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Messages - Molly

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General Discussions / Re: Heya All
« on: June 15, 2024, 02:53:19 am »
Hello Kvetch!
I am afraid that 4D is definitely dead, even though it's not officially buried yet.
I pop in myself, about once a year, and there is never anyone on line. So starting to build here, would be an enormous waste of your time.

Too bad, since it was a wonderful Mud, but I don't see any chance of reviving it at this time, when Text Muds mostly seem to be a matter of the past.
But lovely to see an old player log on anyhow!
love, Molly

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Questjournal v1
« on: November 29, 2015, 03:37:22 am »
Hmm, I gotta comment on a couple of things here.

About the Zoneflag Quest:
There actually already is a system to check how many different zoneflags that a player has turned in.
They get 3 bronze tokens in return for 10 different flags, but at the same time they also get a personal zoneflag certificate with a list of reported flags, since each flag only counts once. And each time they turn in a new batch of 10 flags, the certificate is checked and updated with the new 10 flags.

Now this is a bit circumstantial, since the imm that gives out the reward, (usually me), also has to check and update the certificate manually, and I suppose there could be glitches. But all in all there hasn't been that many who actually collect and turn in the flags, so it has been manageable so far. I think there are around 60 certificates so far, most of them with inactive players.

If there is an easier way to do this, I'm open to suggestions.

Disappearing Quest Flags
The routine nowadays is definitely to make sure that the questflags set in the scripts are unique for that particular quest. I doubt there are any flags on any quest with a flag named "completed" or "done", (except of course if it is a global flag instead of a remote, (which is set on the mob and not the player, and should still have a check for player identity).

And I don't recall any cases when a questflag has actually been changed later. (That doesn't mean it couldn't have happened, since my memory is faulty). 4D is a very old mud, and some of the oldest quests were made over 15 years back in time...
I do remember something happening in connecetion with the code change, so oldbies returning from before that time, may have had some problems with their flags in the past. Also players who deleted thir char and then got restored, might have lost some questflags in that process, since the pfiles that are saved are usually a bit outdated.

But if a player nowadays claims that some their questflags suddenly have disappeared, so that they cannot use their old equipment, I'd be a bit suspicious. It's a much higher probability that they did the quest with some of their alts and forgot which one.

And, as Erwin already stated, there is a very easy fix; Just redo the quest for the full reward.
A quest is only really hard the first time, which is why the reward gets considerably smaller after that, so having to redo it might be a hassle, but should be worth the extra work.

Anyhow, the main feature with the Quest Journal, is to reset the flags of a quest to 0, if you get completely stuck in  it. (This might happen if you stop in the middle of a quest and then later try to redo it from the start, which might result in a double set of flags that screws things up. Or if you are redoing an already finished quest, and try to skip a step or two in the process to save some time).

The Reset in the Quest journal offers a chance to start the quest from the beginning again, but it only removes the intermediate flags, not the final one that marks the quest as finished.

« on: November 15, 2015, 05:45:42 pm »
Feel free to use this thread to discuss, critizise, suggest, bug report etc anyything concerning the Textileworker craft skills.

« on: November 15, 2015, 05:36:37 pm »
You can now work as a Spinner, Weaver, Ropemaker, Sailmaker, Embroiderer and Lacemaker, after you learnt the Textile skills.

Not yet implemented is Dyer, Tailorer and Robemaker, these will be added next.
You can however already trade all the products you make to various Trader mobs.

There is a Workshop for each Profession in Crafter’s Alley northeast of Olde Yorke. Generally you’ll find the tools and utility you need in those Workshops. If they for some reason aren’t loaded there, it should be possible to BUY them from the Craft Shop at the small square in the center of the village.

More detailed info is in the following posts in this thread, and on the signs in Crafter’s Alley.

I am closing this thread, but feel free to discuss, comment, typo report etc in the TEXTILE DISCUSSION thread that I opened in this same Forum.

To become a Textileworker you need to first seek out an old woman named CERINTHE, who lives on the island Calydnos in the east part of the Aegean Sea. If you ask to become her Apprentice, she’ll teach you Spinning and Weaving, in return for some small favors.  When Cerinthe is satisfied with your progress, she’ll give you a Letter of Recommendation  to another teacher, Fawn the Seamstress, who lives in Dun-Shivaar.

Fawn will teach you the skills needed to work as a Tailor, Ropemaker and Sailmaker, and then give you a Recommendation Letter to the next teacher, Sister Roxane, in the nunnery east of Olde Yorke. Fawn will also buy whatever thread, yarn or cloth that you produce for a fair price in Tradepoints.

Sister Roxane will teach you Embroidery and Lacemaking, skills in which the nuns excel. When satisfied with your progress, she will send you back to Fawn, who will teach you the final skill, Robemaker.

For now the Dyer, Tailor and Robemaker parts of Textileworking are not yet implemented. You will however be able to work as a Spinner, Weaver, Ropemaker, Sailmaker, Embroiderer and Lacemaker. There is also an extensive system of Traders, who will buy what you produce for Tradepoints or Tokens. More into about this in Crafter’s Alley, and in the post titled PRODUCTS AND BUYERS in this thread.

You will also find detailed info about how to get along as a Textileworker on the SIGNS in each Workshop, and in the first three rooms of Crafter’s Alley.

« on: November 15, 2015, 05:25:11 pm »
The raw materials for Textileworkers are hemp, wool, flax/linen, cotton and silk.

HEMP is secretively cultivated in a remote valley on the island Icaria, because of its narcotic properties. But you can also find the hemp plants in several places along the roads, and even collect and sow the seeds, to produce more hemp stalks for yourself.

FLEECE/WOOL you get from shearing sheep, and there are two kinds, white and black. The fleece needs to be carded, before it can be spun to yarn.

FLAX/LINEN and COTTON you can cultivate yourself in the Farming Fields north of Old Yorke and outside Sutter's Fort. But both plants also grow wild, and you can collect and cultivate the seeds to produce your own supply of stalks and cotton bolls. Be prepared for the development from seed to full grown plant to take some time however.

With flax you use the stems, which have to be retted, heckled and combed before they can be spun.
With cotton you use the fluffy matter attached to the seeds, and cotton has to be ginned, to get rid of the seeds and chaff before use.

SILK is the most hard-to-get material, and consequently also the most expensive. The silk thread is spun by the silkworms into the cocoons they make when they go into the pupae stage before hatching to silkmoths. But silkworms live solely on the leaves of the Mulberry tree, and since they have many natural enemies, and food is usually scarce, very few of them ever get to the cocoon stage before they starve to death.
You can help the production by feeding mulberry leaves to the silkworms, either directly in the trees, or by breeding them from eggs to cocoons in a silkworm basket, that you fletch yourself from hemp stalks.

« on: November 15, 2015, 05:20:30 pm »
Preparations of the raw materials, (retting, threshing, carding, ginning and reeling) can be done in the Barn, at the east end of Crafter's Alley. You don't even need any Textileworker skills to do those menial chores.

You’ll find instructions on what to do with the different materials on signs, utility and tools in the barn.

The SILK COCOONS should be boiled in the REELING PAN, which enables you to entangle and wind the silk thread onto a reel.

Just PUT 5 cocoons into the pan, then REEL. (You need to have trained the WEAVER skill to do this).

The COTTON BOLLS need to be freed from the husks and seeds, by a procedure known as GINNING. Since there is no ginning machine available in the Barn, you need to do the tedious work yourself.
Just PUT 10 bolls of cotton into the GINNING BASKET, then GIN.

The FLEECE needs to be CARDED to WOOL, using a CARDING COMB. You WIELD the comb, HOLD the Fleece and CARD.

The HEMP and FLAX needs to be THRESHED, using a FLAIL.

The FLAX needs to be first RETTED, before you can thresh it. PUT the stalks into the Retting Vat, and wait for the procedure to work. (It may take some time).

With both Hemp and Flax, you DROP the bundles of STALKS that you want to thresh on the FLOOR, then WIELD the flail and THRESH. (Don't mix the stalks, that might ruin the result).

After the threshing, the HEMP and FLAX STRANDS need to be COMBED to FIBERS, using the same CARDING COMB that you do for wool.

The SEEDS that remain after the preparations are not worthless; they can be pressed into organic oil. You'll need 5 handfuls of seeds to fill a bottle. Just PUT 5 handfuls of the same seeds, (flax, hemp or cotton), into the oil press and PRESS.

The oil can be TRADED to Weaponsmiths and General Stores. The rest product from the oil press, so called linseed cakes, can in turn be traded to farmers in the Oldwest as cattle fodder.

You can also SOW the seeds instead, by dropping them in an appropriate soil, to grow your own plants.

« on: November 15, 2015, 05:05:30 pm »
To work as a Spinner or Weaver, you need to first have learnt the Textileworker skills from Cerinthe on the island Calydnos. You can also still use the helper women around Old Yorke and in Sutter's Fort for the spinning and weaving of flax/linen and cotton.

However, if you choose to do the job yourself, you'll get both exp and subskillpoints, and the skillpoints might be valuable, since the level of the Crafter's skill at all stages of production influences the quality and the price of the end products.

For SPINNING the tools are either a distaff and spinning hook or a spinning wheel. You’ll find both in the Spinner's Workshop upstairs from the Weaver in Crafter's Alley. (The advantage in using a distaff and hook versus the Spinning wheel is that you can move about while spinning).

You need to PUT 3 bunches of the same kind of textile fibers into the distaff or holder. Then you either WIELD the spinning hook and HOLD the distaff, or SIT down at the Spinning wheel to SPIN.

For WEAVING you need a loom and a shuttle. Both can easiest be found in the Weaver’s Workshop in Crafter’s Alley.

You PUT 2 rolls/balls/skeins/ hanks/reels of twine/yarn/thread into the shuttle. Then HOLD the shuttle, SIT down at the loom and WEAVE.

TextTileWorker / ROPEMAKING
« on: November 15, 2015, 12:58:55 pm »
For ROPEMAKING you need to be in the Ropemaker’s Workshop in Crafter’s Alley. In this very long room, some rows of hooks are already mounted on the walls to help with the procedure. You can make three types of ropes, thinrope, thickrope and longrope, and also ropeladders.  The tools you use for this are the HOOKS on the wall and a MARLIN SPIKE.

The first step in ropemaking is to SPIN combed hemp fibers into twine, using a distaff and spindle (see the post about SPINNING).

This twine is then used as strands to make the first type of rope, called THINROPE. You PUT 3 rolls of twine into the hook and fasten them there, then WIELD the marlin spike and MAKE THINROPE.

The thinropes are then used as strands for making a THICKROPE. Again you PUT 3 thinropes in the hook,  then WIELD the marlin spike and MAKE THICKROPE.

From 2 thickropes you can then make a LONGROPE, by splicing them together. You PUT the ropes in the hooks, WIELD the marlin spike and MAKE LONGROPE.

From 2 thinropes and 10 RUNGS you can also make a ROPELADDER.  You can SAW the rungs yourself from a branch of wood, by wielding a saw and holding the branch. Then you PUT the ropes into the holder, WIELD the marlin spike, HOLD the rungs and MAKE ROPELADDER.

As a ropemaker you can also FLETCH baskets from un-threshed hemp stalks, and SEW bags from hemp cloth. The ordinary bags will not be worth much on the trade market, but one of the top textile products is a bodybag, that will protect your corpse from looters when you are killed. You will however need a top skill to produce this, and even so it will not always happen.

TextTileWorker / SAILMAKING
« on: November 15, 2015, 12:52:47 pm »
For SAILMAKING, you need to be in a Sailmaker’s Workshop, where there is a large enough working table and a vat for impregnating the cloth.

Sailmaking is a rather complex profession, and you can make several types of both sails and tents. The choice of whether to make a sail or a tent is yours, but what actually comes out of it as an end product will depend on your skill level. (I will say no more about this now, just that some of the end products are really useful, and will probably interest both yourself and other players).

There are step-by-step instructions of what to do in the Workshop, both on signs and on the working table.

The first step is to IMPREGNATE the cloth to turn it into wind- and waterproof SAILCLOTH. You use either linen or cotton cloth, and add a lump of RESIN to the water in the vat, before putting the cloth into it. (The resin can be tapped from the trunk of a fir tree).

Next you need to CUT the sailcloth into strips of the correct length and shape, using the patterns already drawn on the floor, for either a sail or a tent. You WIELD a SCISSOR, HOLD the roll of SAILCLOTH and CUT SAIL or CUT TENT.

After this it’s time to PUT the pieces of sailcloth into the working table, where it must stay during the entire procedure. Taking it out too early might ruin all the work you already put down on it.

The TOOLS you use as a Sailmaker vary with the stage of production. Generally you WIELD the primary tool and HOLD the secondary one.

To SEW the seams, you need to WIELD an IRON NEEDLE, threaded with HEMP TWINE, and WEAR a SAILMAKER'S PALM to help pressing the needle through all the layers of cloth. Sometimes, if the needle gets stuck, you may also need a pair of TWEEZERS to PULL the needle through.
When the seams are done, you WIELD a SEAM-RUBBER to RUB them down,

For ROPELINING, which is the final step, you first need to WIELD a MARLIN SPIKE to PRICK the holes through thick seams around the edges. Then you WIELD the threaded needle again, and HOLD a THINROPE, to ropeline the sail or tent.

« on: November 15, 2015, 12:38:06 pm »
For both these professions you will find the tools and material in workshop belonging to the Nunnery of the Little Sisters east of Olde Yorke.
For EMBROIDERY you need an embroidery frame, a gold needle, threaded with silk or metal thread, and a gold thimble.
There are 3 kinds of Embroidered Edgings that you can make, depending on whether you use SILK, GOLD or SILVER THREAD. Each has different properties, which they will pass on to the garment you enhance them with. The silk thread you can produce yourself, the gold and silver thread is produced by Metalworkers. Until some Metalworkers establish themselves in Olde Yorke, you might be lucky enough to find some thread with some goldsmith somewhere.
To embroider, you first THREAD the gold needle with the thread of your choice, then WIELD the needle, WEAR the thimble on your finger and HOLD the frame.
The command is EMBROIDER.
You can also make PEARLSTITCHED EDGINGS. For this you first need to PUT 10 pearls into the Embroidery Frame. The size and colour of the pearls doesn't matter.
The command then is PEARLSTITCH.
You WIELD the bobbins, HOLD the pillow and have the extra thread in INVENTORY.
The command is LACEMAKE.
In the long run all these products are meant to ENHANCE the garment that you’ll be able to make yourself later. For now however, there are some clothes shops that will buy both embroideries and lace for TP

« on: November 15, 2015, 12:26:52 pm »
There are several shops and other traders all over the Realms that will buy your crafted products for TP or Tokens.
A sign in the room will show their preferences and prices.
Below is a list of the Traders.
Sail Maker                                (Crete)       
Ship's Merchant                       (Crete)
Ship's Wharf                            (Crete)
A Small Shipyard                      (Astypalea)
A Ships' Chandlery                  (Carpathos)
Gordon's General Store          (Olde Yorke)   
Hayholt's General Store          (Osten Ard)
General Stores                        (Rip in Time)
Grumville General Store          (Dragon Island)
Grom'lok's General Supplies    (Necromunda)
General Store                          (Mount Winter)
The General Store                   (Elven Metropolis)
General Store                          (Dodge City)
The General Store                   (Dry Gulch)
The General Store                  (Sutter's Fort)
Brannan's General Store         (California Trails)
(The OldWest stores will also be buying tents).
Silk And Satin Clothes Shop     (Olde Yorke
The Ladies' Choice                  (Osten Ard)
The Millinary Shop                   (Dry Gulch)
Millie's Dress Shop                  (Dry Gulch)
 Ribbons And Lace                  (Victorian London)
Finest Fashion Boutique          (Utopia)
My Fair Lady Bridal Shoppe      (Utopia)
The Gentlemen's Emporium     (Utopia)
Tailor Shop                              (Rip In Time)
Weaponsmiths               (Prehistoric and Medieval)
Farmers                                  (OldWest)

Building Board / Re: New stuff, please explain
« on: August 16, 2015, 04:15:57 pm »
It's not meant to be used at all in "ordinary" zones, just for crafting,. which is why it is in a separate menu. You can just ignore that menu.

Anyhow, the entire crafting system is under development, so a lot of things may still be changed along the way.

General Discussions / Re: Molly's Ecology Idea
« on: August 16, 2015, 04:08:45 pm »
Sure you can barge in, we are always happy to see new blood...
Hmm, that might have sounded a bit gory.

Anyhow, just drop by and try to catch me on line, share your ideas on the Forum, or join our Builder team and build your own ecology planet in our Future Dimension - we do have most of the building blocks already.

Otherwise my email address is, if you want to mail me. The mail adress on our log-in sequence is a bit outdated, but I think it still works.

Roleplay / Re: Monthly RP Story/Session Contest
« on: July 11, 2015, 01:50:14 pm »
I am astonished - and delighted - that there is so much creativity and RP talent among the 4D players. And we aren't even a RP focused mud!

I really enjoyed all the stories. And although I do have a favourite, I'm not going to tell you which one, I'll leave that decision to Bane, since this is his operation. :)

I'm also not sure what the rewards are supposed to be. However, all the competitors can come and collect 2 silver tokens from me, on top of that. (Remind me if I forget, my memory is like a sieve nowadays.) .

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