Author Topic: Duration of Spells  (Read 28792 times)

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Offline Virisin

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Re: Duration of Spells
« Reply #15 on: May 23, 2008, 03:12:39 pm »
Hah, nice try at discrediting me again you arse. Unfortunately for you, that's not all that interesting at all - I've never hidden the fact that I have spares you knob. I'm not the only one either. I even asked Erwin whether we should use our magic bubble wands for BBV, we didn't.

What I was referring to was the wand load has been removed, because I showed the imms where they load, seeing as they removed a load from newbie school originally that didn't cast magic bubble, thanks to complainers like you that only complain because you didn't know where to get the damn things in the first place. 

You make it seem like you don't go out of your way to buy oldbie perzes so you can take advantage of their old stats, or create alts to get the magic blue sapphire ring so you can wear one perzed and one normal one, taking advantage of RP rewards because I've certainly seen you RPing like a madman lately.

It's as if you've got some kind of hidden agenda here. Like you want to have my house raided by imms again.

Get over yourself. And get over me junking your house, or I'll post how we actually did junk your house in the barrel of laughs section so we can ALL laugh at your idiocy. Hell, maybe I should chuck in your 'chivalrous' Boba campaign as well, that was certainly funny.

(Can someone just remove these last two posts? They've got nothing to do with the thread. Or just move them to barrel of laughs.)
« Last Edit: May 23, 2008, 03:23:10 pm by Virisin »

Offline Xeriuth

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Re: Duration of Spells
« Reply #16 on: May 23, 2008, 03:58:32 pm »
Yeah, I took it you meant 'your' magic bubble wands were removed. That is definitely not the case. And of course I knew where they loaded. How else would I have had a few. I just never saw a reason to buy 30 of them or what not because I don't think the spell is fair for a melee to have and use on themselves, ruining a caster.
I suppose you should have just been a little more clearer then there would have been no need to point this out. I think all magic bubble wands should be removed even old ones that clearly didnt get fixed. I'm more than happy to get rid of my few, I'd just like to see them gone for good.
And um olbie perzes I'm pretty sure were changed to the new stats when I got them signed over.  And I'm one who'd like to see any artifact perzes removed or artifacts made perzable to make the situation fair. As far as I know all old perzes and stuff will be made the same so there's no such thing as a grandfather clause, at least in the stats area, the whole perzability factor still will need sorted.

Also I never got more than one magic blue sapphire ring from an imm, I bought all of my extras from other players. One from Demelza or Hermia, one from Falinea, one from maybe Temporal or Suavitas, not sure who anymore, I actually dont think i ever got one of mine from an imm, I think I had the blue seude shoes loaded for xer at the beginning of the port.. Also you can wear two magical blues even without perzing one, I didn't perz it just to wear two.. I just perzed one because they were good that's all, but even then the stats were lowered anyways.

And I'm pretty sure I tell everyone honestly how you junked my house. You recreated Tyvaga, pretended to be him, I added you to the list, we chatted a bit, I began to realize hmm this dosn't seem like him, (didn;t really put together who it was for sure at that point, but proceded to remove Tyvaga from the guest list), but by then you had logged out, I didn't realize the logout was actually in my house. I come back later that day and what do I know, everything is gone?? Yeah, reallll funny. Such a story for the barrel of laughs.. The simple fact you both did that was low and undeserving. Because you two couldn't junk me myself even using newbie Lucrete as bait in the Pirate ship and all that jazz, I do commend Jaros for that, it was a clever attempt.  All in all, bad move on your part there, junking/looting a person is a whole lot different than junking/looting a whole houseworth of stuff, in my opinion at least.

If you want me to get over you and all your crap, just give me back the 1.5gold I gave Jaros for the clanhouse on Cosmo since I was told I was going to be paid back for that anyways. That is if you both are men of your word, it's on Jaros more because he was the one who said he'd pay me back, but you're close enough.    But really I don't care much to have that back, I'd just actually most like a public apology from you and you to just leave me the hell alone and no more smart ass comments and in turn I'll gladly do the same. You only get crap from me because you dish it out all too often.
Did I leave anything out on how you junked the house and the such?? That's at least how I remember it happening.

And yeah the Boba's was clearly misunderstood and annoying, and I agree how I first approached the 'campaign' by pointing out someone's flags not matching the category was in fact me going against the whole point of the category, so yes I dug myself in a hole there and realized it towards the end of that. I was wrong. But it happened and no changing that. And the person who deserved to win won.

So yeah, I'm sorry if I offended you in all of this, but I'm just speaking my mind. I'm tired of all your crap and just want it over with.
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Offline Virisin

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Re: Duration of Spells
« Reply #17 on: May 23, 2008, 04:22:25 pm »
I'm doing my best to read this, but all I see is crying..

***Disclaimer*** Can some imm please move this to barrel of laughs as it's only going to get ugly..

Well, not much I have to say to the first couple of paragraphs, as far as I can tell you're just explaining to me how you did manage to cheat the RP rewards system..

So let's just talk about the juicy stuff.

And I'm pretty sure I tell everyone honestly how you junked my house. You recreated Tyvaga, pretended to be him, I added you to the list, we chatted a bit, I began to realize hmm this dosn't seem like him, (didn;t really put together who it was for sure at that point, but proceded to remove Tyvaga from the guest list), but by then you had logged out, I didn't realize the logout was actually in my house. I come back later that day and what do I know, everything is gone??

Let's put in a bit of background here first: Jaros was Chaos leader, Xeriuth was about rank 10, I was rank 4, Timpo, Tyvaga, Mrbass, were god knows what rank, between 2-9. And no other Chaos members were properly involved except for some of Xeriuths alts. Now, here's where it gets funny: Xeriuth is planning some kind of Chaos coup to overthrow Jaros and his tyrannical regime. How he actually planned on doing it is beyond me even now, Chaos is a dictatorship, we have no voting system or challenge system. Xeriuth had no way of couping Jaros to begin with, but credit him for trying. Annnnyway, Xeriuth already had Timpo and Tyvaga on his side, they were his little bitches. Then he approached me. He knew I was Jaros brother, but he did anyway. For some reason, in Xeriuth's warped imagination, he could manipulate me - master manipulator - into helping him coup Jaros. Well, I certainly saw it as an opportunity, got tight enough with Xeri to learn who was involved, and had him expelled and junked, had Timpo and Tyvaga junked (more than once actually..) Anyway, Xeriuth was now expelled and crying, Timpo was expelled and deleted his char, and Tyvaga deleted his char before we could even expel him. Although not before he could have his house put under Xeriuth's name.

So that's the background.. Here's the good bit. Tyvaga's name still showed up on our clanlist, even though he'd been expelled. We approached the imms about it and they couldn't do anything without Tyvaga having a character. So Solana - I think the imm was at the time, could have been Sonya though - told Jaros to create Tyvaga to see if she could fix the char and our clanlist. As soon as Tyvaga had been created, Jaros got a tell from Xeriuth about god knows what, I forget now. And wham, Xeriuth added Tyvaga's name to the house he'd been left. You'd think Xeriuth would pick up some kind of weirdness about here:

You tell Xeriuth, 'Umm, can you lead me to the house? I've sorta forgotten the way.'

He didn't. And he didn't pick up any weirdness at all as he claims to have. The conversation between Tyvaga (Jaros) and Xeriuth entered the house, and finished in the house with Tyvaga saying he had to go and that he'd be back later. Xeriuth waved and did his girly thing and then Tyvaga quit.

Later that day, Tyvaga reentered, sacrificed the house, (BAD Xeriuth, trying to coup Chaos and all!) walked IN AND OUT of the house (so obviously Xeriuth never removed his name from the house list like he claimed.) And then we deleted Tyvaga again. Job well done.

The funniest thing about it all, is that this was back when Exodus and I were best buddies.. It was actually him that alerted me to Xeriuth's planned coup, and suggested I see if Xeri would be stupid enough to think I was interested in helping coup my brother.

<End story here>

Meh, and the rest of your post degenerates into pathetic crying. Well done finally admitting you shanked your own Boba campaign though, I always thought you still backed yourself to this day. But meh. No, I'm not about to give you any tokens and no, I don't plan on publicly apologising for hurting your feelings.

Edit: Oh and no, I'm not going to leave you alone because you're STILL trying to coup Chaos. Every single one of my members has been approached by you to try and steal leadership from me. (No, having my female members seduce me is not going to work..) Hell, you've even approached cats outside my clan to try and enter and steal leadership from me. It's just not going to work damnit! Forget about Chaos, if you'd put all your energy into all the other clans you've been in - rather than using them as a means to try and get at me. (See: Dragons alignment training, Chaos members = evil mobs. :P) - you might have actually done some good.
« Last Edit: May 23, 2008, 04:30:30 pm by Virisin »

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Re: Duration of Spells
« Reply #18 on: May 23, 2008, 04:44:07 pm »
I'm simply giving a chance to calm all this shenanigans down because it's rather silly, but I give into it regardless. I really think you missed how the whole thing went down. Either that or I really really got it mixed up and forgot, but I was the one who lost my house, I'm pretty sure I had an idea of what happened. Or maybe I was just too annoyed that the whole thing phased by. Either way you still junked/looted my house, who cares how it happened etc, it's just the plain fact you did it.

Also the whole chaos coup thing, I had Mrbass backing me but he just wanted a leader who everyone liked and whistler, timpo and tyvaga already were backing me at the time. This was  in Feb or something of the such, after you guys had gone on a long ski trip and didnt really promote anyone before hand to run the clan in the absence which was annoying to everyone in the clan.  So I asked Garion, and either Malf or Hesara, i  think Malf, what they thought, they agreed if majority wanted me leader, I should be. I also talked to Molly regarding it, she thought so too. Then finally I asked Virisin who was the very last member of the clan, other than Jaros about me being leader, (I figured I'd get the whole lot, better than just majority.. clearly bad idea ;) ) Anyways then you know the rest as is his story. But that really was something altogether different than junking the house, that was a personal vendetta, the clan situation was solved by me being expelled, and being marked. And I don't think I was ever junked. Just a whole bunch of attempts.  The actual only junking was of the house... at least to my knowledge. 

I'd still like an apology, I'd like to see this to blow over, but if you don't and get joy out of all this stupid stuff then o well, at least I put forth the effort to bring some resolve
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Offline Virisin

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Re: Duration of Spells
« Reply #19 on: May 23, 2008, 05:19:28 pm »
I'm simply giving a chance to calm all this shenanigans down because it's rather silly, but I give into it regardless. I really think you missed how the whole thing went down. Either that or I really really got it mixed up and forgot, but I was the one who lost my house, I'm pretty sure I had an idea of what happened. Or maybe I was just too annoyed that the whole thing phased by. Either way you still junked/looted my house, who cares how it happened etc, it's just the plain fact you did it.

You're mixed up, the anger got to you.

Also the whole chaos coup thing, I had Mrbass backing me but he just wanted a leader who everyone liked and whistler, timpo and tyvaga already were backing me at the time. This was  in Feb or something of the such, after you guys had gone on a long ski trip and didnt really promote anyone before hand to run the clan in the absence which was annoying to everyone in the clan.  So I asked Garion, and either Malf or Hesara, i  think Malf, what they thought, they agreed if majority wanted me leader, I should be. I also talked to Molly regarding it, she thought so too. Then finally I asked Virisin who was the very last member of the clan, other than Jaros about me being leader, (I figured I'd get the whole lot, better than just majority.. clearly bad idea  ) Anyways then you know the rest as is his story. But that really was something altogether different than junking the house, that was a personal vendetta, the clan situation was solved by me being expelled, and being marked. And I don't think I was ever junked. Just a whole bunch of attempts.  The actual only junking was of the house... at least to my knowledge.

Mrbass would back you just to try and avoid conflict. And Whistler was your alt wasn't he? Anyhow, going for a month when we had a co-clan leader - yourself, shouldn't really have been a problem. You just wanted glory.

And yes, we did junk you. I junked you inside Dragons HQ a couple times as well.

I'd still like an apology, I'd like to see this to blow over, but if you don't and get joy out of all this stupid stuff then o well, at least I put forth the effort to bring some resolve

No, especially not because you still try and take over Chaos, but not anyway. Don't take it personally, I like having some kind of enemy. Feel honoured or something.

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Re: Duration of Spells
« Reply #20 on: May 23, 2008, 05:37:09 pm »
Nah, Whistler wasn't my alt. I was rank 10 at the time had no privileges to justifiably run a clan, rank 11 is CCL...
Hmm, I didn't know I was junked in the clanhall, I thought that was Alayna or one of my clanmates. I don't ever remember losing all my eq to you, other than my house.. I could be mistaken though.
Well then, just hope you don't regret not trying to be nice then. At least I gave you a chance, more than once.
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Offline Virisin

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Re: Duration of Spells
« Reply #21 on: May 23, 2008, 05:54:20 pm »
Threatening me to apologise now?  :'(

Offline Xeriuth

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Re: Duration of Spells
« Reply #22 on: May 23, 2008, 09:08:22 pm »
Nope, just never know what can happen heh, hence the 'hope' part. Shrug, still up to you.
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Offline Prometheus

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Re: Duration of Spells
« Reply #23 on: May 24, 2008, 12:24:34 am »
Okay people this forum isn't for bashing if people aren't going to stick to the topic the thread is going to get locked. This is NOT a forum for BASHING so knock it off. I'm locking this thread.
