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Messages - Natalya B.

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General Discussions / Re: Making an effort..
« on: February 07, 2012, 09:11:52 am »
Kita kita bombita!

You're back too? Brilliance :)

Roleplay / RP Flags and RP Rules - Enforced?
« on: February 07, 2012, 07:35:12 am »
Just something that I thought could be looked into. Currently no one RP's in game because A) They can't be bothered, or B) There's no value/point to it.

There are some aspects of the game that are RP ONLY. Even Clans. These Roleplaying requirement rules really should be enforced, and if someone doesn't roleplay regularly/actively - remove their RP flag.
Being RP should mean just that, you are a roleplayer. Not just a flag that stands for writing up a 5 second story and now you can do whatever without actually roleplaying.

RP flag = roleplayers, remove the flags of those that do not roleplay.
Other RP associated Rules = RP Only Equipment, RP-ONLY Clans, etc.

Suggesting everyone to roleplay more and get involved isn't working. Can we put some value back into RP, and get people out of afk/recall? ;p

- Natalya B.

General Discussions / Re: Making an effort..
« on: February 07, 2012, 07:20:07 am »
Of course, in some kind of irony, the one evening I sit down to seriously play 4D again, and it's been down for a large number of hours...


Going to attempt to not say the same thing as others have... But all my answers basically follow along the same tune...

1A. What made you stop playing 4D?
Real life got in the way - relationship etc. But, moreso, other "oldbies" were leaving, nothing exciting was happening anymore, roleplay died with the loss of people like Soulstar, Zenathos and Kierta (and many MANY others). Everyone just sits at recall now, nothing happens. What's the point? Every time I log back into 4d (once a week or so for 30 seconds), I half contemplate playing more, but then realise I have to re-learn everything for the gazillionth time, don't have a good weapon cause the tinker ran out :p, forget all the commands for homes and mounts, and everyone's AFK. Not a motivation, unfortunately. I wouldn't mind trying to change that, though.

2. What might make you start playing/working actively again?
More atmosphere. Some well played characters. People in Sicilians who really act like gangsters. People in vampires that actually roleplay and act like vampires, unlike the current joke of a clan that has people that never RP. (;)). We have enough zones (though new is always fun!), we just need the people interacting. And hopefully, more people online, and active. It's depressing logging in to see 5 people online, and all of them AFK. Would love to see 10, 20, 30, 50+, maybe we lost sight of that somehow?

3. What would make you at least log on to socialise a bit more often?
(4D used to be like a big chat room, where people hung out just to talk with friends. Is there any way we could bring at least the Recall Squatter spirit back again?)

4. How can we attract more new players to the Mud?
I think, perhaps, some of the problem we have is we have SO MUCH CHOICE, but not much depth. I think we should actually remove a lot of the old zones, make way for the new. Freshen things up a bit. There's so much potential, but it's almost as if we are presenting everything in the wrong way.

We need clearer better maps, a more appetising website design that doesn't feel like a coder cleanly made it (No offence. It's perfect, but it's coder-perfect :p). Easier to read/find help files or guides. A redesign of the future "space port". Better descriptions, more interactive, more involving.

But please, remove some of the older zones. Time to make way with the old.

5. What can we do to make the new players want to stay longer?
As above, plus some change with the class system, or at least further motivation to play beyond hitting GM.
Also comes down to atmosphere.

Also, less favouritism. God's (IMMs) in the sky used to be something more respected and rarely seen or spoken to. IMMs were up there doing their thang, muchly invisible. Now? I get we're all like one strange family, but I think the line between IMMs and mortals has blurred too much. Thin it back a bit, particularly so new players don't feel out of place. Try to engage them in character, too... There needs to be some sense of authority in a game. By allowing everyone to input and work in a mud, it takes away the game aspect part of it a bit, yknow?

6. What do you think specifically turns newbies off our Mud?
Many people I'd think it'd just be a case of a short attention span. Unfortunately, if something doesn't grab someone in 30 seconds, it's forgotten about.
But right now? The fact we're all afk/sitting at recall, OR, giving eachother abuse and unnecessary stuff on public channels. Constant swearing, namecalling, or rude remarks aren't exactly going to encourage people to stick around for long. Cut back on the shit-talk, people.

7. Some players tell me that 4D was more fun in the old days. Is this really true?
Same thing I've basically been saying all along. More RPing and atmosphere. You knew Soulstar wasn't fibbing when he said he could ruin your life until you paid what you owed. PKing meant something, and showed skill. Enemies, friendships, relationships. And yes, everything was more fresh.

8. What was it that first attracted you to 4D and made you want to stay on?
No clue, to be honest. Too long ago... heh

9. Any particular of todays features that you like/don't like?
SO MANY COMMUNICATION CHANNELS! Why do we need so many? It's almost too easy to communicate in this game.

FORCED EMOTIVES! Can't stand them. Someone hugs you, you can't do shit about it. God, if there was anything I would beg to be changed, it'd be this.

10. Any particular old features that you miss and want back?
Disliking the limit on number of perz's, or rather, not being allowed to perz one time items. Seems like if you got it with your character, you should be allowed to perz it, not rely on making an alt to get another one for your main, that really kills the whole depth of the realms thing...

General Discussions / Re: Making an effort..
« on: February 07, 2012, 05:43:42 am »
... Also will take a look at the zones in progress, see what I can't do ;)

General Discussions / Making an effort..
« on: February 07, 2012, 05:30:37 am »
Going to attempt to find more time to play.

I will be, mostly, always in character when I do play.

Would be fantastic to get some kind of roleplaying world alive in 4d again...
Back to exploring and such...

Can't have a game, when nothing happens in a game...

- Natalya.

General Discussions / Re: New zone: Put your suggestions in!
« on: November 21, 2009, 09:35:44 pm »
Sounds like a plan, Molls.

I'm about to head away for a week for work training, so I hope there's more suggestions by the time I get back, namely item suggestions. Else I'll just go through and do it myself =p

General Discussions / Re: New zone: Put your suggestions in!
« on: November 20, 2009, 10:24:28 am »
Since you got that awesome flourist, maybe you should have a Flower garden eh?
can't people get a scroll write a story themself then sell it to your bookstore and other people can buy and read folks short stories?
that would be nice.. if we make sure its Anti-virisin so there will be no Novels ;D

Not sure how the whole, sending in stories would work. Thats well above my head scripting wise. In fact, I dont even remember how to script, I'm just pinching other scripts and adjusting them =p lol.

I can also see that being abused. A lot. Maybe still doable, maybe just not at the actual book store in the market. Maybe we could have a publishing office or a public library somewhere where players can go and submit their stories and have them published there?

Need IMM assistance on that one, if it's even possible, for a player to submit a "short story", and be able to have it viewed.

I imagine it would work something like:

A librarian says: "This is the current list of published authors:


A Librarian says, "To hear a list of works by a particular author, just say their name".

You say, "Virisin".

A librarian Says, "The current works by Virisin are: "A tale of two goats, A mut with a handbag, The neverending story of Chaos, The destruction of Worlds".

A Librarian says, "To purchase one of these volumes, just tell me the name of the story, and hand over the coins.

You Say, "A tale of two goats"

A Librarian says, "That will be 20 million coins"

You hand over the gold and receive a published leather-bound copy of A tale of two goats.

General Discussions / New zone: Put your suggestions in!
« on: November 20, 2009, 10:11:52 am »
This got sparked off by me asking for some ideas in gossip, and receiving a bloody overwhelming response of ideas. I found it to be more fun than just thinking up everything for the zone I'm building by myself, rather, to have bits and pieces of input from others that they might get to see in the zone and be able to chuckle and say "I told her to put that in there, that came from me!". =)

Sooo. I thought I'd do a thread about it, asking for suggestions (within reason) of what you'd like to see in the zone I'm building. The way I'm going, it looks like I may even finish it (shock horror!).

But, you need to keep in mind that it has to be in theme, and it can't be personally related to you. IE: No "Jason's Wicked Wrestling Company", and no Statues of Isis =p

So I'll give you a run down on the zone, and then put forward the areas where people can put suggestions forward. I'm writing this in such a way so I don't give away too much about the zone - or at least, only saying the stuff that is visibly noticable once you get there anyway.


The zone:

The name is Xatha, it is an island far off the shores in Medieval era (haven't gotten to the stage of picking where it's closest too). It's one of those insanely beautiful islands, kind of tropical like, the majority of the people are way too bloody nice. A lot of detail has been put into the structure of the island, the Inn's, the road's, the decorations, the beaches. There's a ship wreck to the west, a Beach to the east, a forest/jungle, and more fields and forest-like areas. The main part of the "city" is housing areas, specked with stores and merchants, fishing shops, tanners, etc. The main idea to this zone is, it's a civilization away from civilization. The end goal is, if you wanted to, you could happily stay in xatha and never go to recall again =p

The center of Xatha is the main spot, and this is where you'll find everything you need so you never even have to leave the island.

These are the list of rooms/stores in the "Town Square", and I can get item suggestions for thee stores that are bolded:

A bank, a grocery store, a healer, a coffee shop, a citizenship office, a clothing & jewelry store, a prank store, a flourist (Xathan's like their pretty flowers), a toy & candy store, a pet shop (Need help from IMMs to actually make these "proper" pets?), A potion shop (generic), a Book store and a furniture store, Men's clothing store.

There's room for other random stores throughout the island (I can make room), so, it's suggestion time.

1. If you have any suggestions for items that fit into the current shops listed, post them! Be sure to include a look description as well as the short description of the item.

2. If you have any shop suggestions, post them! I can scatter them out throughout the city. Jason already has one coming to him: Flavio the flourist xD

3. If you have any other "area/room" suggestions, you can chuck them in too. They may not all make it in, but if it's only one or two rooms, you've got a good chance of getting it put in, as long as it fits in with the Xatha "theme".

3. If you want to write any stories for the "books" to be sold in the Book Store, let me have it! The funnier, the better =p But remember, it is medieval times, though I'm sure we could get away with some twisted version of Harry Potter or something, and just say the 4D travel agency graciously provided the residents of Xatha with reading materials =p This could be perhaps the only thing you could attach your real in-game name too? Saying you're an actual author? (Not sure how the IMMs would feel about that?) PS: on the books, if you could mail me the book descs, thatd be better. Let's keep some of this stuff a surprise for everyone else okay? Just PM me on the forums, or ask me for my email in game.

4. Pet suggestion types are also welcome :) Short desc and look desc please :)

Things to note:

1. No "adult stores" etc. This island is scarily perfect and G rated, it's for tourists and travellers, and promotes a very calm and relaxed lifestyle (generally speaking).

2. Nothing too 'creepy'. This isn't sweeny todd's barber shop, or the pie shop made from humans. Keep it light and fun.

3. No need for death type stuff either. They don't go hanging people on Xatha =p

Any other ideas welcome, as long as its not one of those three things =p

I'll hold off from doing the items for shops for now, and continue with the room building as per the map I have drawn out :)

I hope I finish this zone, it could be a lot of fun xD

* PS: Any ideas used will be credited to you :)

General Discussions / Re: The New Improved, Who is More Badass?
« on: November 20, 2009, 09:06:12 am »
Meh. TMNT. xD

General Discussions / Re: The New Improved, Who is More Badass?
« on: November 20, 2009, 07:54:49 am »
I can't pick only one :(

Barrel of Laughs / Yotubes and Whatnot. LoL Worthy.
« on: November 20, 2009, 01:27:15 am »
Time to share some funnies. :)

Amazing Horse:

Star Wars, Retold by someone who hasnt seen it (hilarious):

(Comedy) Regarding Cybersex (this one's from Anubis):
(Read the comment from Sloi).

Kid test tazer on himself:

Klingon raps "Without me" by Eminem (And it's actually real..)

Gogogo, post other stuff!

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: SUBskill System
« on: November 19, 2009, 10:36:51 pm »
* Copied over from the PWIPE thread, since that thread kinda went offtrack..

Going on from what Viri said re classes..

Id like some more magey type classes, instead of just offensive and defensive.

Like, a straight deadset mage, Lunar Mage or something, strong attack spells, weaker on defenses han melee classes.

Some kind of 'warrior mage', a mixture of attack spells and melee abilities.

You could also choose which type of mage path you take. Arcane, Ethereal, etc. The elements.. fire, air, water, earth.

PVP system would involve: parry, dodge, and then a range of actual abilities. Spell casting (In theory you should prepare a spell (say, takes 3 seconds) then target your target, even have the ability to target a specific body type, and cast it.

This would mean subskills would need to be trained up. Target ability for one as an example.

Also other subskills for non-specific classes..

IE: Hiding, sneaking, perception, stealing.

One could train up their hiding/sneaking/stealing. All classes would be able to do these things, however not as well as a thief/assassin class. However all can train up their perception, and if Player X's perception is higher than Player Z's hiding/sneaking/stealing, then they would be caught out in their attempts to do those things. The larger the gap between skills, the higher success. IE: If someone's hiding is rank 10, and if theyre trying to hide in the same room as someone who has a perception level of 80, that person is guaranteed to spot the person hiding. Other players in the room that have a lower perception, say 10, 15, 20, would not see that player hide at all.

Same applies for attempts of sneaking and stealing.

Furthermore, training. I'd love to see trainers removed, and replaced by physical aspects of training subskills. IE: Perception could be trained a number of ways, not only through use (IE catching someone hiding/sneaking/stealing), but also through things like Juggling. You could start off training juggling two balls. As your perception rank increases, you can move onto three balls, four balls, five balls. Etc etc. Also invent other/higher ways of ranking up your perception.

Hiding could be trained by hiding in a room full of people, hiding infront of mobs, etc. Same as sneaking.

Spells could not only be trained through use, but also through study, like spell books.

To actually level up, I also propose the idea of having a subskill rank requirement to level up. Example: To get to level 3, and you are say.. an assassin. Your requirement is to have at least rank 5 of hiding, rank 7 of sneaking, rank 3 of stealing, rank 4 of Backstab. (Whatever, just an example).

As for base stats, strength, wisdom, etc, these could be trained at trainers, or given a more "Realistic" feel. IE: Every time to you level up, you get say.. I dont know.. 5 points to improve skills of your choice, and you decide where you spend them. So, say you level up. Your current stats are:

Strength: 3
Wisdom: 2
intelligence: 5
Dexterity: 3
Agility: 4
Charisma: 2

You now have 5 points to spend this level to upgrade your stats.

So, to go TRAIN your strength, you would go somewhere like a weight training room. To improve your Wisdom, you could go to some kind of university or college and train it there. To improve your Agility, you could train youself in some kind of Mud pit or something that's difficult to move in to push yourself there. Etc etc...

I have always been a fan of never limiting myself to one class. IE, just because I'm a mage doesn't mean I shouldn't be able to pick locks or hide or sneak or steal. It just means I'll have to work a lot harder and train a lot longer than a thief-type class. As an example, say there's a locked door. A thief with level 10 lockpicking might be able to easily pick it. But a mage or warrior class will have a lot more trouble and may expect to get their rank to level 20 or 30 before they can do it with a tad more ease.

Same goes for other subskills, stealing success rate, hiding success rate, etc. The only thing that should be limited per class is things like spells. "Warrior mages" should get limited spells (and again, I suggest a particular path, arcane etc etc). Lunar Mages Would get the whole spell set and that would be their entire path.

I also propose that you can only learn certain skills at certain levels, or even certain stat requirements. IE: To be able to learn the Hiding skill, you need to be level 10 and have stats of: Dexterity: 12, Agility: 15. And you could even add subskills into that. Like to learn Stealing, you would need hiding rank 20, perception rank 14, level requirement: 15.

There definitely does need to be a mixed warrior/magey type though. Else Ill cry. I can't stand being pigeon holed into one exact class where I'm only able to do a certain set of skills.

Also, instead of Merchant, I propose a Ranger type class, that can also make armors through tanning and skinning hides (tanning and skinning would be subskills, that would effect the quality of the hide produced from those skills, and therefor, the quality of the armor). The better the hide, the better the armor. BUT, then this goes to challenge the equipment basics out there... soooo... I don't know how thatd work. But ranger could also do the tinkering and whatnot I believe.

Okay. Thats enough for now. Just got sparked up by conversations in the MUD. You get the idea...

PS: Wisdom should be magic accuracy and magic registance. IE, the higher your wisdom is, the higher chance you have of targeting a person with your spell successfully, or targeting a body part. If their wisdom is far higher than yours, they have a higher chance of resisting your spells, targeted or not.

Intelligence is magic damage and increased Mana. That's self explanatory.

Suggestions & Ideas / Stats in 4D - Moved from Pwipe thread
« on: November 19, 2009, 10:27:46 pm »
Going on from what Viri said re classes..

Id like some more magey type classes, instead of just offensive and defensive.

Like, a straight deadset mage, Lunar Mage or something, strong attack spells, weaker on defenses han melee classes.

Some kind of 'warrior mage', a mixture of attack spells and melee abilities.

You could also choose which type of mage path you take. Arcane, Ethereal, etc. The elements.. fire, air, water, earth.

PVP system would involve: parry, dodge, and then a range of actual abilities. Spell casting (In theory you should prepare a spell (say, takes 3 seconds) then target your target, even have the ability to target a specific body type, and cast it.

This would mean subskills would need to be trained up. Target ability for one as an example.

Also other subskills for non-specific classes..

IE: Hiding, sneaking, perception, stealing.

One could train up their hiding/sneaking/stealing. All classes would be able to do these things, however not as well as a thief/assassin class. However all can train up their perception, and if Player X's perception is higher than Player Z's hiding/sneaking/stealing, then they would be caught out in their attempts to do those things. The larger the gap between skills, the higher success. IE: If someone's hiding is rank 10, and if theyre trying to hide in the same room as someone who has a perception level of 80, that person is guaranteed to spot the person hiding. Other players in the room that have a lower perception, say 10, 15, 20, would not see that player hide at all.

Same applies for attempts of sneaking and stealing.

Furthermore, training. I'd love to see trainers removed, and replaced by physical aspects of training subskills. IE: Perception could be trained a number of ways, not only through use (IE catching someone hiding/sneaking/stealing), but also through things like Juggling. You could start off training juggling two balls. As your perception rank increases, you can move onto three balls, four balls, five balls. Etc etc. Also invent other/higher ways of ranking up your perception.

Hiding could be trained by hiding in a room full of people, hiding infront of mobs, etc. Same as sneaking.

Spells could not only be trained through use, but also through study, like spell books.

To actually level up, I also propose the idea of having a subskill rank requirement to level up. Example: To get to level 3, and you are say.. an assassin. Your requirement is to have at least rank 5 of hiding, rank 7 of sneaking, rank 3 of stealing, rank 4 of Backstab. (Whatever, just an example).

As for base stats, strength, wisdom, etc, these could be trained at trainers, or given a more "Realistic" feel. IE: Every time to you level up, you get say.. I dont know.. 5 points to improve skills of your choice, and you decide where you spend them. So, say you level up. Your current stats are:

Strength: 3
Wisdom: 2
intelligence: 5
Dexterity: 3
Agility: 4
Charisma: 2

You now have 5 points to spend this level to upgrade your stats.

So, to go TRAIN your strength, you would go somewhere like a weight training room. To improve your Wisdom, you could go to some kind of university or college and train it there. To improve your Agility, you could train youself in some kind of Mud pit or something that's difficult to move in to push yourself there. Etc etc...

I have always been a fan of never limiting myself to one class. IE, just because I'm a mage doesn't mean I shouldn't be able to pick locks or hide or sneak or steal. It just means I'll have to work a lot harder and train a lot longer than a thief-type class. As an example, say there's a locked door. A thief with level 10 lockpicking might be able to easily pick it. But a mage or warrior class will have a lot more trouble and may expect to get their rank to level 20 or 30 before they can do it with a tad more ease.

Same goes for other subskills, stealing success rate, hiding success rate, etc. The only thing that should be limited per class is things like spells. "Warrior mages" should get limited spells (and again, I suggest a particular path, arcane etc etc). Lunar Mages Would get the whole spell set and that would be their entire path.

I also propose that you can only learn certain skills at certain levels, or even certain stat requirements. IE: To be able to learn the Hiding skill, you need to be level 10 and have stats of: Dexterity: 12, Agility: 15. And you could even add subskills into that. Like to learn Stealing, you would need hiding rank 20, perception rank 14, level requirement: 15.

There definitely does need to be a mixed warrior/magey type though. Else Ill cry. I can't stand being pigeon holed into one exact class where I'm only able to do a certain set of skills.

Also, instead of Merchant, I propose a Ranger type class, that can also make armors through tanning and skinning hides (tanning and skinning would be subskills, that would effect the quality of the hide produced from those skills, and therefor, the quality of the armor). The better the hide, the better the armor. BUT, then this goes to challenge the equipment basics out there... soooo... I don't know how thatd work. But ranger could also do the tinkering and whatnot I believe.

Okay. Thats enough for now. Just got sparked up by conversations in the MUD. You get the idea...

PS: Wisdom should be magic accuracy and magic registance. IE, the higher your wisdom is, the higher chance you have of targeting a person with your spell successfully, or targeting a body part. If their wisdom is far higher than yours, they have a higher chance of resisting your spells, targeted or not.

Intelligence is magic damage and increased Mana. That's self explanatory.

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Player Wipe (PWipe)
« on: November 18, 2009, 04:31:27 am »
SO you're saying you haven't been here since 2000? If not, you're one of the oldest? I beg to differ :)

Let's see, I think Sarias has been here since 2002/3.
Riley earlier than Sarias I believe, but not by much.
Siresee, I remember when she was a newb. And she came not too long after me.
Emory, see above.
Tynian 1998, about the same time as me, a tad later. We became DJ assassins together.
Jason not too much later than that I think.
Belgarion, about the same as me. though now he's all invis and stuff. I may be wrong, maybe  a tad later than me..or earlier. I dun
Xeriuth= ??
Hayato = ??
Yvei = He's popped in and out of here since 1999! I know because he's my little brother and I got him into mudding.
Once dates back to me.
Turin dates back to be.
Kvetch = hrm, 2004 maybe, correct me if i'm wrong kvetchie.
I would need numbers from Asmoday, and Asmodeus, but I think 2001/2ish for them. I could be wrong.
Natalya = ??
Virisin dates back to what? = You say you've not been here since 2000, so WHEN did you come here?

So we're really looking at what...7+ years? Nice. Not much of an exaggeration so far as I can tell. I ball parked it, I didn't exaggerate.

your opinions are your own, even if they're very STRONG ones. but listen. You cannot just say something is worth nothing when CLEARLY it is worth SOMETHING to someone. You're willing to cut your losses pbase wise to get what you want? That is not what playing and investing time into 4D is about. People didn't create chars, and build histories here to get screwed in the end.

So instead of debating how long the majority has been here, and whether or not something actual means anything to anyone. Let's have an actual constructive debate rather than bashing one's words time and time again. Viri, I hate to say it but your constant replies to every single post on here is more counter productive than anything. It is your idea, now leave it up to others to get their words in. Namely the IMMs.

btw- why do we have 20+ votes, and only like 5 people actually POSTING?

I started here when I was 12. I'm 23 years old now (24 next year). Sooooo.. I go back to 1998 too.

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