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Usage: toggle

TOGGLE shows you the current values of various toggles available on the MUD.

This command CAN NOT be used to change these values (see related commands.)

All of these toggles remain the same until you change them; i.e. they are

saved when you quit.

Here is an example of the Toggle command output

Hit Pnt Display: ON          Brief Mode: OFF     Summon Protect: OFF
      AUTOGROUP: OFF       Compact Mode: OFF           On Quest: YES
   Mana Display: ON              NoTell: OFF       Repeat Comm.: NO 
 Auto Show Exit: ON      Auto Splitting: ON        Auto Looting: OFF
           Deaf: NO          Wimp Level: 800     Gossip Channel: ON 
Auction Channel: ON       Grats Channel: ON         Auto-Assist: ON 
      Auto-Gold: ON          Keep Title: OFF         IC Channel: ON 
    Color Level: complete  NoBattlespam: ON       NoMail Prompt: ON  
        NOCTalk: OFF            AFKTELL: ON             MoveMsg: YES
   Hero Channel: YES     Newbie Channel: YES    See Colour Code: NO 
        Autosac: OFF     No-OOC Channel: ON           Mountable: NO 
    Compression: OFF         PageHeight: 40           PageWidth: 80 
          Aggro: OFF           PageWrap: YES             NoBrag: OFF
         NOGATE: ON          NoDeedSpam: OFF         NOTELEPORT: ON 
 NoDisplayTitle: OFF         NoGraphics: OFF        ReverseList: OFF



bprompt - This sets your battleprompt. Type "help promptcodes" for more info. aggro - This toggles aggro mode, whether you autoattack all mobs in a room. It is recommended not to turn this on, unless you are confident you can kill all mobs in a zone. autoassist - This toggles automatic assistance when group members are fighting mobs. autogold - This toggles automatic gold looting from a killed mob. autogroup - This toggles an automatic acceptance of people wanting to join your group if they follow you. autoloot - This toggles automatic item looting from a killed mob. autosac - This toggles an automatic corpse sacrifice of a killed mob. autosplit - This toggles automatic splitting of gold between group members. nobattlespam - This toggles whether you see battlespam. If you don't like to see walls of text of combat messages, make sure this is turned off.

bprompt - This sets your battleprompt. Type "help promptcodes" for more info. aggro - This toggles aggro mode, whether you autoattack all mobs in a room. It is recommended not to turn this on, unless you are confident you can kill all mobs in a zone. autoassist - This toggles automatic assistance when group members are fighting mobs. autogold - This toggles automatic gold looting from a killed mob. autogroup - This toggles an automatic acceptance of people wanting to join your group if they follow you. autoloot - This toggles automatic item looting from a killed mob. autosac - This toggles an automatic corpse sacrifice of a killed mob. autosplit - This toggles automatic splitting of gold between group members. nobattlespam - This toggles whether you see battlespam. If you don't like to see walls of text of combat messages, make sure this is turned off.


These are the toggles which prevent other players manipulating your character. Note that you can see all your toggles by typing 'toggle'.

nogate - This toggles whether you allow players to gate to you. nomount - This toggles whether you allow players to mount you (as a centaur). See the manual on Mud Romance if you have a filthy mind. nosummon - This toggles whether you allow players to summon you. noteleport - This toggles whether the teleport spell can be cast on you.

-- Here are the toggles which affect your player character. Note that you can see all your toggles by typing 'toggle'.

afk <message> - Toggle AFK mode with a message.. afktell - Toggle whether you hear tells while afk or not. alias <alias name> <command> - Set an alias. You can see the help file for more info. autoexit - Toggle whether exits are shown or not when you enter a room. brief - Goes into brief mode with only room names and objects in room seen. busy <message> - Toggle BUSY mode with a message. keeptitle - Prevent your title from getting changed. loginmsg <message> - Set your log in message. logoutmsg <message> - Set your log out message. movemsg - Toggle whether you see move messages or not. nodisplaytitle - Toggle whether you see players' full titles on the who list. nographics - Toggle whether you see graphics or not with certain mud commands. prompt - Set your character prompt. You can see the help file for more info.

These are the toggles which affect your client and output settings. Note that you can see all your toggles by typing 'toggle'.

autocompress - Toggle compression for mud client if client allows. compact - Turns on compact mode, so all empty lines are removed. pageheight <height> - Configure page height for your client. pagewidth <width> - Configure page width for your client. pagewrap - Toggle page wrapping for your client.

  • Hit Pnt Display: displays current Hitpoints
  • Auto Group: You will automatically agree to group people when they request to follow.
  • Mana Display: Displays your current Mana
  • Auto Show Exit: toggled with autoexit
  • AFK: - Toggle AFK mode with a message..
  • AFKTELL - Toggle whether you hear tells while afk or not.
  • NOBATTLESPAM - This toggles whether you see battlespam. If you don't like to see

walls of text of combat messages, make sure this is turned off.

See the manual on Mud Romance if you have a filthy mind.

  • AGGRO - This toggles aggro mode, whether you autoattack all mobs in a room.

It is recommended not to turn this on, unless you are confident you can kill all mobs in a zone.

  • AUTOASSIST - This toggles automatic assistance when group members are fighting


  • AUTOEXIT - Toggle whether exits are shown or not when you enter a room.
  • AUTOGOLD - This toggles automatic gold looting from a killed mob.
  • AUTOGROUP - This toggles an automatic acceptance of people wanting to join

your group if they follow you.

  • AUTOLOOT - This toggles automatic item looting from a killed mob.
  • AUTOSAC - This toggles an automatic corpse sacrifice of a killed mob. (all items in corpse are purged)
  • BPROMPT - bprompt - This sets your battleprompt. Type "HELP PROMPTCODES" for more info.
  • BRIEF - Goes into brief mode with only room names and objects in room seen.
  • BUSY <message> - Toggle BUSY mode with a message.
  • KEEPTITLE - Prevent your title from getting changed. (when remorting)
  • LOGINMSG - loginmsg <message> - Set your log in message. (RP/RPL)
  • LOGOUTMSG - logoutmsg <message> - Set your log out message.
  • MOVEMSG - Toggle whether you see move messages or not.
  • NODISPLAYTITLE - Toggle whether you see players' full titles on the who list.
  • NOGRAPHICS - Toggle whether you see graphics or not with certain mud commands.
  • PROMPT - Set your character prompt. You can see the help file for more info.