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Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Questjournal v1
« Last post by erwin on November 23, 2015, 10:14:35 pm »
In short: If there was an old variable used, which is not on the current triggers, then there is no way that the old variable can be used to show you have completed a quest.

To make this clearer, suppose builder A wrote the following script:

Code: [Select]
if !%actor.varexists(completed)%
  set completed

to show that the player has completed a quest. Much later, upon realizing this variable is poorly named, the builder changes it.

Code: [Select]
if !%actor.varexists(this_zone_completed)%
  set this_zone_completed

Surprisingly, the builder never does
Code: [Select]
* There used to be a variable called completed here. It's been replaced by this_zone_completed
if !%actor.varexists(this_zone_completed)%
  set this_zone_completed

When anyone looks at the current script, and does a quest_journal type thing to show the quest has been completed, it will always be similar to this form
Code: [Select]
if !%actor.varexists(this_zone_completed)%
  %echo% %actor% has not completed this quest!
  %echo% %actor% has completed this quest!

If, unfortunately, you had the variable completed, then the script will say you have not completed the quest. Furthermore, there is no human way of finding out what the "extra" variables you have correspond to. The solution would be to redo the quest.

On the bright side, because the variables have been changed, you can probably do the quest again for the full reward.

What's the point of the Quest Journal then?

1. Change of variables / future knowledge.

Suppose a quest had 5 variables. var1 var2 var3 var4 var5
Halfway through the quest, someone decides to change them to newvar1 newvar2 newvar3 newvar4 newvar5
You get stuck, because future scripts are looking for newvari instead of vari, which you have.

Or, suppose you did something stupid / had future knowledge.

Imagine a quest arc where you talk to Molly, who tells you to talk to Kvetch, who then tells you to talk to Rynald. Rynald asks you to give a bone to Bart's dog.

Suppose to check whether the quest has been complete, the builder write a trigger to check if you have talked to all 3 people, and given the bone.

However, instead of talking to Molly, you decided to give a bone to the dog because you like dogs. Unfortunately, there's a script which prevents you from talking to Molly, Kvetch, and Rynald once you've given the bone.

So to summarize - you've only given the bone, but not talked to the three imms. But since there's a script preventing you from talking to them after having given the bone, and you needed to talk to all three of them to complete the quest, the quest is bugged.

The questjournal allows anyone to reset the questflags. Suppose an imm made a mistake in the flags? Well, he can ask everyone to RESET their flags, and so start again. The quest journal (on the backend at least), allows that flexibility and rebuilding of quest flags in an array to account for this. Suppose you did something out of sequence? Well, you can RESET the flags and start again.

2. Prevent spam

Suppose a quest had 10 variables altogether, and maybe they are called: bone1 bone2 ... bone10

If you vstat a player, you get this:
Code: [Select]

                                        bone1:                     1
                                        bone2:                     1
                                        bone3:                     1
                                        bone4:                     1
                                        bone5:                     1
                                        bone6:                     1
                                        bone7:                     1
                                        bone8:                     1
                                        bone9:                     1
                                      bone10:                     1

Wouldn't it be nicer if you just had:

Code: [Select]
dino_bone: bone1yes bone2yes bone3yes bone4yes bone5yes bone6yes bone7yes bone8yes bone9yes bone10yesor better still
Code: [Select]
dino_bone_list: yes yes yes no no yes yes yes no yesFurthermore, instead of
Code: [Select]
if %actor.varexists(bone5)%
  %send% %actor% You have bone number 5
  %send% %actor% You don't have this bone!
  %send% %actor% But I'll give you the variable
  set bone5 1
  remote bone5
you get
Code: [Select]
set dino_bone_list %actor.dino_bone_list%
if %dino_bone.wordat(5)% == yes
  %send% %actor% You have bone number 5
  %send% %actor% You don't have this bone!
  %send% %actor% But I'll give you the variable
  replace_word yes 5 dino_bone_list
  remote dino_bone_list

It's only one line longer (because of set dino_bone %actor.dino_bone%). But think of the spam reduction...
Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Questjournal v1
« Last post by erwin on November 23, 2015, 09:32:59 pm »
So - just a heads up.

The questjournal does not wipe out quests, although flags are changed. The main script works as follows to convert flags:

Code: [Select]
If variable newquestvariable does not exist
  create newquestvariable
  for oldquestflags
    replace them in newquestvariable
    delete oldquestflags

So... Why are there quests missing?

Well, here's an idea. Ask an imm to check your newbie task flags with the helper's whistle. You will find that although when you started MUDding ages ago, and definitely picked up the vouchers / did the tasks, they're reflected as incomplete. That means you never entered the newbie school.

Hold on, you say. I did these quests before the new scripts were put in, old variables deleted, and new variables added. Obviously it's not saved on my pfile because my pfile has the old variables and not the new variables. The whistle can't tell me whether I've completed these quests because no one knows what the old variables are, unless my pfile is manually looked at, and people can guess that some weird variable name "completed" actually means: "I completed the newbie school". Duh.

With this in mind, here's why there are missing quests.

1. The variable has changed. Suppose in the past, you did a quest where the flag to show you have completed the quest was "complete".

Now, that's a pretty crappy flag, because most builders might use the same variable. A better variable could have been "alibabazone_complete" or similar. So Molly would come in, and say: "use a different flag instead of complete, because another zone has the same flag."

So the builder changes the flag in a script - let's call it alibabazone_complete, so when subsequent players have completed the quest, that would be the flag set on them, instead of complete.

Unfortunately, for players who have already completed that quest - their "completed" flag is still called "complete", and not alibabazone_complete. So, since the quest journal looks for the flag alibabazone_complete, it will not detect that flag on your player profile, and thus - will show you have not completed the quest.

Solution: Redo the quest. I don't know what the old variable is called because it's not on the quest script.

2. Give mob an item quest. If the mob always gives the same reward (trading quests), or small item rewards, then usually builders won't set an extra variable on it to show the player has completed it once.

So the variables they set would be of the form: item1 item2 item3

If item1 item2 item3 are collected, then the quest resets. There is no "fourth" variable stored to show that you have completed the quest or not.

In other words, there is no variable that states you have completed that quest on the MUD. So the quest journal similarly won't reflect that you have completed the quest, even though you have.

To extend this, there's also a zoneflag questcard to collect all zoneflags. There are no triggers on any of the zoneflags to add variables to show they have been picked up except the newbie ones. Thus, should a zoneflag script be done, everyone will have 0 zoneflags collected (even if they have collected more than one).

That being said, here are some legit concerns:

Will my equipment poof?

Answer: No, simply because equipment triggers would have that quest variable there. If there was a change of variables, then the equipment trigger would have looked like

Code: [Select]
if %actor.varexists(complete)%% || %actor.varexists(alibabazone_complete)%
  %send% %actor% You wear the equipment

and it's easy to add in complete and alibabazone_complete to the script, because they are there.
Suggestions & Ideas / Questjournal v1
« Last post by erwin on November 23, 2015, 12:35:00 pm »
The first batch of questcards for the quest journal has been released. They're also all quests in the Prehistoric era. Now's the time to test and see if you can find any errors / try to break them and abuse loopholes if any :)

To get the quest journal, go to Bart (in recall, not in SF), and say javert and chauvelin. He will give you the quest journal.

The current questcards that are available are:

Questcard 33
Questcard 35
Questcard 39
Questcard 81
Questcard 118
Questcard 121 

Have fun, and happy questing!

If there are any bugs / typos / suggestions / etc feel free to post them here, unless it involves a quest - in that case send pix a note.

« Last post by Molly on November 15, 2015, 05:45:42 pm »
Feel free to use this thread to discuss, critizise, suggest, bug report etc anyything concerning the Textileworker craft skills.
« Last post by Molly on November 15, 2015, 05:36:37 pm »
You can now work as a Spinner, Weaver, Ropemaker, Sailmaker, Embroiderer and Lacemaker, after you learnt the Textile skills.

Not yet implemented is Dyer, Tailorer and Robemaker, these will be added next.
You can however already trade all the products you make to various Trader mobs.

There is a Workshop for each Profession in Crafter’s Alley northeast of Olde Yorke. Generally you’ll find the tools and utility you need in those Workshops. If they for some reason aren’t loaded there, it should be possible to BUY them from the Craft Shop at the small square in the center of the village.

More detailed info is in the following posts in this thread, and on the signs in Crafter’s Alley.

I am closing this thread, but feel free to discuss, comment, typo report etc in the TEXTILE DISCUSSION thread that I opened in this same Forum.
« Last post by Molly on November 15, 2015, 05:30:33 pm »
To become a Textileworker you need to first seek out an old woman named CERINTHE, who lives on the island Calydnos in the east part of the Aegean Sea. If you ask to become her Apprentice, she’ll teach you Spinning and Weaving, in return for some small favors.  When Cerinthe is satisfied with your progress, she’ll give you a Letter of Recommendation  to another teacher, Fawn the Seamstress, who lives in Dun-Shivaar.

Fawn will teach you the skills needed to work as a Tailor, Ropemaker and Sailmaker, and then give you a Recommendation Letter to the next teacher, Sister Roxane, in the nunnery east of Olde Yorke. Fawn will also buy whatever thread, yarn or cloth that you produce for a fair price in Tradepoints.

Sister Roxane will teach you Embroidery and Lacemaking, skills in which the nuns excel. When satisfied with your progress, she will send you back to Fawn, who will teach you the final skill, Robemaker.

For now the Dyer, Tailor and Robemaker parts of Textileworking are not yet implemented. You will however be able to work as a Spinner, Weaver, Ropemaker, Sailmaker, Embroiderer and Lacemaker. There is also an extensive system of Traders, who will buy what you produce for Tradepoints or Tokens. More into about this in Crafter’s Alley, and in the post titled PRODUCTS AND BUYERS in this thread.

You will also find detailed info about how to get along as a Textileworker on the SIGNS in each Workshop, and in the first three rooms of Crafter’s Alley.
« Last post by Molly on November 15, 2015, 05:25:11 pm »
The raw materials for Textileworkers are hemp, wool, flax/linen, cotton and silk.

HEMP is secretively cultivated in a remote valley on the island Icaria, because of its narcotic properties. But you can also find the hemp plants in several places along the roads, and even collect and sow the seeds, to produce more hemp stalks for yourself.

FLEECE/WOOL you get from shearing sheep, and there are two kinds, white and black. The fleece needs to be carded, before it can be spun to yarn.

FLAX/LINEN and COTTON you can cultivate yourself in the Farming Fields north of Old Yorke and outside Sutter's Fort. But both plants also grow wild, and you can collect and cultivate the seeds to produce your own supply of stalks and cotton bolls. Be prepared for the development from seed to full grown plant to take some time however.

With flax you use the stems, which have to be retted, heckled and combed before they can be spun.
With cotton you use the fluffy matter attached to the seeds, and cotton has to be ginned, to get rid of the seeds and chaff before use.

SILK is the most hard-to-get material, and consequently also the most expensive. The silk thread is spun by the silkworms into the cocoons they make when they go into the pupae stage before hatching to silkmoths. But silkworms live solely on the leaves of the Mulberry tree, and since they have many natural enemies, and food is usually scarce, very few of them ever get to the cocoon stage before they starve to death.
You can help the production by feeding mulberry leaves to the silkworms, either directly in the trees, or by breeding them from eggs to cocoons in a silkworm basket, that you fletch yourself from hemp stalks.
« Last post by Molly on November 15, 2015, 05:20:30 pm »
Preparations of the raw materials, (retting, threshing, carding, ginning and reeling) can be done in the Barn, at the east end of Crafter's Alley. You don't even need any Textileworker skills to do those menial chores.

You’ll find instructions on what to do with the different materials on signs, utility and tools in the barn.

The SILK COCOONS should be boiled in the REELING PAN, which enables you to entangle and wind the silk thread onto a reel.

Just PUT 5 cocoons into the pan, then REEL. (You need to have trained the WEAVER skill to do this).

The COTTON BOLLS need to be freed from the husks and seeds, by a procedure known as GINNING. Since there is no ginning machine available in the Barn, you need to do the tedious work yourself.
Just PUT 10 bolls of cotton into the GINNING BASKET, then GIN.

The FLEECE needs to be CARDED to WOOL, using a CARDING COMB. You WIELD the comb, HOLD the Fleece and CARD.

The HEMP and FLAX needs to be THRESHED, using a FLAIL.

The FLAX needs to be first RETTED, before you can thresh it. PUT the stalks into the Retting Vat, and wait for the procedure to work. (It may take some time).

With both Hemp and Flax, you DROP the bundles of STALKS that you want to thresh on the FLOOR, then WIELD the flail and THRESH. (Don't mix the stalks, that might ruin the result).

After the threshing, the HEMP and FLAX STRANDS need to be COMBED to FIBERS, using the same CARDING COMB that you do for wool.

The SEEDS that remain after the preparations are not worthless; they can be pressed into organic oil. You'll need 5 handfuls of seeds to fill a bottle. Just PUT 5 handfuls of the same seeds, (flax, hemp or cotton), into the oil press and PRESS.

The oil can be TRADED to Weaponsmiths and General Stores. The rest product from the oil press, so called linseed cakes, can in turn be traded to farmers in the Oldwest as cattle fodder.

You can also SOW the seeds instead, by dropping them in an appropriate soil, to grow your own plants.
« Last post by Molly on November 15, 2015, 05:05:30 pm »
To work as a Spinner or Weaver, you need to first have learnt the Textileworker skills from Cerinthe on the island Calydnos. You can also still use the helper women around Old Yorke and in Sutter's Fort for the spinning and weaving of flax/linen and cotton.

However, if you choose to do the job yourself, you'll get both exp and subskillpoints, and the skillpoints might be valuable, since the level of the Crafter's skill at all stages of production influences the quality and the price of the end products.

For SPINNING the tools are either a distaff and spinning hook or a spinning wheel. You’ll find both in the Spinner's Workshop upstairs from the Weaver in Crafter's Alley. (The advantage in using a distaff and hook versus the Spinning wheel is that you can move about while spinning).

You need to PUT 3 bunches of the same kind of textile fibers into the distaff or holder. Then you either WIELD the spinning hook and HOLD the distaff, or SIT down at the Spinning wheel to SPIN.

For WEAVING you need a loom and a shuttle. Both can easiest be found in the Weaver’s Workshop in Crafter’s Alley.

You PUT 2 rolls/balls/skeins/ hanks/reels of twine/yarn/thread into the shuttle. Then HOLD the shuttle, SIT down at the loom and WEAVE.
Once's Board / Dimensional Citizens
« Last post by Once on November 15, 2015, 03:48:21 pm »

Citizenship Synopsis:  Users declare a citizenship in different dimensions and by solving quests and paying coins and tradepoints (and having sufficient amounts of solved quests in that dimension as well as having solved specific ones including citizenship tests) users can earn ranks in a particular "Citizenship Path" for the dimension.  Paths are broken down into 4 distinct categories (Selfish, Selfless, Tricky, and Remote) across 2 distinct areas (Damage and Support).

Users may only have a total of 6 ranks across all citizenships and must slowly work their way up the ranks with progressively harder quests, quest requirements, gold requirements, and more.  All abilities require users to be at 95% mana and move before using and all abilities will drain mana and move upon usage. This means that to regularly use citizenship abilities users will want to stock up on the tradepoint based restore potions and crafted regeneration gear.

Citizenship Synergies:  Due to the 6 rank limitation users can only be at most a Citizen (rank 4) in one path and an Immigrant (Rank 2) in another or a Resident (rank 3) in two paths.

This ensures that there is balance between the powerful abilities as Rank 3 and Rank 4 abilities are far more powerful than the average skill. All have cool downs and took considerable effort to attain, and just about every ability synergizes with several of the other abilities to allow for a far more dynamic group play.  This is valuable against PvE mobs, boss mobs, and in PvP Arenas.  Note: Some boss mobs will be programmatically granted certain Citizenship abilities.

Citizenship Paths:

Greek Hero:
Greek Hero - Selfish Support - While capable of acts of heroism benefiting and saving the lives of others, most Greek Heroes are loners. Many who started out with others lost them along the way whether due to fate, tragedy, or self absorbed ignorance. The Path of the Greek Hero is one of great power but the Heroism from these powers is up to the bearer.

Rank 2 - Stone of Sisyphus (Greek Hero) - User drops a stone in the room, he and his groupmates can leave and enter at will but anyone not grouped with user will be unable to leave or enter room and will lose moves and mana each time they try. Lasts 20 seconds.
Rank 3 - Mirror of Medusa (Greek Hero) - As a mirror deflected the destruction of Medusa, so shall it reflect the animus of the Hero's enemies. The mirror is targeted and casted upon an enemy for a duration of 30 seconds during which time ALL attacks by the target are reflected back at itself for DOUBLE damage. Caster and allies can still attack the target during this process or can flee at their leisure.
Rank 4 - Stomach of Kronos (Greek Hero) - The Hero summons the stomach of Kronos, the Titan who once held almost all of the gods of Greek mythology within the endless pits of his stomach. Kronos turns his efforts towards the mortal world and for 5 minutes swallows 25% of all of the exp and gold generated for other players kills. Detecting that stomach of kronos is in effect and who has casted it is only possible with activated cybernetic eyes. Cooldown time is 20 minutes.

Archaeologist - Tricky Support - While less inclined to feats of bravado, the Path of the Archaeologist is filled with amazing adventures and abilities. Archaeology is a tricky field and as such many of the Archaeologists best tools require a careful mix of timing, strategy and tactical flexibility. The Archaeologist is an extremely synergistic citizenship path melding exploration with history.

Rank 2 - Blessed Obelisk (Archaeology) - The Archaeologist plants a magic obelisk in the room, attaches various power stones and configures the obelisk as best as he can given the strange hieroglyphics. Obelisk gives a random room effect each time from mana/hp/move regen to drastically slowing all in room, to poison, to double exp to double damage (for all), etc. Archaeologist can try to adjust obelisk which is a puzzle. Obelisk lasts 5 minutes, adjustment puzzles must be completed in 10 seconds or obelisk explodes. Puzzle solving changes affect completely randomly.  Cooldown 20 mins.
Rank 3 - Salve of the Scarab (Archaeology) - The Archaeologist releases the silver scarab which encircles the group releasing a healing dust which mends wounds and channels psychic energy into the scarab. Scarab deals damage to each attacker equal to the TOTAL damage it just healed from the group.
Rank 4 - Curse of the Pharoah (Archaeology) - Ability which does hard damage over time to anyone in the room when/where it was casted.  Lasts for 5 ticks, is cast as an always succeed affect and carries across room changes. Uses the user's buffs against them so a sanct user who normally blocks 30% damage takes 30% MORE damage due to the curse and sanct.


Knight's Templar:
Knight's Templar - Selfless Support - What is Selfless Support? An undying devotion to protect and serve friends and innocents even at the cost of ones on life or health. The Path of the Knight's Templar exemplifies through the nature of their abilities and the fact that those abilities are most powerful when combined with other player's paths in group play.

Rank 2 - Martyrdom (Knight's Templar) - The Templar drops to one knee, prays to the heavens above and is struck by golden lightning. Templar is set to "dead" and -10 hp (completely incapacitated and dead if hit), all groupmates are fully restored in hp, mana, and moves and all ability cooldowns are instantly reset. Templar is unhealable for 20 seconds, ability has a 20 minute cooldown that is not affected by Martyrdom
Rank 3 - Avatar of Righteousness (Knight's Templar) - A golden hue surrounds the Knight's Templar whenever he seeks the protection of his God. The Templar receives near total invulnerability for 30 seconds in the form of a maximum damage per hit of maxhp/200. NOTE: If Templar had 5000 MaxHP then the maximum damage would be 25 per hit, however if Germ Warfare affected him (3x damage) he'd still take 75 damage per hit.
Rank 4 - Masonic Temple (Knight's Templar) - The Templar kneels to the ground tracing archaic runes with a finger. Seconds later a golden glow basks the land that suddenly quakes as a Masonic Pyramid rises from the dirt. The Eye of the Temple glows bright and blessed rune engraved mithril chains spring from the temple dragging enemies from adjacent rooms inside.  The temple holds the targets in place and bombards them with attacks from holy guardians (inflicting 20% of max hp in damage) for 20 seconds before the temple explodes sending them back to their original room.

Dragon Riders:
Dragon Riders - Selfless Damage - As the Templars are to support, the Path of the Dragon Riders is to Damage. While fearsome standing atop their scaled steeds, the Dragon Riders' best use of brimstone comes when others are around to help unlock his Dragon's power. This path is formidable but not much fun for the one man show.
Rank 2 - Dragon's Breath (Dragon Rider) - Does 2% damage per 2 second combat round. Does extra damage for each mob of the same zone number or player in the room. Caster's group take just 2% damage, ungrouped mobs and players take the cumulative damage.
Rank 3 - Scales of the Dragon (Dragon Rider) - Passive ability, randomly prevents a deathblow from killing citizen. Dragon is gravely injured (cooldown for 10 mins), user is still near death but combat is stopped (equivalent to peace command). Meant to be stackable with other abilities that rely on a user being low in hp %.
Rank 4 - Belly of the Beast ( Dragon Rider) -  Everyone in player's group is summoned inside the dragon for 10 seconds. No damage is taken due to players being transed inside the dragon, but players then have to attack the "Kajigland" organ that controls the flow of the enzyme it uses to make fire. The more damage your party does inside the belly of the beast, the more powerful the fireball he breaths down upon the room you cast in.


Quantum Weaponologist:
Quantum Weaponologist - Tricky Damage - As with the Archaeologist's Support, the Weaponologist's Damage is situational, tricky, but extremely effective in the right hands. The Path of the Quantum Weaponologist involves turning biology, nanotechnology and physics into powerful weapons.

Rank 2 - Nanovirus (Quantum Weaponology) - User casts the nanovirus on a specific target. Nanovirus "virality" is based on user's hp/maxhp %. If user is at 10% maxhp aka lost 90% of their hp the nanovirus does damage equal to 90% of the target's maxhp (spread evently across 10 rounds or 20 seconds)
Rank 3 - Temporal Rift (Quantum Weaponology) - Player creates a temporal rift using miniaturized wormhole technology and sends any non-grouped non-quest mobs into another dimension temporarily. Tearing through transdimensional otherspace does steady damage to the target while it is in the rift and rifts randomly open up in front of other player's attacks forcing the target to take hits from players across space and time. Players see when a rifted enemy takes one  of their hits instead of their desired opponent.
Rank 4 - Germ Warfare (Quantum Weaponology) - The pinnacle of the Quantum Weaponology School of Science, Germ Warfare is a hyper localized genetically engineered spell designed to create instant attack vectors when invading a foreign land. When released the Germ Cloud spreads to everyone within a 3 room radius (not including group members in the SAME ROOM as caster). The effects are a 3X increase in damage received for up to 5 minutes for any infected party.

Cyborg - Remote Damage - Hailing from the same Dimension as the Weaponologist, the Path of the Cyborg focused more solely on electronic and mechanical advances as they apply to warfare. Cyborgs don't just control the technology within their own body but utilize advanced radio frequency techniques to kill from afar making them world class assassins.

Rank 2 - Cybernetic Eyes (Cybernetics) - On look player gets the equivalent of a scan (mobs 3 rooms away in every direction),  along with their current hp, buffs, and avg damage per round. While active eyes can also see invisible, infrared, and buried objects in the room the player is currently in and can see movement from 3 rooms awayh.  Very useful when dodging a missile..
Rank 3 - Drone Strike (Cybernetics) - User gets a 20 second countdown from initiating strike, can drop 3 drone tags in rooms.  Upon countdown reaching 0 the Drone bomb each room with a tag for significant damage (including to caster and group mates). Tag in inventory is the same as tag on the ground in the room and will do damage to all in the room.
Rank 4 - Guided Missile (Cybernetics) - Player "marks" a target with their cybernetic eyes. Player can be up to 3 rooms away from a target to mark them with cybernetic eyes active. Once marked, missile is launched and will take 10 seconds to reach marked target. The missile will move through rooms towards the target and the target will be warned that a missile is after them 3 seconds before the 10 second standard impact.  Players may opt to flee from the missile but it will chase them for up to another 10 seconds (20 seconds total).


Medicine Man:

Medicine Man/Woman - Remote Support -Hailing from Old West, the Path of the Medicine Man is not the typical western depiction. In touch with Mother Earth, the Great Spirit, and shepherd to the spirits of animals across all dimensions, the Medicine Man uses his keen understanding of Nature to provide Support and Protection to those he deems worthy.

Rank 2 - Great Spirit (Medicine Man) - The Great Spirit considers all things hallowed. Medicine Men who learn the ways of the great spirit can bury the corpses of dead (skinnable) animals to show respect to the Great Spirit (1 spirit point per corpse max 30). Great Spirit also allows the Medicine Man to do the Spirit Chant which restores groupmates hp/mana/move 2% per spirit point used (maximum of 25 points or 50%) even if in separate rooms. Cooldown of 5 minutes.
Rank 3 - War Dance (Medicine Man) - Although powerful, the War Dance ritual is about more than just destroying his enemies. The Medicine Man channels the Great Spirit asking for aid in defending Mother Earth. The Medicine Man focuses and begins channeling spirit points to add a group damage bonus to every group mate. The bonus builds as the medicine man channels 1 point per second for 5% damage per point (max 150% after 30 seconds).   

Can not be used in Peaceful rooms. Medicine Man will take 20x damage if hit while war dancing. Lasts 10 mins, if medicine man is attacked during channeling the bonus stops where he was attacked. Medicine Man in war dance will make surrounding mobs track and attempt to attack him. Evil Spirits will also appear (equal to 1.5 the strength of medicine man) and will need to be fended off. Cool down 20 mins.
Rank 4 - Rain Dance (Medicine Man) - The Rain Dance ritual is the most powerful ritual the Medicine Man can learn, a true connection and understanding of the Great Spirit. As with the War Dance, during the Rain Dance the Medicine Man will be chased and attacked by local mobs and evil spirits equal to 2x his strength.
If attacked while Rain Dancing the Medicine Man will take 30x damage and all of his group mates will suffer a 10 second combat delay / skill lag. During the Rain Dance (which drains 2 points a second and lasts 15 seconds) the Medicine Man will check skill lag on all group mates and reduce it to 0 75% of the time. Cooldown 60 minutes.

Outlaw - Selfish Damage - While the Greek Heroes may at times be oblivious to the selfishness of their support the Path of the Outlaw holds no such illusions. Uniquely powerful gunslingers who's interest in the rule of law has long since waned, they make competent allies so long as you understand killing the enemy is more important than not killing you...

Rank 2 - Dynamite Throw (Outlaw) - The Outlaw throws a couple sticks of dynamite on the ground giving 2 second warning. These sticks do 25% maxhp damage to groupmates, and significantly damage mobs albeit not more than 33% of their total maxhp. Dynamite has a habit of going out if a Player Character isn't in the room with it when it's set to explode which many Outlaws get around by letting someone else tank before setting and fleeing.
Rank 3 - Bandit's Gambit (Outlaw) - No one knows quite how to escape a bad situation like an Outlaw from the Old West. When the chips are down and the Outlaw is injured he can use the strength of his injury as part of a last stand to attempt to vanquish his foes. Outlaws will deal 5 times the HP they've lost in damage in one fell swoop (with bonus modifiers if they're under 15% health).  NOTE: It's called a Gambit for a reason and these are Outlaws, any groupmates or innocent bystanders will take 25% of the damage the Outlaw deals as well.
Rank 4 - Human Shield (Outlaw) - The Outlaw grabs a human shield (either a grouped player or a mob in the room not invovled in combat) and uses them as a human shield to buy time to carefully line up his shot.  Outlaw shoots the target THROUGH the shield causing shield to take 80% of their current hp in damage and  dealing twice (mobs) or three times (players) as much damage to the target. Outlaw also has a 50% chance of this shot instant killing the target provided it is under 50% health and under a specific level.
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