Author Topic: Trainer List for Skills and Spells  (Read 23305 times)

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Offline Molly

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Trainer List for Skills and Spells
« on: May 23, 2008, 02:38:13 am »
The List is too long for one post. So this first post contains Tier 0 and 1.
Tier 2-4 are in the next post.

The principle for the info given is:
Tier 1: Mob Name + Dimension + Zone and Location
Tier 2: Mob name + Dimension + Zone name
Tier 3: Dimension and Zone name
Tier 4: Dimension and Zone name

Tier 0:
- Brew
Apollo Priest - Prehistoric – The Cyclades, Island Delos

- Firearm
Scarface the bankrobber - Newbie Zone: Dry Gulch
Curly - Old West - Llano Estacado
Butch Cassidy - Old West - The Hole In The Wall

- Polymorph
Circe - Prehistoric - The Odyssey, Island Aeaea

- Steal
Scarface, the bankrobber - Newbie Zone: Dry Gulch
Robin Hood - Medieval - Sherwood Forest
Consul-General Dools - Future - Poon Towers in Alpha Centauri
Schluh - Future – Poon Towers in Alpha Centauri
Bedouin Boy - Prehistoric - The Valley of Kings
General Okkyokk - Future - Alpha Centauri Planets, Yudore
General Fizz - Future - Alpha Centauri Planets, Yudore
Dora Turpin - Medieval - The High Mountains

Tier 1: Mob Name + Dimension + Zone and Location

- Absolve
Cardinal Giovanni Donatello - Medieval - Fenizia
The Cardinal - Medieval - Olde Yorke
Grand Master - Medieval - The Convent And Nunnery

- Air Elemental
Aeolus - Prehistoric - The Odessey
The Cloud Giant - Medieval - A Rip In Time

- Antidote
Angela Fellini - Medieval - Fenizia
Camilla Donatello - Medieval - Fenizia

- Armor
Father Athelstane - Medieval - The Convent And Nunnery
Mother Superior - Medieval - The Convent And Nunnery
Grand Master - Medieval - The Convent And Nunnery

- Backstab
Scarface, the bankrobber - Newbie Zone: Dry Gulch
Thief Guildmaster - Medieval - Olde Yorke
Gypsy Guildmaster - Medieval - Olde Yorke
the Thieves Guildmaster - Old West - Legend
Ranger Guildmaster - Old West - Dodge City/The Range
Andrea Orsini - Medieval - Fenizia
Nicolo Orsini - Medieval - Fenizia
Dark Elven Assassin - Medieval - The Odessin Keep
Callidus Assassin - Medieval - The Ice Castle

- Bash
Toke Thickhead - Medieval - The Viking Ship
Red Adder - Medieval - The Viking Ship
General Okkyokk - Future - Alpha Centauri Planet, Yudore
an old Troll Gladiator - Medieval -  The Township Of Odessin
a grumpy troll - Medieval -  The Township Of Odessin
Behemoth - Prehistoric - The Arabian Desert

- Battle rage
Ragnar - Medieval - The Viking Ship
Red Adder - Medieval - The Viking Ship

- Blackjack
Scarface, the bankrobber - Newbie Zone: Dry Gulch
Thief Guildmaster - Medieval - Olde Yorke
Gypsy Guildmaster - Medieval - Olde Yorke
Andrea Orsini - Medieval - Fenizia
Nicolo Orsini - Medieval - Fenizia
Dark Elven Assassin - Medieval - The Odessin Keep
Callidus Assassin - Medieval - The Ice Castle

- Bow
Powa, the Indian - Newbie Zone: Dry Gulch
Robin of Locksley - Medieval - The Tournament Place
Little John - Medieval - Sherwood Forest
Robin Hood - Medieval - Sherwood Forest

- Brace
Robber Baron - Medieval - The Tournament Place
The Robber Baron - Newbie Zone: The Robber Baron Castle
Herbie - Future - Alpha Centaur Planets, Planet Yudore
The Robber Baron - Medieval - The Robber Baron Castle
Sir Lancelot - Medieval - Camelot

- Burning hands
Bloody Mary - Medieval - Sanctuary Haze

- Chill Touch
Seekers Guildmaster
All Clan Trainers
Lionel - 4D School, Medieval
The Governess - 4D School, Medieval
Gondolf - 4D School, Medieval
Jondalar - Prehistoric – Old Carthage/The Stone Age II
Corbin Dallas - Future – The Space Port
Esper GM/dr. Seuss - Future - The Space Port

- Colour spray
Mage Guildmaster - Medieval - Olde Yorke

- Cone of Cold
Ice Queen - Future – Queltorian Sector, The Bent Planet
Priest Guildmaster - Medieval - Olde Yorke
Esper GM/dr. Seuss - Future - The Space Port
Adia - Medieval - The Ice Castle

- Confuse
Discordia - Prehistoric - The Cyclades, Island Andros

- Corrupt armor
The Large Puddle - Newbie Zone: Android Factory
Schluh - Future - Alpha Centauri Planets, Poon Towers
Drow Necromancer - Medieval - The Elven Forest

- Create food
Fat Abbot - Medieval - Sherwood Forest

- Create water
Fat Abbot - Medieval - Sherwood Forest

- Crossbow
Captain of the Guards - Medieval - The Robber Baron Castle

- Cure blind
Dr. Smith - Newbie Zone: Dry Gulch
Doctor Allen - Old West - Tombstone
Nurse - Future - Prelude To Terramort
Doc Brown - Old West - Sutter's Fort and Coloma River Valley
Eos - Prehistoric – East of Aegean Sea, in the Troad

- Cure light
Dr. Smith - Newbie Zone: Dry Gulch
Old nurse - Prehistoric - Crete
Doctor Allen - Old West - Tombstone
Dr. Smith - Old West - Dry Gulch
Nurse - Future - Prelude To Terramort
A Priest - Medieval - Sanctuary Haze
A Student doctor - Old West - Victorian England

- Detect alignment
Hathor Priestess - Prehistoric - Old Egypt, Temple of Hathor

- Detect invisibility
Federation Guard - Future - Pleasure Planet

- Detect magic
Merlin - Medieval – Camelot, Crystal Mountains

- Detect poison
Imano Healer - Future - Planet Whotvar

- Drunk
Tom, the drunk - Newbie Zone: Dry Gulch
Toke Thickhead - Medieval - The Viking Ship
Ragnar - Medieval - The Viking Ship
Ivar Boneless - Medieval - The Viking Ship
Red Adder - Medieval - The Viking Ship
Hathor - Prehistoric - Old Egypt, Temple of Hathor
Friar Tuck - Medieval - Sherwood Forest
Hank Arapoulous - Future – Alpha Centauri, Planet Lovenbroy and Poon
Dionysos - Prehistoric - The Southeast Cyclades – Island Amorgos
Drunken golfer - Future - The Golf Course
Captain Peglegs - Medieval -  The Pirate Galley

- Dual -
Achilles - Prehistoric - The Realms Of Hades
Paladin Summerville - Medieval - The Odessin Keep
King Arthur - Medieval – Camelot

- Filet
Cro Magnon Leader - Prehistoric - The Stone Age I
Cro Magnon Leader's wife – Newbie Zones - The Stone Age I
Neanderthal Leader's wife – Newbie zones - The Stone Age I
Cro Magnon Leader's wife - Prehistoric - The Stone Age II
Neanderthal Leader's wife - Prehistoric - The Stone Age II
Anticlus, butcher - Prehistoric - Greek Cities, Tiryns
The butcher - Prehistoric - Aegean Islands, Cyprus

- Fireball
Hephaestus - Prehistoric - The Southeast Cyclades, Island Kalliste
Gojira - Future - The Dark Planet

- Forage
cro magnon child - Prehistoric - The Stone Age II   
neanderthal child - Prehistoric - The Stone Age II

- Forsee
Bart, the gambler - Newbie Zone: Dry Gulch
Esmeralda - Medieval - The Town Of Ta Beneth
Anitra - Medieval – Dun-Shivaar
Singoalla - Medieval - The High Mountains

- Fortify body
Human Programmer - Newbie Zone: The Android Factory
Hephaistos Priest - Prehistoric - Aegean Islands, Island Cos

- Fortify mind
Isis - Prehistoric - Old Egypt
Thoth - Prehistoric - Hatshepsut's Temple
Yoda - Future - Star Wars, Planet Hoth
small green creature - Future - Star Wars, Planet Dagobah

- Grip
space maintenance worker - Future  - Outer Space, outside Pleasure Planet
the Acrobat - Old West - Buffalo Bill's Great Circus

- Hand-to-hand
Lionel - 4D School, Entrance
The Governess - 4D School, Medieval
Hunter GM - Prehistoric – Old Carthage/The Stone Age II
Seekers Guildmaster
All Clan Trainers
Mike - Recall Trainer
Thief Guildmaster - Medieval - Olde Yorke
Warrior Guildmaster - Medieval - Olde Yorke
Gypsy Guildmaster - Medieval - Olde Yorke
Robber Baron - Medieval - The Tournament Place
The Robber Baron - Newbie Zone: The Robber Baron Castle
Thieves Guildmaster - Old West - Legend
Ranger Guildmaster - Old West – Dodge City/The Range
The Robber Baron - Medieval - The Robber Baron Castle
Corbin Dallas - Future - Space Port
Esper GM/dr. Seuss - Future - The Space Port
The Pancrationist - Prehistoric - Greek Cities, Olympia
The Wrestler - Prehistoric - Greek Cities, Olympia
Astanes - Prehistoric - Greek Cities, Olympia
The Boxer - Prehistoric - Greek Cities, Olympia

- Harm
Agony - Prehistoric - The Realms Of Hades
Hades - Prehistoric - The Realms Of Hades
General Fizzz - Future - Alpha Centauri, Planet Yudore
Drow necromancer - Medieval - The Elven Forest

- Hide
Baron's Son - Newbie Zone and Medieval: The Robber Baron Castle
Billy Monkton - Old West - Dry Gulch
Siddin - Medieval - The Midlands

- Holy word
Queltor - Future – Queltorian Sector, Planet Queltor

- Infravision
The Shaman - Newbie Zone: Stone Age
The spaceman - Future – Queltorian Sector, Centerpoint
drunken spaceman - Future - The Orbiter

- Kick
Lionel - 4D School
The Governess - 4D School, Medieval
Jondalar/Hunter GM - Prehistoric – Old Carthage/The Stone Age II
All Clan Trainers
Mike - Recall Trainer
Warrior Guildmaster - Medieval - Olde Yorke
Baron's Son - Medieval - The Robber Baron Castle
Young Centaur - Prehistoric - The Cyclades, Island Andros
Corbin Dallas - Future - Space Port
Seekers Guildmaster
All Centaurs - Prehistoric – Ancient Greece, Thessaly

- Life transfer
The Governess - 4D School, Medieval
Gondolf - 4D School, Medieval
Human Programmer - Newbie Zone: The Android Factory
Cheiron - Prehistoric - Ancient Greece, Thessaly

- Magic missile
Mage Guildmaster - Medieval - Olde Yorke
Priest Guildmaster - Medieval - Olde Yorke
Esper GM/dr. Seuss - Future - The Space Port

- Mana shield
The Governess - 4D School, Medieval
Master Damian - Medieval - Dun Shivaar

- Mana transfer
The Med Droid - Future - Pleasure Planet

- Manifest
Lionel - 4D School, Entrance
The Governess - 4D School, Medieval
Gondolf - 4D School, Medieval
Jondalar - Prehistoric – Old Carthage/The Stone Age II
All Clan Trainers
Mike - Recall Trainer
Mage Guildmaster - Medieval - Olde Yorke
Priest Guildmaster - Medieval - Olde Yorke
Corbin Dallas - Future - Space Port
Esper GM/dr. Seuss - Future - The Space Port
Seekers Guildmaster

- Melee
Lionel - 4D School, Entrance
The Governess - 4D School, Medieval
Jondalar - Prehistoric – Old Carthage/The Stone Age II
All Clan Trainers
Mike - Recall Trainer
Thief Guildmaster - Medieval - Olde Yorke
Warrior Guildmaster - Medieval - Olde Yorke
Gypsy Guildmaster - Medieval - Olde Yorke
Robber Baron - Medieval - The Tournament Place
The Robber Baron - Newbie Zone: The Robber Baron Castle
Thieves Guildmaster - Old West - Legend
Ranger Guildmaster - Old West - The Range
The Robber Baron - Medieval - The Robber Baron Castle
Corbin Dallas - Future - Space Port
Esper GM/dr. Seuss - Future - The Space Port
Seekers Guildmaster

- Minor identify
Sherlock Holmes - Old West - Victorian England

- Mirror shield
Mirror - Medieval - Mother Goose

- Mount
Jeff, the stable hand - Newbie Zone: Dry Gulch
Lionel - 4D School, Entrance
Howard - 4D School, Old West
Jondalar, Hunter GM - Prehistoric – Old Carthage/The Stone Age II
All Clan Trainers
Mike - Recall Trainer
Stable Master - Medieval - Olde Yorke
Trainer - Old West - The Race Course/Dodge City
Ranger Guildmaster - Old West - The Range/Dodge City
Corbin Dallas - Future - Space Port
Seekers Guildmaster

- Pick Lock
Bedouin Man - Prehistoric - The Valley of Kings, City of Two Sisters
Bedouin Boy - Prehistoric - The Valley of Kings, City of Two Sisters

- Poison
Isis - Prehistoric - Old Egypt
Giovanni Donatello - Medieval - Fenizia
Angela Fellini - Medieval - Fenizia
Camilla Donatella - Medieval - Fenizia

- Protection from evil
The Governess - 4D School, Medieval
Gondolf - 4D School, Medieval
Father Athelstane - Medieval - The Convent And Nunnery
Mother Superior - Medieval - The Convent And Nunnery
Grand Master - Medieval - The Convent And Nunnery

- Protection from fire
Hephaestus - Prehistoric - The Southeast Cyclades, Island Kalliste
The Salamandar - Prehistoric - The Realms Of Hades

- Push
Baron's Son - Newbie Zone: The Robber Baron Castle
Baron's Son - Medieval - The Robber Baron Castle

- Recharge
Bolomi - Prehistoric - The Land Of Kush, Desert of Wawat

- Rescue
Virgil Earp - Old West - Tombstone
Sheriff Ernest - Old West - Dry Gulch
Matt Dillon - Old West - Dodge City
City Guard - Medieval - Camelot
Grumville City Guard - Medieval - Dragon Island
NECPD Cop - Future - Necromunda

- Riding
Jeff, the stable hand - Newbie Zone: Dry Gulch
Lionel - 4D School
Howard - 4D School, Old West
Jondalar/Hunter GM - Prehistoric – Old Carthage/The Stone Age II
Mike - Recall Trainer
Warrior Guildmaster - Medieval - Olde Yorke
Stable Master - Medieval - Olde Yorke
Trainer - Old West - The Race Course/Dodge City
Ranger Guildmaster - Old West - The Range
Corbin Dallas - Future - Space Port
Seekers Guildmaster

- Scan
Theseus - Prehistoric - The Knossos Labyrinth on Crete
Imhotep - Prehistoric - The Valley Of Kings
Savidlin - Medieval - The Midlands
Shebanqy - Prehistoric - The Upper Nile

- Scribe
Arcainus - Medieval - The Elven Forest

- Sense life
Professor Mac Neil - Old West - Westward Ho!

- Shield
Robber Baron - Medieval - The Tournament Place
The Robber Baron - Newbie Zone: The Robber Baron Castle
The Robber Baron - Medieval - The Robber Baron Castle
King Arthur - Medieval – Camelot Castle
Sir Lancelot - Medieval – Camelot Tournament Arena
Sir Ector - Medieval – Camelot Castle
Arcainus - Medieval - The Elven Forest

- Shocking grasp
Inga the masseuse - Future - Pleasure Planet

- Sleep
Dr Smith - Newbie Zone: Dry Gulch
Hypnos - Prehistoric - The Realms Of Hades
Yaxi - Medieval - The Odessin Keep
An Old Lady - Medieval - Mother Goose
Sleepy - Medieval - Mother Goose

- Sling
Cro Magnon Leader – Newbie  Zones - The Stone Age I
Cro Magnon Leader - Prehistoric - The Stone Age II

- Snare
Consul-General Dools - Future  - Alpha Centauri Planets/The Poon Towers
Crocodile Dundee - Future - The Outback
Trapper John - Old West - The Hole In The Wall
Trapper Joe - Old West - California Trails

- Sneak
shady man - Prehistoric - The Desert Of Wawat in Land of Kush
Schluh - Future – Alpha Centauri System, The Poon Towers
Running Dog - Old West - The Railway And Prairie
Bedouin Girl - Prehistoric - The Valley of Kings, City of Two Sisters
Bedouin Boy - Prehistoric - The Valley of Kings, City of Two Sisters
General Fizz - Future - Alpha Centauri System, Planet Yidore
Don Meatballa - Furute Dimension - Little Italy
Callidus Assassin - Medieval - The Ice Castle

- Static shield
AT-AT Walkers - Future  - Star Wars, Planeth Hoth

- Strength
Atlas - Prehistoric - The Odyssey, The Statues of Heracles
Brongbrat - Old West - Buffalo Bill's Great Circus
Statue of Lanseril - Prehistoric - Near The Township Of Odessin

- Sweet dreams
Nefernefernefer - Prehistoric - Old Egypt, Town of Two Sisters

- Tame
Stable Master - Medieval - Olde Yorke
Stablemaster - Medieval - The Tournament Place
Cowboys - Old West - The Range

- Throw
Neanderthal Leader - Prehistoric - The Stone Age II
Myron, discuss thrower - Prehistoric - Greek Cities, Olympia

- Track
Trapper John - Old West - The Hole In The Wall
Trapper Joe - Old West -  California Trails

- Word of recall
The Governess - 4D School, Medieval
Zedd - Medieval - The Midlands

« Last Edit: May 24, 2008, 02:56:34 am by Molly »

Offline Molly

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Trainer List for Tier 2
« Reply #1 on: May 23, 2008, 02:39:13 am »
Tier 2: mob name + dimension + zone

- Acid Arrow
Little John – Medieval – Sherwood Forest
Robin Hood – Medieval – Sherwood Forest

- Bless
Mother Superior - Medieval – Convent and Nunnery
Father Athelstane - Medieval – Convent and Nunnery
Grand Master - Medieval – Convent and Nunnery

- Blindness
Odysseus - Prehistoric - the Odyssey
Seth – Prehistoric – The River Nile Estuary

- Call Lightning
The Elder druid – Medieval – Sherwood Forest
Flister, the druid – Medieval – Dun-Shivaar
A Druid – Medieval – the Road to Camelot

- Clone
Fedinand Lilliput – Medieval - Fenizia

- Cure critic
Friar Tuck – Medieval – Sherwood Forest
Doctor Allen - Old West - Tombstone
Dr. Smith - Old West – Dry Gulch
Nurse – Future - Terramort
The old Nurse – Prehistoric – Aegean Islands, Scyros

- Devine mind 
Esmeralda – Medieval – The High Mountains 

- Disarm
Master Grusanikof – Future – Queltorian Sector, Small Asteroid
Paladin Summerville – Medieval – Township of Odessin
Brodan – Medieval – Elven Forest

- Dispel evil
Merlin – Medieval - Camelot

- Earthquake
Poseidon – Prehistoric – The Odyssey, Central Mediterranean Sea and The Cyclades
Demeter Priestess – Prehistoric – Aegean Ilands, Samos

- Embue armor
Dwarven Blacksmith – Medieval - Citadel of Thandar

- Focus
The Shaman – Prehistoric – The Stone Age
The Wandering Shaman - Prehistoric – The Stone Age
Imhotep – Prehistoric – Valley of the Kings
Yoda - Future - Star Wars, Planet Hoth
small green creature - Future - Star Wars, Planet Dagobah

- Haste
Young Athletes – Prehistoric – Greek Cities, Olympia
Long Distance Runner - Prehistoric – Greek Cities, Olympia

- Holy shield
Camaris, the Holy Paladin – Medieval – Township of Odessin

- Holy strength
Atlas – Prehistoric – The Odyssey, The Statues of Heracles
Lanseril – Medieval – Township of Odessin

- Invisibility
Hades – Prehistoric – Realms of Hades
Somebody – Future - Quixotica

- Knock
Tomb Robbers – Prehistoric - Hatshepsut's Temple

- Lifesuck
Lord Mirkheim – Medieval – Castle of Mirkheim
Plague – Prehistoric – Realms of Hades

- Meditate
The Hermit – Medieval - The Town of Ta-Beneth
Colbey, the Hermit – Medieval - Legend

- Mounted Combat
Black Knight – Medieval – Tournament Place
Little Wolf - Old West – The Prairie

- Parry
Odysseus – Prehistoric – The Odyssey
Camaris, the holy Paladin – Medieval – Township of Odessin
Warrior of Lanseril – Medieval – Township of Odessin
Lanseril - Medieval – Township of Odessin

- Protection from cold
Bigfoot – Medieval – Mount Winter

- Remove alignment
Cecil - Old West – Victorian England

- Remove curse
Amun Priest – Prehistoric – The Upper Nile, Temple of Abu Simbel

- Retreat
Norn Warrior – Medieval – Osten Ard, Naglimund and Stormspike
Don Meatballa – Future – Little Italy
Imperial Stormtrooper Commander – Future – Starwars, Deathstar
Roger Young – Future – Starwars, Various bars

- Scalp
Black Wolf - Old West – The Prairie
Many Scalps - Old West – The Prairie

- Stoneskin
Sphinx – Prehistoric – Temple of Hatshepsut

- Teleport
Professor Botta - All Dimensions, wandering
Roger Young – Future - Starwars, Various bars
Percy Shelley – Prehistoric, wandering

- Thorn shield
Thorn – Medieval - The Village of the Tulipek

- Water elemental
Mermaid Lorelei – Prehistoric – Central Mediterranean Sea
Triton - Prehistoric – Central Mediterranean Sea and The Cyclades
Lady of the Lake – Medieval - Camelot

- Water to wine
Friar Tuck – Medieval – Sherwood Forest

- Weaken
Plague – Prehistoric – Realms of Hades
Drow Necromancer – Medieval – Elven Forest

« Last Edit: May 24, 2008, 02:57:41 am by Molly »

Offline Molly

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Tier 3 and 4 Skills and Spells
« Reply #2 on: May 24, 2008, 02:47:09 am »
Tier 3: Dimension and zone name

- Advanced melee
Medieval - Camelot

- Animate Dead
Old West - Llano Estacado

- Berserk
Medieval - The Viking Ship

- Burning skull
Medieval - Sanctuary Haze

- Chain Lightning
Prehistoric - Stone Age II

- Charge
Prehistoric - Crete
Medieval - The Tournament Place
Prehistoric - The Land Of Punt

- Charm
Prehistoric - The Aegean Sea
Medieval - The Odessin Keep

- Dispel good
Prehistoric - The Realms Of Hades

- Dispel sanctuary
Medieval - Dun-Shivaar

- Dodge
Prehistoric - The Desert Of Wawat
Future - Little Italy

- Earth elemental
Prehistoric - Crete
Prehistoric - Crete
Prehistoric - Aegan Islands - Island Samos

- Enchant weapon
Prehistoric - Ali Baba's Cavern

- Energy drain
Medieval – Dun-Shivaar
Future - Quixotica

- Evil eye
Medieval - Osten Ard
Medieval – Dun-Shivaar

- Face
Old West - The Hole In The Wall

- Facemelt
Prehistoric - The Southeast Cyclades
Medieval - The Temple Of The Damned

- Fire Shield
Medieval - The Dragon Caves
Prehistoric - The Southeast Cyclades
- Flame Arrow
Medieval - Sherwood Forest

- Flank
Prehistoric - Crete

- Fortify
Medieval - Camelot

- Gate
Medieval - Dun-Shivaar

- Group Armor
Prehistoric - The Desert Of Wawat
Prehistoric - The Land Of Punt
Medieval - The Midlands

- Group recall
Prehistoric - The Desert Of Wawat
Prehistoric - The Land Of Punt
Medieval - The Midlands

- Group shield
Prehistoric - The Desert Of Wawat
Prehistoric - The Land Of Punt
Medieval - The Midlands

- Heal 
Old West - The Railway And Prairie
Prehistoric - Aegan Islands, Cos
Prehistoric - Ancient Greece - Thessaly

- Hold Person
Future - Little Italy
Prehistoric - The Odyssey
Old West - Tombstone
Prehistoric - The Cyclades
Old West - Dry Gulch
Old West - Dodge City
Prehistoric - Aegan Islands, Carpathos

- Holy shout
Medieval Dimemsion - The Town Of Ta Beneth
Prehistoric - Greek Cities, Olympia
Prehistoric - Aegan Islands, Chios

- Joust
Medieval - The Tournament Area
Medieval - Camelot

- Lightning bolt
Prehistoric - The Odyssey
Prehistoric - Ancient Greece, Pieria

- Locate object
Prehistoric - Old Carthage
Old West - Dry Gulch

- Longarm
Medieval - Osten Ard
Prehistoric - The Realms Of Hades
Medieval - The Odessin Keep
Medieval - The Elven Forest

- Manipulate
Medieval - Fenezia

- Meteor shower
Future - Outer Space – The Pleiades

- Midas touch
Prehistoric - The Southeast Cyclades, Amorgos

- Mind electricity
Future - Outer Space - Elektra

- Mind water
Prehistoric - The East Mediterranean Sea
Prehistoric - The Aegean Sea
Medieval - Camelot

- Phase
Prehistoric - The Desert Of Wawat
Prehistoric - The Valley Of Kings

- Poison Weapon
Medieval - Fenezia

- Protection from good
Prehistoric - The Realms Of Hades
Medieval - The Elven Forest

- Psi panic
Future - The Alpha Centauri Planets
Prehistoric - The Cyclades, Andros
Prehistoric - The Realms Of Hades

- Sanctuary
Medieval - The Convent And Nunnery

- Short Blade
Prehistoric - The Valley of Kings, Town of Two Sisters

- Slip
Old West - Tombstone

- Smash
Prehistoric - The Odyssey, Island of the Cyclopes
Medieval - Osten Ard

- Soulsmash
Prehistoric - The Realms Of Hades
Medieval - The Elven Forest

- Steelskin
Future – Outer Space IGCT II, Star Wars, Planeth Hoth

- Strangle
Medieval - Fenezia
Future - Little Italy

- Summon
Future – Outer Space, Queltorian Sector
Old West - The Railway And Prairie

- Tinker
Medieval - The High Mountains

- Trample
Old West - Llano Estacado
Prehistoric - The Land of Punt

- Trap Aware
Old West - The Railway And Prairie
Old West - The Hole In The Wall
Old West - California Trails

- True Strike
Future – Queltorian Sector
Prehistoric - The Realms Of Hades
Medieval - The Elven Forest

- Vitalize
Prehistoric - Aegean Islands, Cos

- Waterwalk
Prehistoric – The Realms of Thetis
Prehistoric - The Aegean Sea (The Cyclades)
Medieval - Camelot

Tier 4: dimension / zonename

- Behead
Future - Alpha Centauri Planets

- Bladedance
Future - Queltorian Sector
Prehistoric - The Realms Of Hades
Medieval - The Odessin Keep
Medieval - The Elven Forest

- Cleave
Medieval - The Village of the Tulipek/Mount Kuromeru

- Control Weather
Prehistoric Dimenstion - The Odyssey
Medieval - Osten Ard
Prehistoric - The Aegean Sea

- Curse
Medieval - A Rip In time
Medieval - Sanctuary Haze

- Demonshreak
Prehistoric - The Realms Of Hades
Medieval - Mount Kuromeru

- Electric blast
Future - Outer Space, on one of the Pleiades

- Encircle
Future - The Alpha Centauri Planets
Future - The Outback

- Fire elemental
Prehistoric - The Southeast Cyclades
Prehistoric - The Realms Of Hades

- Flight
Prehistoric - The Odyssey
Medieval - A Rip In Time
Medieval - The Enchanted Lands
Future - Starwars

- Grapple
Future - Necromunda
Prehistoric - Greek Cities

- Group heal
Prehistoric - The Desert Of Wawat
Prehistoric - The Land Of Punt
Medieval - The Midlands

- Heart squeeze
Prehistoric - The Realms Of Hades
Future - Alpha Centauri Planets

- Hyperactivity
Medieval - The Midlands
Future - The Outback

- Ice shield
Medieval - Mount Winter

- Inferno
Prehistoric - The Southeast Cyclades

- Magic bubble
Future - New Goznemia
Old West - Buffalo Bill's Great Circus

- Mana blast
Prehistoric - Old Egypt
Future - Alpha Centauri Planets
Medieval - The Elven Forest

- Martial Arts
Medieval - Fenezia
Future - Quixotica

- Master Melee
Future – Queltorian Sector
Prehistoric - The Realms Of Hades

- Mind fire
Prehistoric - The Southeast Cyclades
Prehistoric - The Realms Of Hades

- Mind ice
Future – Queltorian Sector
Medieval - The Ice Castle

- Nightmare
Prehistoric - The Realms Of Hades
Medieval - The Elven Forest

- Numb mind
Prehistoric - The Odyssey

- Paralyze
Prehistoric - The Realms Of Hades
Medieval - Mother Goose

- Slowness
Prehistoric - The Odyssey

- Suffocate
Prehistoric - The Odyssey
Medieval - Osten Ard

- Woodsing
Prehistoric - The Aegean Sea, Cyclades
Medieval - The Elven Forest
Medieval - The Elven Metropolis

« Last Edit: May 24, 2008, 03:16:36 am by Molly »

Offline Molly

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Re: Trainer List for Skills and Spells
« Reply #3 on: May 24, 2008, 03:02:02 am »
Seeing the full lists makes me feel that some Skills/Spells probably need more trainers, since the ones given may be a bit hard for the Tier.
The ones that come to mind directly are Air Element and Fireball, but there might be more.
Feel free to post suggestions about additions, but don't expect us to add any single Trainers.
Any additions will have to be done in bulks of at least 10, and there needs to be a relative consensus about the new names.

And, as Erwin already suggested, please use the following thread to respond:,144.0.html