I'm just making a thread about spells because they seem badly organised.. And I was wondering what other people thought:
Currently there are spells like demonshreak that arn't much better than spells like fireball.. Even though demonshreak is a tier 4 spell that requires -1000 align, and fireball is a tier 1 spell.. And with 'mind fire' fireball gets better anyway.. Some spells cost far too much mana for the damage they do, and some spells have timers so you can't cast them more than like once a day.
Some caster classes don't get spells that compliment their elemental strengths - or if they do, they're the crap spells that either cost too much mana, or have timer delays on casting multiple times..
Basically it seems a shambles, either spell strength should depend on what tier you get it, and should have mana cost and timers to match, or they should be strategically placed so each caster class gets some good spells that work with their elemental strengths aswel as getting the 'mind' spell to match them..
Or even a new spell system that just let's us research our own spells, name them, give them their elemental strengths, and have their strength depend on how strong the caster is, aswel as when we researched them.. Researching could cost cash, more cash = stronger spell.. (up to a limit of course).. It'd also mean we wouldn't need so many spells that just don't seem to make sense..