You're right, that IS exhibit B

You're aware you just made a fool of yourself even further there, right?
A few weeks ago, Natalya paid thousands in an auction for a fake gold token. - I'm fairly sure it was in the millions. Isn't it fantastic?! OH MY GOD!!!!!111ONE
Later in the evening, trying to make up for her foolish purchase, she offered Molly a gold token to slay Lionheart. - Because paying another gold token makes up for it, sure, that makes sense.
Eager to see Lionheart's demise, and forgetting that it was a fake token, Iwku foolishly paid Natalya two real bronze tokens. - Might want to get your facts straight, how about you ask Molly, and ask Lionheart. It was a REAL gold token, to which Molly took from me, checked, and then handed to LH after the slay. Heh. Good fun
That scenerio might have warranted DJ=idiot. I still can't believe I gave you real tokens. But I don't even understand your current joke. It's not funny.-- So, let me get this straight, your current argument here is an attempt to make me look like a fool, basing on attempting to say I ripped you off (??), when it was your OWN decision to give me tokens (I never asked for them), after I paid Molly a REAL gold token for LH's slay, which was all just in fun anyway? Nice work there, DJ. Might want to check your facts first before you go off half cocked.
Exhibit B people, Exhibit B.