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Full Trainer List, Pre Historic and Medieval Dimensions
« on: July 11, 2008, 03:18:39 pm »

Recall Area

Bart - drunk
Healer - cure light / cure blind / protect evil / manifest
Road Guard - melee / kick
4D Mud School
Lionel – melee / hand-to-hand / mount / riding / manifest / chill touch / kick
Governess - manifest / melee / hand-to-hand / protection from evil / life transfer / mana shield / chill touch / kick / word of recall
Howard - mount / riding
Gondolf - manifest / chill touch / life transfer / protection from evil
Squire - kick / melee / mount / riding
Cook - filet
Bart - drunk
Cowboy -firearm / mount / riding
Mr Smith the gunsmith - firearm
barmaid - drunk
Doc Hholiday - cure light / cure blind
Captain - firearm / melee
Commanding officer - firearm / melee
Gym master - melee / hand to hand
Apollo - minor identify / forsee

Stone Age I
Cro Magnon Leader - sling / filet
Cro Magnon Leader's wife - filet
Neanderthal Leader's wife - filet
Shaman - infravision
Neanderthal woman - filet
Neanderthal man/Cro Magnon Man/leader - forage
Joje/Neanderthal child - hide

Robber Baron Castle I
Baron's Son - kick / hide / push
Baron - brace / melee / hand-to-hand /shield
Cook - filet
Dry Gulch I
Dr Smith - cure blind / cure light / sleep
Jeff, the stable hand – mount / riding
Tom, the drunk - drunk
Bart, the gambler - forsee
Powa, the Indian - bow
Scarface, the bankrobber – steal / blackjack / backstab / firearm   
Jim - drunk
Big Ben - hand to hand / melee
Cowboy - firearm / mount / riding
Sheriff - firearm
Deputy Sheriff - firearm
Android Factory                 
Large puddle - corrupt armor
Human programmer - fortify body / life transfer
Galactic service guard - kick / melee

The Newbie Arena         
Starsoul the Hunter – hide / forage / sling
Training officer - firearm
Major - firearm 

Clan Trainers
Alyssa, Sicilian CT - melee / hand-to-hand / mount / riding / manifest / chill touch / kick
Ymer, Viking CT - melee / hand-to-hand / mount / riding / manifest / chill touch / kick
Sir BorsTable Round CT - melee / hand-to-hand / mount / riding / manifest / chill touch / kick
Zarakur, Chaos CT - melee / hand-to-hand / mount / riding / manifest / chill touch / kick
Puff, Dragons CT - melee / hand-to-hand / mount / riding / manifest / chill touch / kick
Sebastian – Mordonosse CT - melee / hand-to-hand / mount / riding / manifest / chill touch / kick
Mara Jade - , Dark-Jedi CT - melee / hand-to-hand / mount / riding / manifest / chill touch / kick
Anteia – Saints CT - melee / hand-to-hand / mount / riding / manifest / chill touch / kick
Guildmaster – Seeker’s CT - melee / hand-to-hand / mount / riding / manifest / chill touch / kick


Old Carthage
Professor Grotefend - locate object
Professor Botta - teleport
Muscular Guard - Kick / Melee / Hand to hand
Prince Maneros - Push
Mike Donovan / Greta Hummerlein - Locate object

Carthage Bay
Marie le Farge - Locate Object
Camp Guard - melee / kick / hand to hand

Ali Baba's Cave
Elderly mage - enchant weapon
Sentry Guard - melee / hand to hand
Thief - steal / sneak
Cook - Filet
Ali Baba - melee / steal / kick

Lower Egypt (including the two temples down the Nile)
Nefernefernefer - sweet dreams
Hathor Priestess - detect alignment
Hathor - drunk
Isis - fortify mind / mana blast / poison
Royal Guard - melee / kick / hand to hand
Soldier - melee / rescue
Ramose the priest - cure light / cure blind
Roju the physician - cure light / fortify body
Peasant Woman - Bless
Horus - dispel evil / mind fire (sun god)
Isis Priestess - create food / absolve
Sobek Priest - Battle rage / strength

Valley of the Kings / Two Sisters
Bedouin man    - pick lock / phase / short blade
Bedouin Girl/Eldana - sneak
Bedouin boy - pick lock / steal / sneak
Imhotep - scan / focus
Old Mother - Minor identify
Embalmer - Steal / Sense Life

Egyptian Desert
Tomb robber - knock
Pekharu - antidote 1 / antidote 2
Old man - confuse
Royal Guard - melee / kick / hand to hand

Hatshesput's Temple
Sphinx - stoneskin
Tomb robber - knock
Seth - blindness
Thoth - fortify mind
Temple Guard - melee / kick / advanced melee
Thoth - detect magic
Ptah - Fortify Mind
Khabekhnet - cure light / cure critic
Neferura's ka - dodge
Upper Nile
Amun priest - remove curse
Alchemist - Water to Wine / Antidote 1
Overseer - Hold Person
Innkeeper - Drunk
Priestess of Mut - Manifest / Protection from Evil / Fortify Mind
Amum Priest - Manifest

Desert of Wawat
Nomad family - group armor / group heal / group recall / group shield
Wawat nomads - group armor / group heal / group recall / group shield
Bolomi - recharge
Shady man/graverobber - dodge / phase / sneak
Rogue Nomad - Steal / Backstab / Track
Egyptian Overseer - Hold Person
Egyptian Guard - Kick / Melee / Hand to Hand
Chief of the Guards - Kick / Melee / Hand to Hand / Disarm
War Elephant - Charge / Trample
Nubian Archer - Bow
Anurabi, Fort Semna - Advanced Melee / Parry / Melee / Hand to Hand
Didu, Fort Larissa - Advanced Melee / Meditate / Melee / Hand to Hand

Land of Kush
Shebanqy – Scan / Track / Hand to Hand / Melee / Kick
Parbatqo - Manipulate
Kaloque - Melee / Hand to Hand / Kick
Anubis Priest - Manifest / Remove Curse / Detect Alignment
Anemapis, Priest of Amun - Manifest / Air Elemental (Amun was the god of air!)
Mut Priestess - Manifest / Protection from Evil / Fortify Mind
Priest of Apedemek - Manifest / Devine Mind / Fortify Mind
Guard - Kick / Melee / Hand to Hand
Pygmy Chief - Throw / Scalp

Land of Punt
Punt Chieftain - group armor / group heal / group recall / group shield
Massive elephant - trample / charge

Arabian Desert
Behemoth - bash
Raider / Cactus - Hide / Sneak / Melee / Hand to Hand / Kick
Nyiam - Colour Spray / Manifest / Magic Bubble (iffy)
Behemoth - Trample / Smash

Stone Age II
Cro Magnon Leader - sling
Neanderthal Leader - throw
Cro Magnon Leader's wife - filet
Neanderthal Leader's wife - filet
Shaman - focus / chain lightning / Manifest / Detect Magic
Cro Magnon child - forage
Neanderthal child - forage
Wandering shaman - focus
Jondalar, Hunter GM - chill touch / melee / hand-to-hand / manifest / mount / riding / kick
Neanderthals and Cro Magnons Adults - Hand to Hand / Melee / Kick
Apprentice - Manifest

Ariadne - earth elemental / Manifest
Mother Goddess Dia - earth elemental
All bulldancers - flank
Heracles - charge
Old nurse - cure light
Satyr - Drunk
Overseer - Hold Person
Palace Guard - Kick / melee / Hand to Hand
Bookmaker - Forsee
Actor the Trainer - Dodge

Labyrinth of Knossos
Ariadne (in the Cellar) - Earth Elemental / Manifest
Theseus - scan
Greek Mainland
Cheiron - heal / life transfer
All Centaurs – kick
Zeus – Lightning bolt

Greek Cities

Myron discuss thrower - throw
Astanes - hand-to-hand
Corydos - grapple
Young athlete - haste
Long distance runner - haste
Young man athlete - haste
Pancrationist - hand-to-hand
Wrestler - hand-to-hand
Boxer - hand-to-hand
Herald - holy shout

Anticlus, butcher – filet

Realms of Hades
Fear - heart squeeze / paralyze / nightmare / psi panic
Agony - soulsmash / harm
Hypnos - sleep
Plague - lifesuck / weaken
Salamander - fire elemental / mind fire / protection from fire
Tisiphone - demonshreak
Hades - dispel good / invisibility / harm / protection from good
Achilles - dual / longarm / master melee / true strike / bladedance /
Pirithoos - sneak / blackjack / backstab
Hecate - Animate Dead / Curse
Theseus - Advanced Melee / Melee / Hand to Hand / Kick
Thanatos  - Disease /  Lifesuck
Ghost of Famous Warrior - Kick / Melee / Bash / Hand to Hand
Ajax - Advanced Melee / melee / Kick / Hand to Hand

Realms of Thetis
Poseidon - earthquake
Lorelei the  mermaid - mind water / water elemental / waterwalk / Protection from Cold
Amphitrite - mind water - mind water / water elemental / waterwalk
Thetis - Protection from cold / Waterwalk

Greek Archipelago, Aegean Sea

Poseidon - earthquake
Zeus - lightning bolt
Triton -  control weather / mind water / water elemental / waterwalk

Greek Archipelago islands

Goddess Discordia - confuse
Young centaur - kick
Forest god Pan - woodsing / psi panic

Aphrodite - charm

Hephaestus - facemelt / fireball / fire elemental / fire shield / inferno / mind fire / protection from fire

Micopoulos  - steal / picklock / sneak
Ingratia - drunk

Membos - Drunk

Apollo Priest - brew
Priest - Protection from fire / Manifest

Alcinoos - Drunk

Oread - Invisibility

Apollo - Mind Fire / Flame Arrow / Protection from fire / Fireball / Fire Shield / Burning Hands / Inferno / minor identify / forsee

Wine King - Drunk
Artemis - Bow / Crossbow / Mounted Combat / Acid Arrow / Magic Missile
Marxites - hold person / Bash / Steal / Sneak
Scorpios - Sneak / Steal
King Midas - Midas touch
Dionysus - Drunk / Confuse / Water to Wine

Aegean Islands

Thimaea - Antidote 1 / Antidote 2
Greek soldier - melee / hand to hand / kick
Greek Commander - advanced melee / longarm / melee
Rebels - melee / hand to hand / kick / sneak
Alexias - advanced melee / sneak / longarm / melee

Teenagers - Colour Spray / Drunk

Priest of Cabeiri Twins - waterwalk / manifest / protection from cold (Cabeiri Twins protected and came to the aid of
Winery Owner - Drunk

Priestess of the Great Goddess - Earth Elemental / Earthquake / Manifest
High Priest of Zeus - Call Lightning / Shocking Grasp / Manifest
High Priest of the Great Gods - Manifest / Holy Strength / Meditate

Innkeeper - drunk
Apollo Priest - fireball / protection from fire / manifest / burning hands

High Priest - Sweet dreams / Manifest

Nemesis - melee / advanced melee
Three Fates - forsee

Patros Kyriakos - Drunk

old nurse  - Cure critic / Cure Light

Apollo Priest - Manifest / Burning Hands / Fireball / Protection from Fire / Flame Arrow
Innkeepers - Drunk
Dionysos Priest - Drunk / Confuse / Water to Wine / Manifest

Poseidon Priest - holy shout / Waterwalk / Protection from Cold / Manifest
Winery Owner - Drunk
Sultan - Hold Person
Calinia - Charm
Harem Girls - Sweet Dreams

Demeter Priestess - earth elemental / earthquake
Dionysus Priest - Drunk / Confuse / Water to Wine / Manifest
Agis - Drunk
Innkeeper - Drunk

Pirate - Sneak / Hide
Overseer - Hold Person
Pirate Leader - Sneak / Hide / Short Blade / Encircle

Falinos - Locate Object

Asclepios Priest - Cure Light / Cure Critic / Cure Blind / Manifest / Vitalize
Apollo Priest - Fortify Mind / Manifest
Artemis Priestess - Fortify Body / Group Heal / Manifest
Hera Priestess - Hyperactivity / Manifest
Hephaistos Priest - Fortidy Body / Fireball / Manifest / Holy Strength
Aphrodite Priestess - Sweet Dreams / Manifest

Local Healer - Cure Light / Cure Critic / Cure Blind

Egelos - Drunk

Euphrosyne - Drunk
Thalia - Create Food
Aglaia - Charm

Sostias - hold person
Hermes Priest - Armor / Sanctuary / Manifest / Group Armor
Innkeeper - Drunk
Wine Merchant - Drunk

Queen Actaea – Thorn Shield / Minor Identify
Queen's Guard - Kick / Melee / Hand to Hand
Baker - Detect Poison
Landlord - Drunk
Weaponsmith - Manipulate
Hera Priestess - Hyperactivity (um...) / Manifest
Athena Priestess - Devine Mind / Manifest
Cyprus (East Mediterranean Sea)
Butcher - filet
Jeweller - Minor Identify
Baker - Detect Poison
Weaponsmith - Dual / Melee

Asia Minor Mainland
Eos - cure blind

The Odyssey

Island of Aeolus
Aeolus - control weather / air elemental

Island Of The Lotophags
Lotus eater - slowness

Island Of The Cyclopes
Polyphemos – smash

Statues of Heracles
Atlas - holy strength / strength

Circe - numb mind / polymorph
Hermes – flight

Calypso - suffocate / hold person

Geryon - berserk / smash

Zeus - lightning bolt
Helios - Mind Fire / Inferno / Fireball / Fire Shield / Protection from Fire

Polybos – Drunk

West Mediterranean Sea
Odysseus - blindness / parry
Poseidon - earthquake


Olde Yorke

Mike, the Guildmaster - melee / hand-to-hand / mount / riding / manifest / chill touch / kick
Cardinal - absolve
Mage GM - manifest / chill touch / colour spray / magic missile
Priest/Cleric GM - manifest / chill touch / cone of cold / magic missile
Thief GM - melee / hand-to-hand / backstab / blackjack
Warrior/Swordsmen GM - melee / hand-to-hand / riding / kick
Gypsy GM - melee / hand-to-hand / backstab / blackjack
Stable master - mount / riding / tame
Vagabond -blackjack / backstab
Thief - steal / backstab
Pickpocket - hide / steal / sneak
Cityguard - shield, melee
Beggar - forage
Bartender - drunk
Town drunk - drunk
Gambler - forsee
Jailer - push
Merlin (shopkeeper) - word of recall / detect invis / colour spray / manifest
Lionel (armourer) - shield
Archer - bow
Captain of the archers - crossbow / bow
Dwarf - push / fortify body
Barmaid (Golden Bridge inn) – drunk

Sanctuary Haze
Priest - cure light
Bloody Mary - burning hands / burning skull
Satanic enchanter - curse

Mother Goose
Old lady - paralyze / sleep
Sleepy - sleep
Mirror - mirror shield

Tournament Place
Stablemaster - tame
Robber Baron - brace / melee / hand-to-hand / shield
Robin of Locksley - bow/ Crossbow
Black Knight - mounted combat / charge
Sir Reginald du Bois - joust
French Knight - Joust / Mount / Riding
Squire - Mount / Riding
Tournament Guard - Kick / Melee / Hand to Hand
Named Knights - Joust / Mount / Riding
Healer - Cure Light / Cure Blind
Archer – Bow 
Fat Abbot - Create Food / Create Water
Minstrel - Sweet Dreams

Convent and Nunnery
Father Athelstane - armor / bless / protection from evil
Mother Superior – armor / bless / protection from evil
Grand Master - absolve / armor / bless / protection from evil / sanctuary

Robber Baron Castle
Captain of the Guards – crossbow / Bow
Baron's son - push
Robber Baron - brace / melee / hand-to-hand / shield
Healer (in safe house) - Cure Light / Cure Critic / Antidote 1
Hungry Ghost - Corrupt Armor
Footman George - Sleep / Melee
Archer - Bow / Crossbow
Vampire Bat - Infravision

Sherwood Forest
Little John - bow / acid arrow / flame arrow
Fat abbot - create food / create water
Elder druid - call lightning
Robin Hood - bow / steal / acid arrow / flame arrow
Friar Tuck - drunk / cure critic / water to wine
Fat Monk - Create food / create water
Young Priest - Cure Light / Cure Blind / Antidote
Wicked Witch - Mana Shield / Corrupt Armor
Town Drunk/Barmaid - Drunk
Escort Guard - Kick / Melee / Hand to hand
Captain of the Guards - Kick / Melee / Hand to hand / Dual
Greencoat - Bow
Sheriff of Nottingham - Push / Rescue / Hold person
Deputy Sheriff – Push / Hold person
Red Will - Bash
Leprechaun - Colour Spray / Midas touch
Gamewarden - Hide / Track / Bow

Pirate Galley
Captain Peglegs - drunk

Viking Ship and Green Fen
Toke Thickhead - bash / drunk / berserk
Ragnar Lodbrok - battle rage / drunk /berserk
Ivar Boneless - berserk / drunk
Red Adder - battle rage / drunk / berserk / bash
King’s Soldier - Melee / Kick
Jack Tar - Sleep
Barmaid - Drunk
Some Vikings – Bash

Dragon Island
Grumville city guard - rescue

Ferdinand Lilliput - clone
Andrea Orsini - poison weapon / strangle / backstab / blackjack
Nicolo Orsini - martial arts / strangle/ backstab / blackjack
Cesare Fellini - manipulate
Giovanni Donatello/Cardinal - absolve / poison
Angela Fellini - antidote / poison
Camilla Donatello - antidote / poison

Master Damian - mana shield
Flister, the druid - call lightning
L'hannan - gate
Carmichael - dispel sanctuary
Anitra – forsee / charm
Lilian - energy drain
Caine  - evil eye

High Mountains
Dora Turpin - steal
Gypsy Chief - tinker
Esmeralda - Devine mind
Singoalla - forsee

Osten Ard
Camaris Holy Paladin - longarm / parry / holy shield
Pyrates - evil eye
Inch - smash
Binabik - suffocate / control weather
Norn Warrior – retreat

Ice Castle
Adia - cone of cold / mind ice
Callidus assassin - sneak / backstab / blackjack

Mount Winter
Bigfoot - ice shield / protection from cold
Dennis - ice shield

Rip in Time
Witch - curse / flight
Cloud giant - air elemental

Mirkheim Castle
Lord Mirkheim – lifesuck

Temple of the Damned
High priest of Rahkz – facemelt

Camelot and Durmandle, West Trade Road
City guard - rescue
King Arthur - dual / fortify / shield
Sir Lancelot - brace / fortify / joust / shield 
Sir Ector - advanced melee /shield
Merlin - detect magic / dispel evil
Lady of the Lake - mind water / water elemental / waterwalk
Druid - call lightning

Elven Forest
Elven Woodsinger - woodsing
Arcainus - scribe / shield
Brodan - bladedance / disarm / longarm / true strike
Drow necromancer - corrupt armor / harm / mana blast / nightmare / protection from good / soulsmash / weaken

Metropolis of the Elves
Guardian Forest - woodsing   

Savidlin -  scan
Zedd - word of recall
Siddin - hide / hyperactivity
Mud people villager - group armor / group heal / group recall / group shield

Township of Odessin
Old troll gladiator - bash
Grumpy troll – bash

Township of Odessin / Prehistoric Forest
Warrior if Lanseril - parry
Statue of Lanseril - holy strength / parry / strength
Cleric of Lanseril - Cure Light / Cure Blind / Harm

Odessin Keep
Yaxi Bettipat - sleep
Mistress Lydia - charm
Dark Elven Assassin - Backstab / blackjack
Paladin Sumerville - bladedance / disarm / dual / longarm

Enchanted Lands
Blue fairy - flight
Green fairy - flight
Red fairy – flight

Village of the Tulipek
Thorn/head sentry - thorn shield

Mount Kuromeru
Meklarius - demonshreak

Citadel of Thandar
Dwarven Blacksmith - embue armor

Town of Ta-Beneth
Priestess - holy shout
Hermit - meditate
Esmeralda – forsee

The Dragon Caves
Queen dragon - Fire shield

« Last Edit: August 01, 2008, 11:23:02 am by Diandra »

Offline Diandra

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Re: Full Trainer List, Pre Historic and Medieval Dimensions
« Reply #1 on: November 21, 2010, 02:31:17 am »
In order to make things a bit easier, the following MOB's now teach every skill/spell available in the mud:

Mike: north, east from Recall.
Lionel: entrance of the Mudschool.

Every Clan Hall trainer
Every Guild trainer