A function to avoid repetition
Here's an example. In Fenizia, the mobs are extremely interactive, and some of them accept gifts. If you kill a particular mob in Fenizia, and present its head to all the other NPCs, they will kill you.
So for example, we would have many different RECEIVE triggers that look like this:
if %obj.vnum% == 12345
* do stuff
elseif %obj.vnum% == 12346
* do more stuff
elseif %obj.vnum% = 22222
wait 1
drop %object%
wait 1 s
widee %actor%
emote exclaims, 'Oh, my God! Are you mad?
%echo% Do you have ANY idea what consequences this might lead to?'
wait 1 s
emote says, 'This is a total disaster, you moron!
%echo% He was not a man that wouldn't make some precautions either...
eval am (%actor.level%*(2000+%random.200%)))
nop %actor.exp(-50000)%
mkill %actor%
These twelve lines are repeated across several different triggers. Which is great, unless there are errors in these lines. So a much cleaner way is to do this.
Name: 'Kill Mob Function', VNum: [ 7958], RNum: [ 2982]
Trigger Intended Assignment: Mobiles
Trigger Type: FUNCTION , Numeric Arg: 100, Arg list: None
wait 1
drop %object%
wait 1 s
widee %actor.name%
emote exclaims, 'Oh, my God! Are you mad?
%echo% Do you have ANY idea what consequences this might lead to?'
wait 1 s
emote says, 'This is a total disaster, you moron!
%echo% He was not a man that wouldn't make some precautions either...
eval am (%actor.level%*(2000+%random.200%))
nop %actor.exp(-50000)%
mkill %actor%
And then we can replace the above code with
if %obj.vnum% == 12345
* do stuff
elseif %obj.vnum% == 12346
* do more stuff
elseif %obj.vnum% = 22222
function 7958
Now, you might say that it's only twelve lines - we don't need a function trigger. However, did you notice we made two changes? We changed widee %actor% to widee %actor.name%, and we fixed a bracketing issue in when evaluating the experience points to deduct from the player.
Imagine making this change across all NPCs

-> eg, you can type tsearch all 7958 to see the impact of this.
It becomes a bigly issue when there are longer chunks of scripts repeated throughout, which means lots and lots of changes. This not just becomes terribly annoying to fix, but introduces more chance of errors (what if we delete an extra line? or delete an else? or we didn’t catch a word wrap, and cut off part of what a mob is supposed to say / do?)
So - if you're a builder, and you find yourself repeating large chunks of code, consider using functions! Errors can be fixed in the function trigger itself, rather than fixing the same error across many scripts.
This is especially important if the script you are repeating does things which may have a great impact on players, such as giving them experience points, setting questflags, etc.
So if you repeat a chunk of code lots of times - use functions!