Are you offering to code it for us?
However, on a more serious note; one main problem is that we already have about 200 zones, and I don't really see anyone having the time and energy to convert all those. And the builder activity nowadays is a bit low - including myself. I don't have the time for building that I once had, and the same goes for most of our builders.
So the question is how much the dynamic descs would actually be used.
That doesn't mean that the opportunity for anyone to utilise them would be great, I'm just being overly realistic.
We recently added Day and Night descs. While those would potentially add a lot to the game, as far as I know they are only used in a handful of rooms, connected to a quest in one of my latest zones.
On a totally different note, we have a problem with the maps in the client that our coders don't seem to be able to resolve. Since you managed to fix a couple of other issues in the past - is there any chance to lure you by again, and have a look at it?