero) - As a mirror deflected the destruction of Medusa, so shall it reflect the animus of the Hero's enemies. The mirror is targeted and casted upon an enemy for a duration of 30 seconds during which time ALL attacks by the target are reflected back at itself for DOUBLE damage. Caster and allies can still attack the target during this process or can flee at their leisure.
Rank 4 - Stomach of Kronos (Greek Hero) - The Hero summons the stomach of Kronos, the Titan who once held almost all of the gods of Greek mythology within the endless pits of his stomach. Kronos turns his efforts towards the mortal world and for 5 minutes swallows 25% of all of the exp and gold generated for other players kills. Detecting that stomach of kronos is in effect and who has casted it is only possible with activated cybernetic eyes. Cooldown time is 20 minutes.

Archaeologist - Tricky Support - While less inclined to feats of bravado, the Path of the Archaeologist is filled with amazing adventures and abilities. Archaeology is a tricky field and as such many of the Archaeologists best tools require a careful mix of timing, strategy and tactical flexibility. The Archaeologist is an extremely synergistic citizenship path melding exploration with history.

Rank 2 - Blessed Obelisk (Archaeology) - The Archaeologist plants a magic obelisk in the room, attaches various power stones and configures the obelisk as best as he can given the strange hieroglyphics. Obelisk gives a random room effect each time from mana/hp/move regen to drastically slowing all in room, to poison, to double exp to double damage (for all), etc. Archaeologist can try to adjust obelisk which is a puzzle. Obelisk lasts 5 minutes, adjustment puzzles must be completed in 10 seconds or obelisk explodes. Puzzle solving changes affect completely randomly.  Cooldown 20 mins.
Rank 3 - Salve of the Scarab (Archaeology) - The Archaeologist releases the silver scarab which encircles the group releasing a healing dust which mends wounds and channels psychic energy into the scarab. Scarab deals damage to each attacker equal to the TOTAL damage it just healed from the group.
Rank 4 - Curse of the Pharoah (Archaeology) - Ability which does hard damage over time to anyone in the room when/where it was casted.  Lasts for 5 ticks, is cast as an always succeed affect and carries across room changes. Uses the user's buffs against them so a sanct user who normally blocks 30% damage takes 30% MORE damage due to the curse and sanct.


Knight's Templar:
Knight's Templar - Selfless Support - What is Selfless Support? An undying devotion to protect and serve friends and innocents even at the cost of ones on life or health. The Path of the Knight's Templar exemplifies through the nature of their abilities and the fact that those abilities are most powerful when combined with other player's paths in group play.

Rank 2 - Martyrdom (Knight's Templar) - The Templar drops to one knee, prays to the heavens above and is struck by golden lightning. Templar is set to "dead" and -10 hp (completely incapacitated and dead if hit), all groupmates are fully restored in hp, mana, and moves and all ability cooldowns are instantly reset. Templar is unhealable for 20 seconds, ability has a 20 minute cooldown that is not affected by Martyrdom
Rank 3 - Avatar of Righteousness (Knight's Templar) - A golden hue surrounds the Knight's Templar whenever he seeks the protection of his God. The Templar receives near total invulnerability for 30 seconds in the form of a maximum damage per hit of maxhp/200. NOTE: If Templar had 5000 MaxHP then the maximum damage would be 25 per hit, however if Germ Warfare affected him (3x damage) he'd still take 75 damage per hit.
Rank 4 - Masonic Temple (Knight's Templar) - The Templar kneels to the ground tracing archaic runes with a finger. Seconds later a golden glow basks the land that suddenly quakes as a Masonic Pyramid rises from the dirt. The Eye of the Temple glows bright and blessed rune engraved mithril chains spring from the temple dragging enemies from adjacent rooms inside.  The temple holds the targets in place and bombards them with attacks from holy guardians (inflicting 20% of max hp in damage) for 20 seconds before the temple explodes sending them back to their original room.

Dragon Riders:
Dragon Riders - Selfless Damage - As the Templars are to support, the Path of the Dragon Riders is to Damage. While fearsome standing atop their scaled steeds, the Dragon Riders' best use of brimstone comes when others are around to help unlock his Dragon's power. This path is formidable but not much fun for the one man show.
Rank 2 - Dragon's Breath (Dragon Rider) - Does 2% damage per 2 second combat round. Does extra damage for each mob of the same zone number or player in the room. Caster's group take just 2% damage, ungrouped mobs and players take the cumulative damage.
Rank 3 - Scales of the Dragon (Dragon Rider) - Passive ability, randomly prevents a deathblow from killing citizen. Dragon is gravely injured (cooldown for 10 mins), user is still near death but combat is stopped (equivalent to peace command). Meant to be stackable with other abilities that rely on a user being low in hp %.
Rank 4 - Belly of the Beast ( Dragon Rider) -  Everyone in player's group is summoned inside the dragon for 10 seconds. No damage is taken due to players being transed inside the dragon, but players then have to attack the "Kajigland" organ that controls the flow of the enzyme it uses to make fire. The more damage your party does inside the belly of the beast, the more powerful the fireball he breaths down upon the room you cast in.


Quantum Weaponologist:
Quantum Weaponologist - Tricky Damage - As with the Archaeologist's Support, the Weaponologist's Damage is situational, tricky, but extremely effective in the right hands. The Path of the Quantum Weaponologist involves turning biology, nanotechnology and physics into powerful weapons.

Rank 2 - Nanovirus (Quantum Weaponology) - User casts the nanovirus on a specific target. Nanovirus "virality" is based on user's hp/maxhp %. If user is at 10% maxhp aka lost 90% of their hp the nanovirus does damage equal to 90% of the target's maxhp (spread evently across 10 rounds or 20 seconds)
Rank 3 - Temporal Rift (Quantum Weaponology) - Player creates a temporal rift using miniaturized wormhole technology and sends any non-grouped non-quest mobs into another dimension temporarily. Tearing through transdimensional otherspace does steady damage to the target while it is in the rift and rifts randomly open up in front of other player's attacks forcing the target to take hits from players across space and time. Players see when a rifted enemy takes one  of their hits instead of their desired opponent.
Rank 4 - Germ Warfare (Quantum Weaponology) - The pinnacle of the Quantum Weaponology School of Science, Germ Warfare is a hyper localized genetically engineered spell designed to create instant attack vectors when invading a foreign land. When released the Germ Cloud spreads to everyone within a 3 room radius (not including group members in the SAME ROOM as caster). The effects are a 3X increase in damage received for up to 5 minutes for any infected party.

Cyborg - Remote Damage - Hailing from the same Dimension as the Weaponologist, the Path of the Cyborg focused more solely on electronic and mechanical advances as they apply to warfare. Cyborgs don't just control the technology within their own body but utilize advanced radio frequency techniques to kill from afar making them world class assassins.

Rank 2 - Cybernetic Eyes (Cybernetics) - On look player gets the equivalent of a scan (mobs 3 rooms away in every direction),  along with their current hp, buffs, and avg damage per round. While active eyes can also see invisible, infrared, and buried objects in the room the player is currently in and can see movement from 3 rooms awayh.  Very useful when dodging a missile..
Rank 3 - Drone Strike (Cybernetics) - User gets a 20 second countdown from initiating strike, can drop 3 drone tags in rooms.  Upon countdown reaching 0 the Drone bomb each room with a tag for significant damage (including to caster and group mates). Tag in inventory is the same as tag on the ground in the room and will do damage to all in the room.
Rank 4 - Guided Missile (Cybernetics) - Player "marks" a target with their cybernetic eyes. Player can be up to 3 rooms away from a target to mark them with cybernetic eyes active. Once marked, missile is launched and will take 10 seconds to reach marked target. The missile will move through rooms towards the target and the target will be warned that a missile is after them 3 seconds before the 10 second standard impact.  Players may opt to flee from the missile but it will chase them for up to another 10 seconds (20 seconds total).


Medicine Man:

Medicine Man/Woman - Remote Support -Hailing from Old West, the Path of the Medicine Man is not the typical western depiction. In touch with Mother Earth, the Great Spirit, and shepherd to the spirits of animals across all dimensions, the Medicine Man uses his keen understanding of Nature to provide Support and Protection to those he deems worthy.

Rank 2 - Great Spirit (Medicine Man) - The Great Spirit considers all things hallowed. Medicine Men who learn the ways of the great spirit can bury the corpses of dead (skinnable) animals to show respect to the Great Spirit (1 spirit point per corpse max 30). Great Spirit also allows the Medicine Man to do the Spirit Chant which restores groupmates hp/mana/move 2% per spirit point used (maximum of 25 points or 50%) even if in separate rooms. Cooldown of 5 minutes.
Rank 3 - War Dance (Medicine Man) - Although powerful, the War Dance ritual is about more than just destroying his enemies. The Medicine Man channels the Great Spirit asking for aid in defending Mother Earth. The Medicine Man focuses and begins channeling spirit points to add a group damage bonus to every group mate. The bonus builds as the medicine man channels 1 point per second for 5% damage per point (max 150% after 30 seconds).   

Can not be used in Peaceful rooms. Medicine Man will take 20x damage if hit while war dancing. Lasts 10 mins, if medicine man is attacked during channeling the bonus stops where he was attacked. Medicine Man in war dance will make surrounding mobs track and attempt to attack him. Evil Spirits will also appear (equal to 1.5 the strength of medicine man) and will need to be fended off. Cool down 20 mins.
Rank 4 - Rain Dance (Medicine Man) - The Rain Dance ritual is the most powerful ritual the Medicine Man can learn, a true connection and understanding of the Great Spirit. As with the War Dance, during the Rain Dance the Medicine Man will be chased and attacked by local mobs and evil spirits equal to 2x his strength.
If attacked while Rain Dancing the Medicine Man will take 30x damage and all of his group mates will suffer a 10 second combat delay / skill lag. During the Rain Dance (which drains 2 points a second and lasts 15 seconds) the Medicine Man will check skill lag on all group mates and reduce it to 0 75% of the time. Cooldown 60 minutes.

Outlaw - Selfish Damage - While the Greek Heroes may at times be oblivious to the selfishness of their support the Path of the Outlaw holds no such illusions. Uniquely powerful gunslingers who's interest in the rule of law has long since waned, they make competent allies so long as you understand killing the enemy is more important than not killing you...

Rank 2 - Dynamite Throw (Outlaw) - The Outlaw throws a couple sticks of dynamite on the ground giving 2 second warning. These sticks do 25% maxhp damage to groupmates, and significantly damage mobs albeit not more than 33% of their total maxhp. Dynamite has a habit of going out if a Player Character isn't in the room with it when it's set to explode which many Outlaws get around by letting someone else tank before setting and fleeing.
Rank 3 - Bandit's Gambit (Outlaw) - No one knows quite how to escape a bad situation like an Outlaw from the Old West. When the chips are down and the Outlaw is injured he can use the strength of his injury as part of a last stand to attempt to vanquish his foes. Outlaws will deal 5 times the HP they've lost in damage in one fell swoop (with bonus modifiers if they're under 15% health).  NOTE: It's called a Gambit for a reason and these are Outlaws, any groupmates or innocent bystanders will take 25% of the damage the Outlaw deals as well.
Rank 4 - Human Shield (Outlaw) - The Outlaw grabs a human shield (either a grouped player or a mob in the room not invovled in combat) and uses them as a human shield to buy time to carefully line up his shot.  Outlaw shoots the target THROUGH the shield causing shield to take 80% of their current hp in damage and  dealing twice (mobs) or three times (players) as much damage to the target. Outlaw also has a 50% chance of this shot instant killing the target provided it is under 50% health and under a specific level.

Building Board / BuildPort Temporarily Down
« on: December 07, 2013, 05:55:47 am »
One of you bastards must have made a script that was infinitely (or near enough) looping with some sort of error (possibly on multiple mobs, or spawning multiple multiple mobs).

The average log file on the server is maybe 2 - 10 kb. Sometimes in the 1000kb.  The buildport's error log file alone was over 600,000kb and that was causing the server to run out of hard drive space so new players couldn't be created, and (far more importantly) I couldn't log in. 

Good job champ, whoever you are.  That said, wtf is this, the 90s. I've got two $10 usb drives on my keychain that are 16 GB each.  Anyway, the port is down until someone with more time can start it up and figure out what exactly caused this. I'm sure it shouldn't be but half a day.

News & Announcements / Forum Updates
« on: November 06, 2013, 05:20:41 am »
I upgraded the forum like 7 versions to SMF 1.1.19.  

SPAM Bots Annihilated:

I also updated the member registration system to deal with the spam issue. Instead of captcha's new users just have to enter Molly's name to register. Betting every spam bot out there is too stupid to solve that one. Tried to make it O'Hara at first but the system didn't like the quote.

I also added a bunch of new features to take us into something approaching the common era. Would like some of you to think about what a new theme would look like cause personally I think this one's kind of boring.

Additional New features:

JQuery Notifications: We now have a JQuery based Notification system. When someone sends you a PM or replies to one of your posts you see a fancy little popup that sticks around for 7.5 seconds.  This may spam the fuck out of you the first time you login because you've probably got a lot of unread posts that you haven't bothered to look at you lazy bastards. I think if you click the popup it'll take you straight to the post too.

Lost Post Prevention: With this new system, if your browser crashes while you're writing a post, when you log back in the contents of your post should actually still be in the "reply" box. God damn I wish we'd had this years ago. Just tested this, it works! Just hit reply on the thread you lost the window on and your text should still be there.  

Hover Tooltips for Posts: If you hover over a topic long enough inside of a sub-forum you'll get a little tooltip that shows you a preview of the post. Ain't that nice and web 2.0 like. We can change the amount of characters it shows, the colors of it, the font size, and the amount of time you have to hover over to see the tooltip. Currently it's at .5 of a second.

Drafts: You can now create drafts of posts for more complex posts that you don't have time to finish. This should be good for those of you that like to hit the forums while at work. Please use the god damned drafts before posting your stupider ideas or flames. You can see your drafts from any reply window and edit them by clicking the little pencil.

Google+ on topics: Cause you know, viral marketing. Might just disable this later if enough of you bitch about it. Seems kind of cool and I've seen a few of you on Google+


Once's Board / Poisons
« on: October 23, 2012, 09:38:35 pm »
Poisons now drain mana and move a lot faster depending on the type of poison. This will make poison an interesting weapon against casters. Look forward to more!

Suggestions & Ideas / Elemental Staves
« on: June 24, 2012, 02:00:17 am »
From the previous thread:

Doesn't look like I'll be able to get to that tonight, but the good news is we now have working elemental focuses.  Fire focuses can cast fire spells with more power than a normal focus (but are standard issue for other elements).

Sounds great!
Of course, what Zsijn is talking about is the ordinary trees that you trade to the lumbermill, not the magic ones that you make staffs from.
But I suppose a certain  number of the ordinary trees turn into magic ones, so the loading percentage should be about equal for both kinds?

I am also not sure that I quite got the part about the elemental focuses.
How do you assign the fire focus to them? Do a certain percentage of all the staffs get it, or is it based on what kind of tree the staff was made from?
Will other focuses get elemental ice or water to counteract the fire spells?

I'd also appreciate some ideas on which trees should give which elemental modifiers. Please limit it to one modifier per tree.

Like I said, there are 50 different kinds of trees, and some of them are a lot more common than others, which I suppose should influence the value of the modifier.
I could post a list of the trees, but that is not much use without the percentage load.

Which elemental modifiers are available?
Are all the available spells sorted under any of the elements fire, water, air, earth?

Also, like Jaros pointed out, the age of the trees should make a difference to the factor - as well as the level of the players woodsing skill.

I'll break this down into question by question:

How do you assign the fire focus to them? Do a certain percentage of all the staffs get it, or is it based on what kind of tree the staff was made from?
Will other focuses get elemental ice or water to counteract the fire spells?

It'll be dependant upon the type of wood. Check "help trees" for a list of magic trees. These I've found out are actually completely different from what are used for lumberjacking. Only about 8 elements in total will get elemental staves: Fire, Ice, Electric, Water, Earth, Air (the newbie element, will make quite nice staves), Spirit, and Death.

When casting within that element of your stave you will get a bonus multi based on:  The age of the tree, the skill of the woodsinger, the reagents you used when singing (gathered via crafting), and refinements made to the staff itself.

Which elemental modifiers are available?
Are all the available spells sorted under any of the elements fire, water, air, earth?

Essentially any damage spells and any spells currently modified by staves such as Battle Rage, etc will get a benefit if you're using a stave of the appropriate element. This lets you focus on being a specific type of mage. We're currently lacking a lot of the types of spells that do receive bonuses from focusing on an element but I think with time and a little work on Graham's part we could actually see that being part of the gameplay content.

The long term goal here is to make this part of a crafting system and as such these sorts of stave settings will NOT be available to builders. Doing so just encourages yet another arms race as we've seen with damroll, innates, etc for every new zone that comes in. Every single zone will try to push things just a little bit further thereby creating additional balance problems. The Pike is a good instance of this. It's essential that as we build out this feature we focus on how we make crafting more usable by players, how we create a player market, and how we make focusing on a specific element a core piece of gameplay.

Once's Board / Bounty System
« on: April 24, 2012, 11:34:26 am »
Graham had the idea of a bounty system that lets you put a cash or token bounty on a PKer, and other people can collect when they successfully PK that person. Thoughts?

Roleplay / March 9-11th Weekend RP Reward
« on: March 09, 2012, 09:56:14 am »
Hey guys,

As most of you know I will be out of town this weekend and rarely if at all on the MUD. That said, I hear there's something interesting going on this weekend. Post your logs in this thread and along with the imms and a select RPL we'll select the winning roleplayer and distribute a very unique prize to them.

Remember you have several facets to roleplay by:

Your Clan
Your Race
Your Dimension
Your Backstory
Your relationships

And with that I've got to run. Enjoy!

Once's Board / Random notes
« on: February 27, 2012, 06:04:28 pm »
1% bonus exp per deed up to 15

30 deeds = 25%
40 deeds = 35%
50 deeds = 45%
60 deeds = 55%
100 deeds = 85%
Each with Milestone markers (aka announcements to the world when your clan hits those)


Deed Achievements: (more for newbies than oldbies)

1 Deed = 100k coins, and equivalent of level 1 - 5 as a newbie.
10 deeds = 1 mil coins and equivalent of level 20 - 22 as a newbie.
25 deeds = 2 mil coin sand equivalent of level 30 - 31 as a newbie.
50 deeds = 2.5 mil coins and equivalent of level 35-36 as a newbie.
100 deeds = 5 mil coins and equivalent of level 49-50 as a newbie.
500 deeds = 10 mil coins and equivalent of level 45-50 as a tier 2.
1000 deeds = 10 mil coins and equivalent of level 40-50 as a tier 2.

Deed achievements would be listed on worth and show on finger.

Once's Board / New Patch (yes I'm back)
« on: February 20, 2012, 02:21:44 am »
Deeds World Notification System
The amount of deeds your clan has collected = % of bonus exp for mob killing
Tweaks to the way deeds work (you used to need to be in a zone 5 minutes to
to start collecting deeds)
Slightly better clan tracking


The Prototype System "Analyze" is in for creating an analysis of an object.
This is for testing purposes only. Use at your own risk.
Other parts of the crafting engine are essentially built and came in with this
patch but are invisible until the finished patch.

Suggestions & Ideas / TASKS: Crafting
« on: December 30, 2011, 11:17:25 am »
Here's my breakdown of the tasks involved in the crafting system. I unfortunately don't have the time to give a synopsis of how it all works, but this should give people an idea of how the tasks break down for a given system. Finished tasks are marked with strikethrough.

1) Make Craft Command
2) Make Analyze Command
3) Make Analyze have a chance to make a TEMPLATE item.
4) Make Template item have stats of original item.

5) Analyze Load Rates and Load Difficulty of Ore
6) Come up with benefits for each individual ore. Find ways to make them unique so there's more value in mining.
7) Create "craftables" list of all craftable items. Use Weapon and Armor types as a base, but assess whether more are needed.
8) Define ore weights for all craftables.
9) Decide whether crafting the item itself should be a mini-game, or a single, straight-forward command.
10) Create item crafting system.
11) Create system to integrate templates.
12) Create Gem Loading system for Boss Mobs
13) Create scripts to analyze boss mobs.
- Thanks Thotter!
14) Assess value of boss mobs across the world.
15) Create Gem bonuses and balance against boss mobs.
16) Create system to graft gems onto crafted items.
17) Playtest system for bugs and fun level.
18) Push system live.

P.S. If you think you can help with any of these tasks. Let me know or just start helping. For instance, a craftables list and some thoughts on whether crafting should be a mini-game are areas even non-coders can jump in on.

Once's Board / Mudding from the Phone
« on: December 27, 2011, 11:09:02 pm »
How can we make this easier? How can we make this more fun? Share your thoughts.

Suggestions & Ideas / How You Can Help
« on: December 27, 2011, 03:21:39 pm »
Hey Guys,

I know I've been a little quiet over the holidays here. Working on a new business and dealing with some interesting issues in some of my current ones but I saw a very intriguing debate on gossip this morning and read an excellent article that got me motivated to start 4d off right in the New Year.

As many of you have noticed (some for months) this place has stalled a little bit in terms of new development. Some of it can be attributed to busy-ness with the holidays. Some of it could be personal issues/interest for programmers. That said, I think a big part of it is we don't have a clear plan of what people can do to help move the game forward.

My goal with this post is to help break down what a successful project tends to be organized like, and make it clear to you how you can help us. Essentially there are four key elements that make up the successful execution of goals in any project (especially ones with multiple workers). 

1) Macro Issues (What large scale, categorical issues are wrong. For instance: Combat, No Grinding Alternatives, Annoying Bugs, PvP Actions, etc)

2) Stating the Problem with detail and breaking the problems into components (arbitrary, likely incorrect example: Combat is currently an issue because it's not very fun to play. It's slow. Managing your speed isn't particularly interesting. Typing the same skill again and again is boring. Spells are somewhat interesting, but I just stick with fireball because it works best 90% of the time, and we could use more variety in the different spell types).

3) Taking the Components and turning them into Tasks (example:  Speed is kind of boring to manage because you always want max speed and it only takes X hours to get the best speed gear. Let's make speed negate strength, but create a "critical hits" system that triggers around 1% of the time. You can take very slow strong hits that may one or two hit a mob, or you can have very fast attacks that can get you a critical hit and do bonus damage. Lower Speed will also allow you to block more, so low speed will let you be more like a tank, and higher speed will do seriously quick damage.)

4) Doing the work (Random Coder:  "Hey, looks like I can:

A) Make a critical hits system.
B) Add some code to make slower hits get better dodging and blocking, and
C) Create a system that makes it possible to manage your speed.

I only have 2 hours so I'm going to work on B because that sounds more fun, and I'll see if I can get A done too. If I can't, maybe somebody else can")

Those are essentially the components of any successful project. Research has found that people are most motivated to work when they can have a sense of progress. In order to have a sense of progress, you need definable tasks that you can complete. We need to give people meaningful goals that they can complete, and we need to be able to give beneficial feedback to people for completing those goals. There's a certain motivation boost to seeing your code in the game.

This is a big wall of text I know, but the end goal here is to make it clear to you guys what it'll take to make 4d successful, and how you can help in making it successful. Following those goals, here's the Macro areas we need help with:

A) Breaking down what the problems are. (Please create a new thread for this called Macro Issues, I will edit this thread heavily and have Molly integrate the macro issues into her "Priorities" thread)

B) Understanding a few solutions to the problem. Please provide your solution to for instance, Combat. For each Macro issue give it its own thread. If it were me, I'd name a combat thread Macro: Combat.  Break down exactly what's wrong with Combat in your mind, and a few things we can do to fix it.  Do NOT get bogged down in fighting as to who has the right solution, that tends to kill a project..

After we have enough ideas and theories backed with examples/data we can then sit down and figure out what the ideal solution looks like. From there, we can break it into tasks and get things done.

C) Create individual task lists. I'll be honest, at the end of the day I'm pretty decision fatigued. I've been on calls, I've answered all manner of questions, I've been making decisions and taking action all day and I'm not exactly energetic about figuring out what I need to do for a game. 

I do however have some coding skill that I can put to work. If someone's broken out the tasks that need to be completed for a given item (similar to what I did above for the critical hits system for combat) I'd likely pick one or two and just code them. I might code them slightly differently than they're laid out once all is said and done because I have more knowledge of the codebase or I know what's easier, or I just have my own style. That's okay, every programmer will be different and won't *exactly* follow your vision. Having these things broken down though will make it easier for us to get stuff done though.

Sorry for the wall of text. Thanks for reading guys. Open to criticism here. I think this is the best way for us to get this MUD moving and improve the game as a whole. Join me, and together we can create a kick ass game that'll last another 10 years. ;)


General Discussions / We're backkkkkkkk
« on: December 05, 2011, 10:04:59 pm »
    =Mortals online=
[4 47 Elf Gyp -- RP M]  Solinar the  dark  (Vampire) (invis) (quest)
[3 44 Cen War -- -- F] Ketesh the black and blue (Vampire)
[2 41 Cen Thi -- -- M]  Los  (Vampire) (quest)
[2 23 Elf Thi -- RP F]  Tamica The Former Sicilian Goddess (Vampire)
[1 50 Cen Thi -- RP M] *Once - Solinar gossips, 'once is pleasant and uplifting. A real joy to be around.' (Vampire Leader) (Helper) (HERO) (quest)
[1 46 Ind Thi PK -- M]  Himelas Telrunya the Brave (Chaos) (AFK)

Suggestions & Ideas / Trainers
« on: November 26, 2011, 03:28:14 pm »
What if training at specific trainers (rather than Mike or the guildmasters) reduced or negated the gold cost of training that skill up?

Once's Board / Combat Skills Thread Dump
« on: November 24, 2011, 07:47:30 pm »
This is about equalizing the value of attack skills to the "tier level" (skill level * tier) of the skill itself so we have an actual rationale for balance.            

Here we see some bonuses that cleave and a couple similar skills get:
Code: [Select]
               case SKILL_CLEAVE:
                        return cleave_mult ( HPLEFT ( vict ), tier ) + ( total_chance ( ch, SKILL_CLEAVE ) /100.0f );
                case SKILL_BEHEAD:
                        return cleave_mult ( HPLEFT ( vict ), tier ) + ( total_chance ( ch, SKILL_BEHEAD ) /100.0f );
                case SKILL_THRUST:
                        return cleave_mult ( HPLEFT ( vict ), tier ) + ( total_chance ( ch, SKILL_THRUST ) /100.0f );

total_chance appears to add up your skill in the skill and any pre-requisites and then divide by the number of skills/pre-reqs. So if you have Dropkick which is based off of kick you have both at 100 that's 100 total_chance. If kick is at 100 and dropkick is at 50 though that'd be 75.  Of course this is documented no-where, just had to go look up the code ;)

HPLEFT is: #define HPLEFT(vict) ((GET_HIT(vict)*100)/GET_MAX_HIT(vict))  but is only used for this particular function for some reason.

Here we see the actual cleave formula:
Code: [Select]
float cleave_mult ( int level, int tier )

        switch ( tier )
                        return 1.1f + ( level < 10 );
                case 1:
                        return 1.55f + ( level < 10 );
                case 2:
                        return 1.7f + ( level < 10 );
                case 3:
                        return 1.9f + ( level < 10 );
                case 4:
                        return 2.0f + ( level < 10 );  

This is all used in:  dam = FTOI ( dam * ( GET_SKILLMULTI ( ch ) = skill_type_multi ( ch, vict, type ) ) );

Which is saying that the damage is current damage times multiplier.


So with the current system cleave_mult will return a multiplier based on your current tier, if you're tier4 you get a 2.0 multiplier, if you're tier1 in your current class you get a 1.55f multiplier. This is also given an extra 1x if your opponent is below 10% hp left.

As we can see from this, the actual bonus from these skills has nothing to do with the level or tier they're set at, but with your own particular tier. It also looks so far like each skill is as valuable as the other, so most the perceived differences are likely either defined elsewhere, or are based on the accuracy or damage bonuses that individual classes get either by virtue of being a class, or from class mastery (which is another ball of wax altogether ;)).

More research shortly.

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