Author Topic: Death Traps  (Read 11682 times)

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Offline Kvetch

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Death Traps
« on: May 19, 2014, 10:18:20 pm »
Not sure why anyone else hasn't decided to bring this over here (other than the poll that had been up that I can't seem to find now), so I guess I'll do it.

The idea is that DT's as they currently are, are a bit to harsh as you lose all of your eq.
We do have DT insurance that you can buy that will cover the items either one by one, or all of the *current* (at time of insurance purchase) set you have (which means anything you pick up and change out after you insure your complete outfit is not covered).

Current prices: (Provided by the DT Insurance company by recall)

Seekers (0 remorts):  500 TP or  1 silver
1-4 Remorts:         2500 TP or  5 silver
5-10 Remorts:        5000 TP or 10 silver
11 Remorts or more:  7500 TP or 15 silver
Seekers (0 remorts):   50 TP or  1 bronze  per item
1-4 remorts:          250 TP or  5 bronze  per item
5-10 remorts:         500 TP or 10 bronze  per item
11 Remorts or more:   750 TP or 15 bronze  per item
Once you hit a DT and get restored, the Insurance is no longer valid, and
has to be renewed.

So far the opinions seem to be:
1) Get rid of DT's altogether.
2) Add More DT's as it makes people more careful.
3) Change the way DT's  work.
 -- Instead of outright taking all your eq it could:
 ---1) Destroy your current weapon or focus
--- 2) Drop you down a few levels - possibly to Level 1 of your current Tier? Or more?
--- 3) Just take away XP
--- 4) Random piece of (uninsured) eq lost.  Maybe a few pieces, but not everything.
--- 5) DT's only affect GM's
--- 6) Change DT "full coverage" insurance so it covers the set of eq that you hit the DT with.

From Lionheart:

- Inflict damage (level loss, gold loss) based on remorts
- Sudden Agonising Death (takes around 10min to DIE at the highest level) every minute
strips a level and gold out of your character
- Loss of a random piece of EQ only at GM level
- Addition of a player flag (DT) that lasts until the player quits or if it's possible
to code to last for a week

From Xerxes:
Perhaps take away equipment removal altogether, because there is grey waters
with losing personal items.  What can be more of a time sink is losing all of
your levels or partial based on your remorts as mentioned before.  Examples:
Under 4 remorts 15% total exp loss required for remort (telrr).
4 to 8 remorts 30% telrr
8 to 12 remorts 50% telrr
12-18 remorts 65% telrr
18-24 remorts 80% telrr
24-32 remorts 95% telrr
32+ remorts 100% telrr (32 remorts will typically be GM status)

This will make a significant hit on the player with XP but it's easier
to help someone get XP back than gear since gear is a bit more
frowned upon. This will definitely make them hurt and it would suck
to be exploring hit a dt and be set back to level 1.

From Bane:
Fix Dt insurance, adjust prices, adjust farming areas for TPs. Hell even allow gold(at a very high price) be a payment. DT insurance was made to prevent people from losing personal items. If they cant take the time to work on getting the insurance thats their own fault.

Perhaps instead of having to cover each item in your inventory, you give a option to cover all Inventory, An option to cover all equipment, AN option to cover everything, an option to cover a container with all items in container(regardless of how much), and last but not least single item protection.

From Once:

We leave DTs and DT Insurance mostly as they currently
are, but when you DT you are given the opportunity to "do a deal with the devil".

When you do this the game offers you a chance to save certain items
that would be destroyed otherwise, but in return you have to pay in
percentages of gold (rather than raw numbers), based on total gold on hand
and in bank. Additionally you give up a percentage of your future earned
exp (not to exceed 50% in total) until the EXP equivalent to a full level
1 - 50 remort for you is paid (the base cost of the deal itself).

You can save your items if you want, you can basically "DT Insure after the
fact" but it teaches you a very painful lesson about insurance very quickly.
And if you're still a newb maybe an angel saves you from making this deal.

It might also be cool to make it so if your clan has the deed to the zone
with the DT in it then there's a chance you get away with only the exp
penalty or some such.

So, there are the current thoughts and ideas.  The board was getting full of them, so I thought putting it here would be easy for everyone to read instead of going through all the posts.  What does everyone think?  What should we do with DT's?  any of the combinations above sound like a good idea?  Anything that would make DT's not be such a heart wrenching issue, but will still make it an "oh, shit, I don't want to do that again" moment?

Offline Jaros

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Re: Death Traps
« Reply #1 on: May 20, 2014, 04:00:33 am »
2) Add More DT's as it makes people more careful.

Offline Jaros

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Re: Death Traps
« Reply #2 on: May 20, 2014, 04:14:09 am »
All the ideas are good but I do like Once's "Deal with the Devil" most.  I would suggest that if the player is not actually levelling, i.e. "Can now remort", the exp shouldn't count towards the Devil's price.

Offline Calypso

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Re: Death Traps
« Reply #3 on: May 20, 2014, 08:04:14 am »
I think we need to either soften DTs *OR* create better DT insurance. But to do both would probably make DTs a bit too ineffective. And I prefer to make better insurance than to change DTs.

In terms of DT insurance, I like the idea of having an emergency after-the-fact option that Once suggested, and I like having coverage options like Bane suggested.

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Offline Jaros

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Re: Death Traps
« Reply #4 on: May 20, 2014, 08:33:22 pm »
Anything that would make DT's not be such a heart wrenching issue

Whatever happens DTs absolutely should be a 'heart-wrenching issue'.  That's the whole point of them.

I think 50%-of-a-remort worth of exp is too little for anyone but very low level chars.  I think a better meter would be 50% of your total experience up to that point.  So if you have 30 remorts, cutting a deal to get out of a DT costs you 15 remorts worth of exp.

It has to be enough that players seriously consider choosing the DT over the Deal, and if they do cut a deal, they have to live with that decision for a long time.

Offline Calypso

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Re: Death Traps
« Reply #5 on: May 20, 2014, 09:02:11 pm »
Whatever happens DTs absolutely should be a 'heart-wrenching issue'.  That's the whole point of them.

I agree. I also think that the player should have a choice. I think its the loss of choice that causes so many players to walk off after a DT. Sure, make all choices heart-wrenching, but let there be a choice. It gives the player more sense of control which may encourage them to stick around afterwards.
I get my energy from my Inner G.