The Gossip
Turned in By Tor
gossip: Tor saunders in and looks around.'
gossip: Tor nearly missed seeing Candy, her being invisible and all.'
gossip: Tor smiles at the cute little dwarfen warrior.'
Hesper gossips, 'With ribbons braided into her beard...'
gossip: Tor strokes the silky beard, Wondering what the beard feel like.'
You gossip, 'It needs a flower.'
Mordecai gossips, 'bye'
Hesper gossips, 'help mord!'
You gossip, 'aww..'
Vryce gossips, 'can I find Out more info on the tasks to complete? '
Hesper gossips, 'type tasks to see all of them'
Hesper gossips, 'Here I thought you left us'
Vryce gossips, 'I could never leave that beard ! '
Candy gossips, 'Oh Hi Tor'
Vryce gossips, 'well my next task is 'help gondolf'I was just wondering if there was a way to Get more specific info on the task'
gossip: Tor smiles and waves at Candy. She sure is sweet.
Hesper gossips, 'talk to him and he will ask you to do something.'
You gossip, 'You promised you wouldn't tell on me...'
Vryce gossips, 'OK '
Candy gossips, 'i miss something?'
Hesper gossips, 'sometimes you have to look at them to see how to talk to them, offer help, ask whats worng, whatever.'
You gossip, 'I thought someone was telling on me... Open mouth insert foot.'
gossip: Tor laughs.
gossip: Candy sits at the fountain drinking often.
Hesper gossips, 'don't think I've tried that drink. Where do you get it?'
gossip: Tor gets a bottle of often out of the freezer and takes a long pull from it. He shudders a bit.
Hesper gossips, 'Glad Candy wasnt here to hear that "Mate"'
Candy gossips, 'wtf is that suppose to mean'
Reiko gossips, 'you smell lovely today, Candy'
Hesper gossips, 'figured you'd laugh at me being callede Mate twice by Killete!'
gossip: Candy sighs.
You gossip, 'Better for me that they can't tell gender properly. Tor snickers.'
Hesper gossips, 'Tor thinks he can get ALL the ladies.'
gossip: Tor is hoping one will choose him.

You gossip, 'if the competiton pool is reduced he has a better chance.'
You gossip, 'Kinda had my eye on a hot lil elf, but she's sorta got a racist thing against gringos.'
gossip: Reiko grabs popcorn and watches.
You gossip, 'Hey man, you didn't tell me you brought popcorn... '
Reiko gossips, 'not for you, youre performing.'
Reiko gossips, 'nom nom'
Candy gossips, 'haha'
gossip: Tor glares jealously at Reiko and his popcorn.
Reiko gossips, 'two words Tor: Red. Shiney. '
gossip: Reiko nom noms
You gossip, 'shh... don't let everyone know about my red 'n shiney. Tor glances about, hoping no one heard.'
gossip: Reiko nom noms
Candy gossips, 'you should tell me all about it'
gossip: Tor lovingly pets his red shiney.
Candy gossips, 'Oh ok maybe I don't wanna know'
gossip: Reiko shakes the bag, looking inside.
Hesper gossips, 'worse Candy, Reiko stole his red shiney before!'
Reiko gossips, 'Hot elf speaks, but in foreign tongue.'
gossip: Reiko nomnoms.
You gossip, 'slobbered all over it. :/'
Reiko gossips, 'sure did. marked it well.'
You gossip, 'it cleaned up quite nicely though, after I got it away from him.'
You gossip, 'if anything even more shiney than before.

Candy gossips, 'yup I don't wanna know the red shiney'
gossip: Tor looks around for the elf Reiko is calling hot. Is it Lazav, Thotter or Vryce that has caught his eye?
gossip: Candy snickers.
gossip: Tor admires the red shiney, it's mine, my most precious.
gossip: Tor wonders what happened to Reiko and the popcorn.
Reiko gossips, 'went to refill.'
Reiko gossips, 'tis not my eye thst has been caught, Friend Tor'
gossip: Candy yawns.
gossip: Tor wonders what one of the aforementioned have captured of Reiko's.
Reiko gossips, 'none of the above'
You gossip, 'Candy appears to grow tired of us, we need to liven her up a bit.'
gossip: Reiko munches on popcorn.
Reiko gossips, 'well, get to it.'
You gossip, 'But she already said she wasn't interested in the red shiney. Do you think she is trying to mislead me?'
Reiko gossips, 'she is a very clever woman. its possible. '
Reiko gossips, 'could be the pregnancy talking too, who knows.'
gossip: Reiko nom noms.
You gossip, 'maybe trying to get me to let my guard down so she can get her hands on it...'
You gossip, 'Wait pregnancy... Tor peers at Candy.'
Hesper gossips, 'On something anyway'
Reiko gossips, 'she might be luring you in for tea too.'
Reiko gossips, 'she speaks again. nows your chance tor.'
gossip: Tor looks at Hesper and then at Reiko, wondering what is this about...
gossip: Tor likes tea
Candy gossips, 'lol'
Reiko gossips, 'you seek your elf.'
You gossip, 'almost as much as coffee.'
Reiko gossips, 'mmm coffee'
Hesper gossips, 'Who's Elf?'
Candy gossips, 'Sorry, pregnancy wears one down.'
gossip: Tor carefully scans the who list... casts detect invisibility on himself, just in case and looks again.
Reiko gossips, 'tor seeks a lovely young elf. He just cant see past.'
gossip: Reiko slides Candy..candy.....
gossip: Tor peers at Reiko, and whispers to his red shiney something about elves.
Reiko gossips, 'a pickmeup?'
Hesper gossips, 'My transformation was complete. Strong magic! No costume!'
Reiko gossips, 'ah, so it is.'
gossip: Candy is no pick me up for just anyone.
Hesper gossips, 'luckily ir is not permanent.... I hope!!!'
Reiko gossips, '...I was.offering sweets!'
Candy gossips, 'i don't belong to you, to be offered.'
Hesper gossips, 'yeah, but for Reiko?

Candy gossips, 'but tor is cute'
You gossip, 'Who is pregnant.'
gossip: Reiko takes back the sugary goods, and consumes them himself.
You gossip, 'I'm the one that let you tickle me with the beard, now what this about reiko?'
gossip: Reiko nom noms.
gossip: Tor looks confused, he looks to his red shiney for comfort.
Hesper gossips, 'I thought the two Indians might .... yeah , welll'
Reiko gossips, 'what two indians?'
Candy gossips, 'Never'
Reiko gossips, 'candy and me? gods no. thats banes faukt.'
You gossip, 'where is the elf. what is ir. I need coffee, damn it.'
Reiko gossips, 'youve been tickling beards with her.'
Candy gossips, 'lol'
Hesper gossips, 'not my fault!'
Candy gossips, 'sounds messed up'
Hesper gossips, 'he accosted me in the town square!'
Candy gossips, 'trim that thing woman or shave jeez'
You gossip, 'I accosted you!?!'
Hesper gossips, 'I braided pretty ribbons into it, isn't that good enough?'
Candy gossips, 'Not if your ever gonna get a man, looking manly'
Reiko gossips, 'ir was consensual, no need to be prickly. ..either od you.'
Hesper gossips, 'get a man, Hesper thinks about this.... She looks pretty to Dwarf men! Hmmpph'
Hesper gossips, 'besides she can always knock one down and take him whenever she wants.'
gossip: Tor feels dizzy.
gossip: Tor staggers back and forth.
Candy gossips, 'lmao'
Candy gossips, 'i'm guessing you caught Tor'
Candy gossips, 'Good luck man'
You gossip, 'Tors legs give way underneath him and he drops to the floor.'
Candy gossips, 'oh look, he's already out

easy pickings'
Hesper gossips, ':flexes her muscles and adjusts the chainmail halter'
Hesper gossips, 'no conquest there!'
gossip: Reiko nom noms.
gossip: Reiko eats a bread.
Hesper gossips, ' he is down to my line of site, he is kinda cute'
You gossip, 'Acting mearly on reflexes Tor makes sure his red shiney is protected from Reiko.'
Reiko gossips, 'there's no protecting anything when youre passed out.'
Reiko gossips, 'good luck, enkoy the ride.'
gossip: Hesper wants to see this Indian male. Maybe with her axe handy....hehe'
Candy gossips, 'lol'
Reiko gossips, 'Tor is a gringo. '
gossip: Candy tries to awake Tor, but flees as the axe blazes by her head.
Hesper gossips, 'so noted already. I am not blind. Just a bit short.'
Reiko gossips, 'heh'
Hesper gossips, 'YOU on the other hand,,,,,,,'
Hesper gossips, 'want to be shorter?'
Reiko gossips, ' not for sale.'
Reiko gossips, 'I enjoy my height.'
Candy gossips, 'I'm short enough thanks

Hesper gossips, 'wasnt necessarily meaning your height, more your length'
Candy gossips, 'LOL'
Reiko gossips, '....'
Reiko gossips, 'im not the one accosting you with my beard. j k ow cant get any shorter, but you neednt look for victims. '
Candy gossips, 'I hope Tor awakes Soon....'
Hesper gossips, 'Making fun of Dwarves is a dangerous pasttlme'
Reiko gossips, 'whos making fun? I was encouraging. '
Hesper gossips, 'pets tor.'
Hesper gossips, 'I heard what you thought of me.'
gossip: Tor moans weakly.
Reiko gossips, '@Tor?'
Hesper gossips, 'pats Tor on the head and accidentally knocks him out again'
Reiko gossips, 'perfect time for lag'
Hesper gossips, '(and Bane says no one does any role play)'
Hesper gossips, '(just maybe not safe for posting)'
gossip: Tor tries to lift his head and fails.
gossip: Tor sits up rubbing his head.
Hesper gossips, 'pats Tor on the head and accidentally knocks him out again'
gossip: Hesper vows to get this Indian!
Hesper gossips, 'and NOT in the way he wants!'
gossip: Tor rolls over on his red shiney and tries to crawl away.
Reiko gossips, 'never is...never is...'
gossip: Reiko sniffs, remembering fondly.
gossip: Tor gets to his hands and knees.
gossip: Reiko nom noms.
Reiko gossips, 'do wit! propose!'
gossip: Tor staggers to his feet, checking the well being of his red shiney.
gossip: Tor peers at Reiko wondering what he is ranting about. All this talk of elves, proposals and pregnancies.
gossip: Tor stumbles towards the woods, looking for the safety of the leanto.
gossip: Hesper wanders bag to her cavernous dwelling and pouts.
Candy gossips, 'you let him get away!'
gossip: Tor wishes he had some aspirin, his head is killing him.
gossip: Hesper wasnt trying to catch, just play with her toys
gossip: Tor staggers and looses his footing, nearly falling on his face as he tries to make it to the forest edge.
gossip: Tor reaches for his whistle, to call the wolf to carry him to safety.
Reiko gossips, 'if only, if only.'
gossip: Hesper starts opening up a new room in the cavern, removing the stone, by hand, without tools. Place seems to get bigger every time she interacts with these odd foreigners
gossip: Tor wonders where his whistle is.
gossip: Candy watches as the two part ways.
Hesper gossips, 'Hsper whistles as she works....'
Reiko gossips, 'like ships passing in thr night..'
gossip: Tor peers at Reiko, wondering who stole his whistle.
Reiko gossips, 'guy, I have my own.'
Reiko gossips, 'look to the beard.'
Hesper gossips, 'whistle'
You gossip, 'Reiko you can't use the whistle, you have a clan.'
Reiko gossips, 'nor can you.'
Reiko gossips, 'I still have my own from prior to.'
Hesper gossips, 'Hestor puts shiny whistle with other momentoes'
gossip: Tor peers at Hesper, while rubbing his head. He whispers to the red shiney, at least you are still with me.
Hesper newbies, 'Unbelievable, we haven't driven Vtyce of yet, and he can hear us!'
Vryce gossips, 'I am kind of curious about this red Shiney though. . . . '
gossip: Tor growls, the red shiney is mine!
gossip: Tor stumbles through the Sherwood Forest, searching for the leanto.
Hesper gossips, 'I have to get some sleep. Good night all! hope to see you on again Vryce!'
Vryce gossips, 'Nighty night '
Reiko gossips, 'night'
Candy gossips, 'Night ms. dwarf ladyish'