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Messages - Natalya B.

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General Discussions / Re: Getting and Keeping new players
« on: November 16, 2009, 06:49:18 pm »
What's wrong with the newbie area? Please be more specific. :)

It's been so long since I was there, I'm totally useless in this department.

There's nothing wrong with it, I just remember thinking it wasn't very.. hmm.. enticing? Again this probably actually has more to do with the playerbase than anything else, just for me the newbie area wasn't a huge depiction of the crazy amount of awesome zones and such that this mud has to offer. I also don't remember it teaching the basics, like about remorts, or suggesting to type nobat, or where to practice skills. I know a lot of new players don't pay attention to newbie areas, I for one certainly hate them, but can't help but notice some of the questions new players start asking right away, that maybe we could answer for them in the school.

I know for me at least, the first areas I see when I enter a game is what is going to make or break it to some extent. We've got all these awesome zones (Egypt, VE, Punt, Enchanted Lands, Midlands just to name some of my favorites) that are incredibly well designed and rich with imagination, and noobie school is just.. i dont know... does anyone understand what I'm trying to say here? I've only had one coffee and I think I'm failing at trying to say what I'm thinking. =S

Newbie school as it is is a fine depiction of the fact we have multiple dimensions, and we have a lot of stuff here, but a part of me thinks it would be better off with one general theme built to the crazyness of something lile Midlands or Punt, totally insane with awesomeness. Right now from what I remember, theres some small quests, some rats, some bears, and brief explanations of commands.

Again though. It's been a long time since I was in there. I usually just skip through it because I can't stand newbie areas, I always want to rush out and see what the -actual- mud looks like. I think maybe this is my main point. People have short attention spans, especially with graphical MMORPGS around. I think to a large extent, if we don't seriously grab someones attention in the first half hour with the awesome stuff we have here, we lose them.

I also remember a few others saying newbie school could be redone, but they never came up with any ideas either.

I fail. Sorry =p

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Award Points
« on: November 16, 2009, 11:51:07 am »
I agree with removing the award point system. It's actually a nice idea in theory, to be able to reward people for RPing, but by the same token it shouldn't reeeally be necessary. I think things like pretitles and such could be bought with gold, or tokens (hello, way to help with inflation/economy a little!). And I think a RolePlayer leader should just be able to do things that normal morts cant. No award system, just the ability to run events and do cool emotes and such =p And just have events/logs noted or judged, and also have awards (Roleplayer of the year?).

As for Hero, I think that flag should be removed entirely. I mean, honestly, where's the use for it? Especially under the current playerbase.

The purpose of a Hero, aside from trying to make older players feel pretty, was namely to deal with some in-game conflicts, effectively, am I right?

They award, they silence, they can do stuff. None of that stuff is ever done or used. Nor should they need to award someone, or have the ability to do so, IMO.

As for the silence ability from Heroes?... I bring back my idea I mentioned years ago. It would especially work under the new system (and I can see it's going to piss me off because I'll always be low level once that happens, but meh).

For those that harass, abuse, insult, etc, we could have the ability to THUMP someone to silence them for 5 minutes.

The catch to this is, you have to be 10 or 20 levels higher than them (for example). In the current system it would most likely be you'd have to be a few remorts higher than the person to be able to thump them.

And you can only use thump say.. three times every 30 minutes. Put some kind of limit on it so you can't harass people with silencing them.

And ofcourse, everytime someone is thumped it could always be logged away. You could even have it so when you thump someone, you need to attach the reason for thumping.

thump Jason because he called my mother a hotdog.

Just not have the reaosn show up, that would be purely for log purposes.

So, thats my two cents. Remove award points for RPing, have RPers just there to be able to initiate and create events with cool social-related abilities, and remove heroes. Or at least stop giving the flag to those that shouldn't have it (I still maintain removing mine because LionHeart was being a dick with his Heroes flag was a right move).

General Discussions / Re: HEY! How did you find us? People wanna know!
« on: November 16, 2009, 10:53:18 am »
=o 11 years ago I was playing DragonRealms with zenathos, stopped, and he dragged me over here =p

/End thrilling story.

General Discussions / Re: Getting and Keeping new players
« on: November 16, 2009, 10:52:04 am »
"Newbie" area needs updating or redesigning. Just... not entirely sure how =o

Every other "problem" I can think of in relation to keeping new players all comes down to the environment and the people.. which I have no solutions for. The playerbase is small, which isn't attractive to newcomers, there's not a lot of events, there's almost no PVP because it's so restricted and again.. no playerbase, and... yeah.

Only other thing I can think of is along the lines of improving customer service. But that mainly falls under "keeping" players.

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Player Wipe (PWipe)
« on: November 16, 2009, 10:36:06 am »
I left this thread alone for a few days because I came to realize I was getting far too wrapped up in a game.

Here's a revised "two cents" from my part.

I don't really care anymore about the pwipe. I never cared about losing money or tokens at all, that wasn't even a factor for me, because I dont have any use for them at all, and making coin is relatively easy if you put the time in.

My reasons were nostalgic, yes. I've been here a long time, despite my breaks, and there have been times, numerous pwipes, recreations, returning arrivals, etc, where I - and others - have had to pay for the same things we already paid for over and over and over again.

I still maintain a total pwipe does seem like a bit of a punishment, and I agree with some of Toch's postings. Let's face it, I clearly have some kind of 'fondness' for 4D. Despite the crap, and despite the fact some people on here remember how much of an idiotic child I used to be, I still like to come back and see whats what and join in. I would love to be more of a part of the mud, the gaming environment, if I had the time.

By the same token though, and this goes a bit off track but it's still linked, toch says something along the lines of "So, you're going to pwipe and delete everything we've done repeatedly, after all the time and effort we've sunk into a game that is barely entertaining and not one for customer service?".

I'm sorry. I love some of you IMMs and all, but I have to agree. You guys pick and choose what cases you solve and what you don't. Rules are bent per person, things are let slide that you probably know shouldn't slide. When something isn't a players fault, or when something is deleted or bugged or changed, many times are we told to simply go fix it ourselves, or go get the item again. So, because you guys want to do something, whether it's a pwipe, or a change to the items, every single player has to PAY for that change? Imagine for a moment if we had 50, 100, 200+ players, and you keep pwiping, or changing items, or quests, or scripts, or things get bugged, or situations get fucked with, and every single time every player is told we have to go through it all again. HOW on earth would you think you'd keep that playerbase? Are you high? Have you not wondered why years ago we had a decent playerbase, but now we have barely anyone? Of course, just pin EVERYTHING down to needing a pwipe, and forget about the players. That solves everything.

This is not how games work. I play another online game, called Rappelz. I have a 143 Battle Summoner on there with some of the best gears in the game (it's not really a quest game, its more pvp orientated). It's free to play. But if anything gets scammed, deleted, bugged, we are not simply expected to go get it again ourselves, or go use our money, or our time, to replace everything we've spent years getting. No. It is replaced. Fixed. (Admittabely through a very tedious process of emails and discussions with GMs, but it IS usually sorted).

If we are harassed in that game, it is dealt with, professionally, with warnings, and then bannings ranging from 3 days to 30 days to permanent. It's dealt with mutings. If that game were to turn around and delete everyones stuff just because it wanted to upgrade, when our gears and such could be easily restored, well... I don't even know what to say? It wouldn't happen, because it's retarded, and they'd lose HUNDREDS of people.

I know 4D is obviously on a much smaller scale, nonetheless the principle still does apply. This game is a service, of sorts, and I know many people find themselves wondering why they stick around at all. For me, it's only because of the nostalgia, and because I just don't care. It's just a game.

However, that argument can be easily used against me. "It's just a game, so why should I care if there's a pwipe". Firstly, I do think it's a bit of a lazy way to do things when there are clearly other alternatives and compromises, even Xeriuth came up with some decent ideas (I thought). Convince yourself that a total pwipe is the ONLY way to fix EVERYTHING thats wrong with the mud. That must be the way to do it.

I agree with the pwipe, I actually do. By the same token I don't agree with everyone losing everything. I think it's downright wrong. If you want to keep players, get some customer service going. Improvements are great, but if you're not going to support the efforts of the players that stick around to support you, there is no point.

I will most likely visit after said pwipe, but I maintain I won't be playing, for reasons previously mentioned (IE, currently I have the ability to log in and randomly level and have fun. If that's gone, well... I'm not going to be another level 50 tier 1 newbie with a star next to my name just chilling at recall).

PS: I *hate* the idea of level-based equipment. That's always been an instant turn-off for me in any game I've tried playing. There is definitely no way in hell I'd bother playing again if THAT happened.

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Player Wipe (PWipe)
« on: November 10, 2009, 09:39:01 pm »
As previously mentioned in game, a pwipe is going to see me not bothering to come back at all. And also as previously mentioned in game (by others not by myself), I'm not the only one.


Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Player Wipe (PWipe)
« on: November 10, 2009, 07:02:29 pm »
*Sides with Asmo's idea*

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Player Wipe (PWipe)
« on: November 10, 2009, 06:27:23 pm »
Edit about the coins/tokens thing with the proposed "lock down":

You say, 'ok ill try again'

Asmodeus snickers softly.

You ask, 'Say we put our mains in lockdown right?'

Asmodeus nods.

You say, 'Then we start alts, level up, get gears, money, tokens'

Asmodeus says, 'that means they cant give gold or tokens to your alt'

You say, 'the lock down ends'

You say, 'we get our mains back'

Asmodeus nods.

You say, 'and by the time we've spent making alts, whilst everyone else has made new toons'

You say, 'we've got more than double the money and tokens they have'

Asmodeus says, 'yes, but'

Asmodeus says, 'i don't plan on sharing that between each character'

Asmodeus says, 'if I get that all with my new one, it stays with my new one'

Asmodeus says, 'i don't want asmo to go broke just because I want to play on a new character'

Devram says, 'tbh tokens and stuff should be personal and non tradable'

Asmodeus says, 'they're two different characters'

You say, 'true, but other people will share that around'

Asmodeus says, 'then put a fix on that'

You state, 'I know I probably would, to be honest. I've done it before.'

Asmodeus says, 'but don't make the person whos agreeing to go in lockdown to keep all his stuff loose his wealth'

Asmodeus says, 'defeats part of the purpose'

You say, '*copies and pastes* you're right, but then we do need to try find a way to stop the money/token sharing I think'

Asmodeus says, 'im not done playing/exploring with asmo by any means'

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Player Wipe (PWipe)
« on: November 10, 2009, 06:16:04 pm »
Totally down with this! Totttally! I love it!

Lock us away for 3-6 months in an arena-type zone with some cool chillaxy rooms, let other people catch up and get awesome so we oldies dont have a totally unfair advantage, get rid of all our tokens and gold (hey, we can always make alts and earn that shizzle back, which Im totally down for because it'll be a new system that I'm going to want to fiddle with along the way), and shebam! Compromise!

The only thing I'm unsure of is removing the house. On one hand, I'm kind of agreeing with that. On the other... I have a LOT of stuff I'd like to keep, and I cant keep it all on me. Maybe we could put the houses into lock-down, and the only way we get it back is by raising the tokens once again to buy access to the house back? Perhaps at a slightly lower cost maybe? *shrug*

I so seriously hope this idea gets put through. I don't want a pwipe, but that's because I don't want to lose everything I've gotten time and time again after various pwipes and lots of time and effort. This seems like an awesome compromise. Plus, I strangely don't even want to lose my character the way it is. I'm totally down for making a new character, with a new RP, and having fun with the system, and still being able to log my main in and PVPing with other people's mains in a "lock down arena".

* Edit the only thing Im unsure of, which Anubis pointed out, is who gets chosen to be "stored" away in this zone thing, and who doesn't. To me, I think it's more of an oldies thing, the people that actually do have a lot to lose. Not the 1st/2nd/3rd/4th remort people with only one or two quest items, I'm talking the people with various remorts, with perzs, with antiques, with unique items, awards, prizes, a lot of loss...

Maybe some people could be given the choice as well. If ya want to pwipe your toon, go for it, and start back afresh with your main. If not, just lock it away so you dont lose the years you've effectively spent in the game, and whether or not you bother to make an alt is up to you.

Possibly still some fairness issues to be worked out here, not sure...

*bounce bounce bounce*

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Player Wipe (PWipe)
« on: November 10, 2009, 05:38:50 pm »
Ha! =p

Devram says, 'pwipes is a really awful solution'

3250H 31547M 19397V (100) 317,034,364TNL 0D>
Virisin asks, 'did I get one?'

3250H 31547M 19397V (100) 317,034,364TNL 0D>
Virisin clambers to his feet.

3250H 31547M 19397V (100) 317,034,364TNL 0D>
Virisin walks east.

3250H 31547M 19397V (100) 317,034,364TNL 0D>
Devram says, 'laziest solution too'

3250H 31547M 19397V (100) 317,034,364TNL 0D>agree dev

You agree with everything that Devram suggests.

3250H 31547M 19397V (100) 317,034,364TNL 0D>'thats what im trying to say =/

Virisin says, 'holy shit Alayna got a boba'

3250H 31547M 19397V (100) 317,034,364TNL 0D>
You say, 'thats what I'm trying to say =/'

3250H 31547M 19397V (100) 317,034,364TNL 0D>
Virisin says, 'that makes me not want mine anymore'

3250H 31547M 19397V (100) 317,034,364TNL 0D>
Tocharaeh says, '- I think pwipes can be avoided -'

3250H 31547M 19397V (100) 317,034,364TNL 0D>
Virisin says, 'let's pwipe boba's woohoo'

3250H 31547M 19397V (100) 317,034,364TNL 0D>agree toc

You agree with everything that Tocharaeh suggests.

3250H 31547M 19397V (100) 317,034,364TNL 0D>
Tocharaeh says, '- alayna got it because I was inactive. Sorry -'

3250H 31547M 19397V (100) 317,034,364TNL 0D>
Devram says, 'if you going to pwipe you might as well just start a new mud'

3250H 31547M 19397V (100) 317,034,364TNL 0D>agree dev

You agree with everything that Devram suggests.

3250H 31547M 19397V (100) 317,034,364TNL 0D>
Virisin says, 'You guys are all assholes and I hate you all'


Tocharaeh says, '- based upon horus' intended improvements...pwipe shouldn't be necessary at all now tat I am thinking about it. -'

3250H 31547M 19397V (100) 317,034,364TNL 0D>
Devram says, 'but pwiping and "upgrading" the code is the worst possible solution'

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Player Wipe (PWipe)
« on: November 10, 2009, 05:22:32 pm »
Whilst I'd like to be back in Vampires as I did create this character specifically to BE a vamp (leader or not isn't the point, I was more than happy to be retired because I went inactive), that's not, nor should it be, a motivation for a pwipe.

I'm saying pretty much the same stuff Asmo and Kit and others have said, I'm just chiming in.

Love all the new change ideas, the skill trees, etc, but please don't waste our time removing absolutely everything we've built up over the years -.-' Levelling I can do. But having to do everything all over again? I guess it comes down to personal opinnion. Like asmo said, it's the same for me - it'd just be going through the damn motions. I wanna do new different stuff, the thought of having to re-get everything I already very contently have, makes me want to shoot myself in the foot =p

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Skill Tree System
« on: November 10, 2009, 04:39:25 pm »
Too tired/don't have time to read through everything, but I did spot a post talking about how a change like this could be a gamble in relation to losing current players.

Just wanted to put my two cents in that I totally agree with a skill tree implementation. The current system... well, it sucks. But if you were to put in levels, instead of remorts, like up to 170 or 200 or whatever, and have the progressions like, say, Tocharaeh mentioned (Horay for pretty pictures), I'd be totally keen for that. Man I'd be playing as much as I could for that actually.

Be a huge job though, I'd imagine. I guess in my mind I'm imagining new skills as well, and advancements in skills with each level progression perhaps? I actually remember trying to say something along these lines many years ago, inspired from when I used to play DragonRealms, but my ideas were rejected - possibly because it was way too much work (understandable).

But yeah. In short. I'd love a skill tree dealy, and be able to pick which way you go from a basic class (again, referring to toch's pretty pictures on page 1 as an example). This would also mean I'd have to make alts because there's so many cool looking options. Mage to arch wizard? Psychic classes? Etc etc? Squeeee! *bounce* I'm excited just thinking about the possibilities, hehe =p

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Player Wipe (PWipe)
« on: November 10, 2009, 04:22:32 pm »
Well. Idealy I don't particularly want a pwipe at all (obviously). I'm all for changes and such - I wasn't arguing making additions and putting in new changes and ideas to improve the MUD - I apologise if that came across as such. It's early morning, I wasn't really in the mood to sit down and write out a long drawn-out post about the topic.

Guess now I kinda have to, to some extent.

Ok. First. You not understanding why I'd be content with compromising on a pwipe whilst keeping belongings/flags etc? Because levelling - to me - means absolutely nothing. I can chill here, watch TV shows on my second monitor, and occasionally look over on the other screen whilst moving around automatically and hitting enter on "kill all". It doesn't bother me at all. In fact, I'd almost go to the length to say I enjoy levelling. (Not entirely sure why that is, but.. yeah).

The quests and such however? Does take time. I started playing 4d when I was 12 or 13. I'm now 23 years old. Yes I've had a few breaks over the past 10 years or so, but end of the day, I've done most of the quests a fair amount, through various deletions and pwipes in the past. Also more to the point I attempt to redo quests often so I remember how I got the item to begin with (and then take notes heh). In fact, that's one thing I want to do now. I've got a fair amount of notes on most of the quests, but there's some I still need to redo.

And when you're starting out from nothing, when all you want to do, after so long of being on the game, is pop in, say hi, maybe do some grinding for the hell of it, or even some PVP/PKing fun, to know that after all that effort, I'm going to log in, have everything gone, and I've got to start from square one again? *Personally*? Screw that! To do certain quests, you need to level up, get better gears, do everything by yourself all over again. I'm not one to group with people and join forces and speed through things, I try to do everything alone. And for gods sake, all I want to do is login and have some fun, not have to struggle up doing quest after quest and level after level just so I can get everything back just so I can be halfway decent JUST so I can login and have some fun.

It's not motivational for me, at all. I've just started playing again and I have my own personal reasons for motivation, because there's still areas of which I can improve my character. There's still PVP opportunities, and people I'd like to see dead (xD). That's all I'm playing for currently.

Pwipe everything, take everything away, and I'm back at square one with absolutely nothing, no gear, no ability? Screw that, it's not worth the time to go do everything all over again. Like I said, I'm more than happy to grind when I have the time, and improve my toon that way, but redoing everything all over again? Maybe it takes you less than 5 minutes to get your full set of equipment back, but it's certainly not that quick for me.

This is a game. I want to pop on and enjoy what I've built up over the years, and have some fun, when I have the time. Even grind for levels. Wipe everything, and it's just not worth it. Not again.

Try some customer service for once. Look at some other bloody solutions rather than just putting everyone back to 0 in every way possible. Taking everything away from everyone, free game or not, is rediculous in my opinnion.

There. Is this post any better, now that I'm not rushing through it because I'm tired? -.-'

Edit: Also, I guess I have to admit, to an extent? I'm proud of what I have. The equips I've managed to get. I like that I can log in and still have everything I've done. Taking all that away just seems to cheapen the experience. I know it's just a game, but even the scandal bullshit with Once annoyed me enough. All I wanted to do was be left alone in the clan i was part of that I based my character around, and he had to go mess with that for absolutely no reason at all. Couldn't just leave me be, no, had to go demote me, then kick me out of vampires, then take CL - when he's not even active himself, and he's tier 1 with a bloody star next to his name and no equipment or anything  ::). My point is, that ticked me off enough, and now you're talking about removing absolutely everything? Baaahhhh.

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Player Wipe (PWipe)
« on: November 10, 2009, 03:42:06 pm »
I'm totally against pwipes. For the most part, I think it's stupid. If there's any "new" players playing this game, they've worked hard to get all their stuff recently gained taken away.

And the same goes for older players. I like the fact that I can still log in and keep playing because I know I have everything I need and have done the quests a billion times over to get those things.

Why purposely take away everything everyone has gained just so you can set everyone back to square one. It's bloody unfair on those that have worked hard to get what they have, including their perzs, the investment of time, and then to lose it all. Redoing quests over and over again isn't fun. It's not a motivation to come back and play just so you can re-get everything you already had before IMMs decided to delete everything...

I hate the idea of Pwipe, and I know I wouldn't be the only one. Work on other more active changes for the mud if you're trying to improve things, but don't go taking away stuff people have spent time working for. Let sleeping dogs lie...

I don't mind wiping actual toons per say, like setting everyone back to level 1. Whatever, thats cool with me. But the quest flags, the items, the wealth, the houses, the perzs, etc etc, wiping that stuff I dont agree with (like Kitolani said).

General Discussions / Re: 4D needs a banner
« on: October 09, 2008, 03:28:33 am »
I dont have long online, BUT;

I love how no one has posted any banner images of their own, and instead, all LH had to say was (apparent?) criticism.

I kept the banner to the dimensions.

I saved it to the maximum quality it could be, given the file size restrictions as mentioned above.

There's no "punchy" colours.

I know it's nothing special, but yknow I didn't think it was exactly bad either.

I had 15 minutes spare, I quickly whacked one together just to help in some way or another.

So whatever.

Gotta run. But Im gonna leave saying I think it's freaking stupid of LH to presume to try to tell me what to do, and suggest googling things etc. Perhaps I have misinterpreted his reply wrongly. I was just working under the size details given.

Wheres all the other banners? Lets gogogogo people!

*runs off*

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