Ok, couple of things on clans. First, yes, I like the idea of not everyone going to the same place to get your recall item that you lost - however you lost it. Second (and I know a lot of people will hurt me on this one), but why do we have so many clans with so few players? Lately it's not been so bad, but it was to the point that you hardly had more than one person on at a time from the same clan. And most of the people that were ON in a clan were the clan leaders (no pilgrams? - what's up with that?)
Current clans are (from help file): Chaos, Dark-Jedi, Dragons, Qualinesti (weren't they renamed Mordonosse?), Saints, Sicilians, Table Round, Vampires, Vikings.
Chaos seems to be a popular clan, but all they seem to have are leaders (heh, just pointing out the 3CL thing which boggles me, but to each their own, I guess. Lots of cheifs, I've been lookin' for the indians - other than Kito).
Dark-Jedi: I know Asmoday pops on once in a while - more often recently than used to it seems to me. I seem to remember there's a few pilgrims and indians in this group. Off the top of my head can't come up with names.
Dragons: Only Dragon I know that's even active is Loran - and that's "active" as in s/he's on once in a while. (I don't know of Loran is currently male or female - s/he changes too much.) Cati became Dragon to give the clan a memeber. *heh* Also, just saying "I am a Dragon" is cool.
Qualinesti/Mordenosse: ERm.. I see one once in a blue moon but they don't seem to roleplay any. What's up with that? The group is an RP group.
Saints: Maybe the only other clan that's as active as Chaos - and without the 3 CL's may I add.
Sicilians: Jason is one daily, Toch is on daily, pilgrims/injuns are on. Not a dead clan yet.
Table Round: I'm sure there's more than Xeri, but I can't come up with names. It may just be that - when I type who - I don't look at the clans often enough.
Vampires: They're around, but not sure how many of them they are. Maybe it's just cause they come out at night and I don't see them.
Vikings: ERm.. Thotter...Hayato... Hesara... I'm sure there are others, but not very active.
Just wondering if these should be pared down some - at least the ones that really don't seem to have much of a clan. (Dragons, Qual/Mordonesse for 2)
The same could almost be said of RP groups, but I"m not even sure what RP groups are out there. TEll me, do the RP groups actually RP or is it just to have another channel to gossip on?