Author Topic: Medit  (Read 12972 times)

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Offline Kvetch

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« on: September 13, 2009, 02:40:58 pm »
I can't find any specific guides on these.  I think I asked Molly a while back (we're talking years here) and I believe I got some answers, though where those answers have disappeared to, who knows.  I also know I pestered Horus about something and will post his answer here to help out everyone possible.

My main questions concern the NPC flags.  The ones I know, I'll fill out.  The ones I don't, I'll put question marks (??) and a note by it and hopefully someone can answer.

1) SPEC  (?? You know, I never use this and have no idea what it is)                 
2) SENTINEL    - this means that 1) the mob will stay where it loads or 2) if it's following someone it will not wander
3) SCAVENGER  - It picks EVERYTHING it can up off the ground.  Good for those sweepers.           
4) ISNPC  - every mob IS an NPC so this should be on every mob - btw: what happens if you don't put this on a mob?
5) AWARE (?? - not quite sure what this flag is for or when to use it)                 
6) AGGR   - this mob would be aggro to everyone.             
7) STAY-ZONE  - This mob obviously will not leave it's zone (?? does this mean it cannot be charmed to leave its zone?)           
8) WIMPY  - mob is a wimp, will flee once it hits a certain amount of hp (?? does anyone know the exact amount of hp?)               
9) AGGR_EVIL - mob is aggro to anyone with alignment between -1000 and -350 (considered evil)           
10) AGGR_GOOD   - mob is aggro to anyone with alignment between 350 and 1000 (considered good)
11) AGGR_NEUTRAL   - mob is aggro to anyone with alignment between -350 and 350 (considered neutral)
12) MEMORY  (?? I think this is that the mob remembers the player that attacked it - but is it only the last and am I right at all about that?)
13) HELPER  - mob helps the person/mob in the room that is the closest in alignment to it (yes, this means there are ways around this if you want a mob to help a specific mob in the room you better script it)             
14) !CHARM   - mob can not be charmed             
15) !SUMMN   - mob can not be summoned             
16) !SLEEP     - mob can not be put to sleep (?? does this include sweetdreams?)
17) !BASH     - mob can not be bashed           
18) !BLIND     - this mob can not be blinded           
19) MOUNTABLE  - mob can be mounted (get your mind outta the gutters!) and rode as a mount           
20) !PUSH      - mob can not be pushed           
21) REMOVE-THIS-FLAG  - I'm just assuming this is a "do not use" flag so don't put it on any mob.
22) !SHOOT    - mob can not be shot (?? does this include ranged spells AND bows/guns?)
23) !POISON    - mob can not be poisoned
24) EDIBLE     (?? I'm guessing that you would be able to eat the mob, but what exactly would that do?)
25) SKINABLE   - mob can be skinned (if you use this you must have a skin object made that the player would get if they skinned the mob - yes, anyone CAN use the skill skin).
26) UNUSED   - empty for future use?             
27) UNUSED   - empty for future use?
28) UNDEAD   - Mob is undead (?? there is also a mob:class undead - how do these relate?)
29) !FREEZE   - Mob can not be frozen
30) CAN_MATE    - Mob can mate (and produce baby mobs).  Last I knew, was not implemented yet so do not use.
31) NOTDEADYET  (?? REally?  why put this on a living mob?)
32) POISONS 1  - I'm assuming that mob has the ability to poison using poison1 (like small snakes)
33) POISONS 2  - I'm assuming that mob has the ability to poison using poison2 (like larger snakes)           
34) AIR       -(???)                 
35) WATER   - (???)
36) FIRE      - (???)   
37) EARTH   -(???)             
38) HERD    (???)             
39) SWIMS  - the mob swims (assume this is needed for those mobs in water like fish?)               
40) WIZINVIS  - the mob is wizinvis which means no-one will see it other than immorts - though if they react to a trigger or anything, players can find out about them.
41) STAY_SECTOR   - mob stays in the sector type it loads in (this is actually stronger than a !mob room.  Mobs can actually flee into !mob rooms but will not flee into different sector rooms (if I remember something Mord said correctly))
42) HEALER  - Mob is a healer (what exactly does this mean?  Are there specific spells it casts?  Is it like the healer in the  4D Inn where you can pay to have it cast certain spells?  Is there any way to change the spells the healer mob casts - and the cost of them?)               
43) POSTMASTER - mob is a postmaster - like Barts dog east of recall           
44) QUESTMOB   - (??? - really not sure when to use this or if there is any special meaning behind it.  I don't put questmob on my mobs that have quests.  Should I be?)

Other things of note:
Mob Class:
0) Normal - I assume there is nothing special about this mob and it will do no special attacks
 1) Undead - mob is undead - certain things do not affect it (will be listed at the end of this)
 2) Caster - mob casts spells (what spells and is there any reason to really use this?  Anything in the code to back up using this?  You still seem to need to use dg_cast to actually cast a spell - at least that was my experiance when I tried to use this.)
 3) Fighter - mob is a fighter class (?? He can do fighter type skills?  but I've had class fighters do rogue type skills as well)
 4) Rogue - mob is a rogue (?? but seems to be able to do some fighter type skills)
 5) Animal - mob is an animal (?? - nope, other than the fact it's not humanoid I don't know why to place this on an animal instead of normal)

Undead mobs are not affected by:
soul smash, demon shreak, burning skull, heart squeeze, facemelt

I dont' know if this means under mob class (which is what I'd asked the person that looked it up) or choice #28 in the NPC flags.  Or if you need both to have a real undead.

I'd like to have a real "how to build mobs" guidelines, but can't do it without answers. 
Thanks to all that read this.


Offline Iwku

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Re: Medit
« Reply #1 on: September 13, 2009, 06:32:22 pm »
I can answer a few of your questions.  :)

1. SPEC - See 4D Builders Manual under the section 'Special Mobs'. "The mob_spec in Circle, like Healer, Trainer, Innkeeper, thief, janitor, etc must all be hardcoded. Make the mob, reset it in the room, then ask a coder to put it into the code for you. DO Not use the option 'spec' under L in medit, this will only mess up the mob". Then it lists all the special mobs.

From the Builder Resources section of the 4D website, under Flags & Spec, Mob Flags:

5. AWARE - "Mobs can't be backstabbed or stolen from".
8. WIMPY - "Mobs will autoflee when hp drops below 25%".
24. EDIBLE - "Mobs can be filited and eaten (use with sense)".
41. STAY SECTOR - "(use on fish or similar)".

44. QUEST MOBS - "Sets all the relevant questflags automatically (det invi, infra, etc)".

A while back I asked Molly about the quest flag, if it should be put on all mobs that are part of the quest (ie. those having useful information/clues) or just on the mob that gives out the quest item at the end. She said "It's really irritating for players. if they forgot they were invis or sneaking and then a quest mob doesn't give the item or info that it should. (And it's even more irritating for imm, when they claim the quest is broken, and we spend time checking it for bugs, and end up finding that the player was just invisible. All quest related mobs should really have detect_invis and sense_life, and since the Flag Quest sets that automatically, it's the easiest one to use".

Mob Class: (5) Animal - might be chosen to ensure the animal doesn't carry gold.

Offline Kvetch

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Re: Medit
« Reply #2 on: September 13, 2009, 06:55:30 pm »
I can answer a few of your questions.  :)

1. SPEC - See 4D Builders Manual under the section 'Special Mobs'. "The mob_spec in Circle, like Healer, Trainer, Innkeeper, thief, janitor, etc must all be hardcoded. Make the mob, reset it in the room, then ask a coder to put it into the code for you. DO Not use the option 'spec' under L in medit, this will only mess up the mob". Then it lists all the special mobs.

24. EDIBLE - "Mobs can be filited and eaten (use with sense)".

Mob Class: (5) Animal - might be chosen to ensure the animal doesn't carry gold.

About Spec - The coders will love this.  I guess I'll have to look up and see what all of those mob_specs are, I may need a few of them - then a coder to stick them on.
Edible - erm... hopefully after they're killed... Though I'd like to note that you can get filets off things that don't have this flag - Rjak did it last night to a fly that I *KNOW* doesn't have this flag (he was a thief at the time).

Mob class: Animal - actually, the "not carrying gold" is taken out by using the Mob race: Animal, not mob class: animal
So.. what's the difference between the two?

Thanks for your time Iwku.  I'll go looking in the other printed info for some more answers.  I do want to try to get all of this info together so we can have a mob building manual to hand out so we don't have to go "I think I read that somewhere" and then go look for it..  :)
For mob races, the choice is humanoid, animal and exotic.  Exotic is SUPPOSED to make it so you don't hit "arms, legs", etc when you fight.  Does it work?  I'm not sure, I've not adventured in quite some time.