Author Topic: Weird note from Kvetch.  (Read 12401 times)

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Weird note from Kvetch.
« on: September 08, 2009, 07:34:54 pm »
Note Number:  11
       From:  Kvetch
    Subject:  Jason's cash
     Posted:  Fri Sep  4 21:03:39 2009

Jason lost 5.  3 billion coins to Lionheart's lovely little script that he put
on Kito's house recall and then was asked to use it to test it out.  Since I
feel he was being nice when he tested it, I feel that Lionheart owes him that
money.  I've already found a donation for 1.  9 billion, so he still owes him 3.
4 billion more since his script didn't work right.  Sorry, from what I've been
told, that's the issue.  SCript was supposed to donate coins to pit, script
didn't donate coins to pit, script didn't work right.  If it was tested before
being put in, maybe this would've been found earlier.

Sorry for the half-rant, but you put up with Jason's whining for hours and see how you feel.  (yes, I already hate that script and feel that Lionheart should have to deal with the whiners.)


I believe my dear lady that you should be less impulsive and more constructive. The script was tested before being ‘put in’ as you say, and it was flawless the time I’ve tested that functionality; and even if it wasn’t you might consider that I’m human, and I got the privilege do commit errors. I never asked Jason to test the script, I don’t know why he did it in the first place, also I believe you must be insanely idiot to wander around carrying 5bil in your pockets just to avoid bank fees. And since there’s no evidence he carried that huge amount of money he might just settled the story up to get some free of taxes money. You hate the script? Why? Scripts can be buggy sometimes but with a constructive reporting they can be fixed. You shouldn’t have dealt with the whiner, because if someone is foolish enough to wander around with 5bil, I’d say he deserves to lose it. It may sound harsh but you sound not less than a whiner yourself the way you react upon situations. Probably you think you’re funny spreading notes of contestation all over the mud, leaving trails of PS’s of: I hate this, I hate that. You could have just sent a quick e-mail to me stating the issue, and I would have fixed the script asap. And since I never asked Jason to test it, for my account; the money he lost it’s entirely his problem.

Thank’s though for your kind and understanding support; I shall not script anything any more and risk to disturb your meditative state of mind and obliging you to deal with whiners because of my scripts.

With love,
« Last Edit: September 08, 2009, 07:38:00 pm by Leonardo »

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Re: Weird note from Kvetch.
« Reply #1 on: September 09, 2009, 07:49:12 am »
I hate the script because it causes whiners (yes, I'll even put Jason into that catagory though I still feel he was right in this case).  And since Molly is usually AFK, Diandra tends to log in invis, Thotter doesn't usually log in his IMMy, Prometheus may log in but doesn't spend a lot of time on his imm, who does that leave to deal with the whiners that want to talk to someone NOW about something?  Yeah, more than 90% of the time I have my afk flag on and that's because I'm in the build port trying to get my multiple areas done, but I tend to check in often enough so I can deal with anything that comes up.

Kito asked Jason to try the item, thinking that the gold would be donated to one of the two donation pits - it wasn't (frankly I thought that donated gold didn't go to the donation pits, but she said the VE stuff does, so what do I know?). 

So next time I get a whiner, I'll just find out if it's a LH script and if so, I'll just point them your way.  I've got enough on my plate.   Also, I should point out to anyone that if you're asked to try a new item - I'd think twice about it because of things like above.