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Building Board / Links to help builders
« Last post by Kvetch on August 05, 2015, 11:06:55 am »
I admit that sometimes I'm trying to come up with how to describe the same forest over and over and.. the same caves over and over and... the same swamp over and over and... .. you get the idea.   Also, what little items might someone find in/around an altar/statue/doors... So, I try to find things online to help.  I'll be posting links here as I find them.  Other people can as well.

Oh, and for you roleplayers, these are good for you as well.

I like free so:

Another link I use a lot (I've even bought things from it though their free stuff can be useful as well):

Suggestions & Ideas / Re: 100 Cha limit and backstab damage
« Last post by Tor on August 02, 2015, 04:47:37 am »
Yes, if your flee fails, for what ever reason, or if as sometimes happens, they follow you when you flee, they can continue to hit you. (Aggravating to not have trap aware and be stuck unable to move for minutes after having won the battle, but such is life.) *Peers at Kvetch* There are some rooms that one can't can't flee or retreat from with tough mobs. *Grin*

How does anyone train a spell to 99 percent?  As far as I know the maximum is set to 98 percent for mortals, exception being some species are "born" with 100% like centaur with 100 percent ride and mount. *Laugh* Not much use as they can't do either.

I have had the lost concentration on casting heal 3 or 4 times in a row, (after which death occurs, if not before), which is possible at < 2% occurrence but not very likely. This happens both when casting on self or on others. I will try and remember to log some occurrences and post them. Just as a quick check used a spell that I only had only trained to 80% 100 times with no fails and in the process trained it up to 83%. Then cast heal, (not in battle), trained to 98% 100 times and had 4 failures for loss of concentration.  As the results should be random doesn't really prove anything. To small of a test to satisfy the rule of large numbers.

Also spells have a chance of missing target, (just like melee can miss the target), or not producing any results, (you cast the runes of <spell>, but no damage or miss message), as well as failing from the caster loosing concentration. If it matters my accuracy is 327, it seems to be capped there as it hasn't increased in many remorts, (don't know if that is only improved while melee or not).
General Discussions / Molly's Ecology Idea
« Last post by Dajte on August 01, 2015, 08:50:27 am »
Hello and well met everyone!

My name is Dajte, I recently came upon this article by a "Molly O'Hara":
Immediately, I was inspired, because I actually was working on a game just like this not too long ago. I wrote like...damn, over 100k words of content, before my game group fell apart. So, to Molly in particular, but anyone who is interested, I wanted to ask: Interested in swapping ideas and lessons learned? I think I have quite a lot of things to say about this kind of game design, after trying to make it work for over a year. Maybe even, if enough interest exists, start a collab?

Hope this isn't rude for me to barge in here! I would have sent Molly an email but I couldn't find a contact.
News & Announcements / Re: Absense
« Last post by Kvetch on July 30, 2015, 08:29:07 pm »
Seems I have Mudlet also installed on my computer so maybe the silence won't be so bad and I won't be gone at all/so long/something.
News & Announcements / Absense
« Last post by Kvetch on July 30, 2015, 08:13:44 pm »
It seems my Ubutu/Wine/Mush client has decided to crash so, after my note to everyone that I was back, it seems I am not.  I may not be on until I can find a new laptop which may be a while.  I will continue to check to see if my mush client decides to work off and on, but I'm seeing no help for it.  Enjoy the extended silence while you can.
Building Board / Re: New stuff, please explain
« Last post by Kvetch on July 27, 2015, 08:51:53 pm »
Well, I guess unless/until I put crafting stuff in my areas I won't ask about how to actually go about doing it from a builders perspective because none of it really makes any sense to me still because I don't know how it works from a builder's perspective.  I mean, it makes sense in a way, but I'd be hard pressed still to figure out how to create a potion of health using the crating system at this point in time as a builder.
Suggestions & Ideas / Re: 100 Cha limit and backstab damage
« Last post by Kvetch on July 27, 2015, 08:47:21 pm »
I would think that'd be decent, but it was sounding like it failed more than that.  Though maybe that's because of the heat of battle.  Maybe Tor can show a log of how often it seems to fail if more than that?
Suggestions & Ideas / Re: 100 Cha limit and backstab damage
« Last post by rynald on July 27, 2015, 04:25:29 pm »
The chance of failure for any spell is 2/101 if you learned the spell to 99%. That's not too bad?
Building Board / Re: New stuff, please explain
« Last post by rynald on July 27, 2015, 04:03:35 pm »

With crafting you get the ability to make items from ingredients or intermediate products by performing skills. The stats of the final item depend on the object values quality, colour, dyecount, origin, stage and material. Crafted items deteriorate with use, but will be able to be repaired.

A short overview of the values:

Quality: this is the overall value determining how good the item is. It is made up of the other values, the skill of the crafter, the quality of the ingredients, and some luck.

Colour & dyecount: players will get the chance to dye some of the items which will change the stats. The number of dyes are counted because the colour will turn black after a certain number of tries. The object values are meant for scripts, if you want to make a normal item you can describe the colour(s) in the descs.

Material: it was moved to this menu because it wasn't used much in the past, and it will be used a lot with crafting. You can set the material and set the rest to none if you like (i see you've got an older version there, you can do this after a copyover).

Origin: the quality of an ingredient may depend on where it came from. A shield made from hardwood will be better than one made from fruitwood, while you wouldn't want a hardwood ship (or do you? i don't know, it's just an example). As it is now the origin of a tree log is put into it when a tree is lumberjacked, and also when an animal is skinned.

Stage: scripts use this to know where the object is in the development chain.

Weapon length

Short weapons are <= 60 cm, the rest are long weapons. The spells fire shield and thorn shield check for this, otherwise size doesn't matter. You can make it as realistic as you want.
Building Board / Re: New stuff, please explain
« Last post by Kvetch on July 21, 2015, 12:15:22 pm »
And another while trying to add damage dice to my weapon...

Weapon length:

Do you want meters?  Feet?  Inches?  Short/medium/long???  What are my options and can someone tell me the "length" of a dagger, short sword, long sword, bastard sword, trident, harpoon - just to give me an idea to base it off from?

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